William Shakespeare – a genius or a fraud
Hana Stojanović Since the beginning of time people have had the need to write about the things they are surrounded by. With time, writing stopped being just a way to make the time pass by and became a full-time job. In today’s world, William Shakespeare is considered to be the best writer in the history of humankind, leaving us with great comedies and tragedies, stories of love and hate. However, in the last century and a half the question of Shakespearean authorship has provoked suspicion among many...
Willingness to Commmunicate and Oral Proficiency in EFL
Mirijam Filipović This study examined the relationship between willingness to communicate (WTC), perceived communication competence (PCC) and oral language proficiency (OLP) in English as a foreign language. More precisely, the correlations between these variables were explored. Comparisons indicate that there are statistically significant positive correlations between willingness to communicate and oral language proficiency, and between perceived communication competence and oral language proficiency,...
Wilma Vukelichs "Spuren der Vergangenheit" als Autobiografie
Ivka Lukić Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die autobiografische Elemente in den Vukelichs Memoiren Spuren der Vergangenheit zu identifizieren. Die Begriffe Autobiografe und Memoiren werden oft synonymisch benutzt, sodass es schwer ist, eine klare Abgrenzung zu finden. Deswegen werden in dieser Arbeit die Unterschiede detailliert untersucht. Bevor aber die Analyse durgeführt werden kann, man soll zuerst eine konkrete Definition von beiden geben. Nachdem die Definitionen bekannt sind, soll festgestellt...
Winston Churchill i Drugi svjetski rat
Petrica Aleksić Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill osoba je od iznimne važnosti za tijek Drugog svjetskog rata, pa i same povijesti. Počevši od godina neposredno prije rata upozoravao je na rastuću opasnost njemačkog ubrzanog naoružavanja, prvenstveno u obliku užurbane proizvodnje zrakoplovstva. Po početku rata povjerena mu je najviša politička dužnost – ona premijera.Velika Britanija se pod njegovim vodstvom u prvim godinama sukoba sama suprotstavljala moći njemačkog ratnog stroja....
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Analyse des Beitrags "Korpusbasierte Analyse der Semantik von Idiomen" von Katerina Stathi
Martina Pucelj Diese Abschlussarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens. Die Struktur besteht aus zwei großen Teilen. Im ersten Teil wird die theoretische Grundlage für das Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit angegeben. Alle Elemente werden einzeln untersucht und deren Funktion und Wichtigkeit werden erörtert. Danach, im zweiten Teil, wird Katerina Stathis Beitrag Korpusbasierte Analyse der Semantik von Idiomen gründlich analysiert und nach den Kriterien, die in...
Wizarding Idioms in Harry Potter Books and Their Croatian Translations
Daniela Huseinović Readers throughout the world have been astounded by the "Harry Potter" book series. A story about a magical world, that has its own culture, traditions, and most importantly, language form. Wizarding idioms are idioms that were created by the author, especially for Harry Potter’s magical world. These idioms were taken from actual English idioms with the same meaning, indicating their genuine origin. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an idiom is a phrase that is specific to a certain...
Wolf Durians "Kai aus der Kiste" und die gleichnamige Verfilmung Guenter Meyers. Ein Vergleich
Sabine Wengert In dieser Diplomarbeit wurde Durians Kinderbuch Kai aus der Kiste mit der gleichnamigen
Filmadaption Meyers verglichen und interpretiert. Die Art der Adaption des Films ist die
Adaption als Illustration, d. h. man versucht dem Inhalt des Buches treu zu sein, dennoch sind
Differenzierungen zwischen dem Film und Buch vorhanden. Deshalb ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit
herauszufinden, inwiefern diese Differenzierungen in diesen beiden Werken vorhanden sind. Der
Film wurde in 46...
Women Characters in A Game of Thrones
Ivana Varga A Song of Ice and Fire is a saga written by George R.R. Martin and was made famous when it was adopted into a HBO show titled as the first book in the series, Game of Thrones. Given its popularity and worldwide recognition, it is a wonder that so few scholarly studies have been done on the novel and so this paper will attempt to rectify that. This paper focuses on the female characters because of their importance to the plot but also because they point out George R.R. Martin’s contribution...
Women Characters in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and Northanger Abbey
Andrea Laban At the time when Jane Austen lived and worked, being a female novelist was not appreciated, therefore she never gained acknowledgment during her lifetime; nowadays, she is considered to be one of the most prominent names in English literature. She is known for her distinct social commentary, e.g. her novel Sense and Sensibility mirrors the patriarchal English society of the early nineteenth century and provides an impeccable insight into the position of women, who were at the time deprived...