
Englische Lehnwörter der Mode im Deutschen
Englische Lehnwörter der Mode im Deutschen
Žaklina Debeljak
Die Wortbildung ist ein Prozess der dazu dient neue Wörter aus vorhandenen zu bilden,neue Gegenstände und Begriffe zu benennen wie Waschmaschine oder Kreditpunktsystem. Die Entlehnung ist ein Prozess innerhalb der Wortbildung, in demWörter aus einer anderen Sprache übernommen werden. In diesem Prozess unterscheiden wir zwischen Fremdwörtern und Lehnwörtern. Ein Fremdwort ist eine phono-morphologische oder grapisch noch nicht vollintegrierte (adoptierte) lexikalische Entlehnung. Ein...
English Language and Literature Majors' Attitudes and Motivation
English Language and Literature Majors' Attitudes and Motivation
Tomislav Hajduković
This paper focuses on the research of attitudes and motivation among English Language and Literature majors in Osijek, Croatia. The theoretical part of the paper gives an overview of the theoretical background of the topic and of the aspects most relevant for this paper, including definitions of key terms and reference to the most recent conclusions and theories based on foreign language research worldwide and in Croatia. The experimental part describes the research carried out among English...
English Phrases and Idioms with Personal Names and their Croatian Equivalents
English Phrases and Idioms with Personal Names and their Croatian Equivalents
Petra Bešlić
Language is the most important part of human communication. People use language to share their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and problems. In order to be more effective and interesting, languages are rich in various expressions. One of the most interesting ways of expressing is by using idioms. An idiom is an expression or “a set phrase of two or more words that means something different from the literal meaning of the individual words” (The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms). Idioms...
English as the Medium of Instruction
English as the Medium of Instruction
Brigita Miling
English is undeniably the lingua franca of the world today and it has become a big part of education on a global scale. Higher education (HE) worldwide is increasingly seeking to internationalise their institutions through the implementation of English as a medium of instruction (EMI). The current study seeks to gain a better insight into university students’ attitudes towards EMI and their self-evaluation on preparedness for EMI. Results show that most students evaluate their competencies...
English idioms from American television series Gotham and their equivalents in German and Croatian
English idioms from American television series Gotham and their equivalents in German and Croatian
Ivona Milos
This research is based on the analysis of idioms from American television series Gotham in three languages: English as the source language and German and Croatian as two target languages. The corpus of this research consists of 15 randomly extracted idioms from the series. The research is divided in three major parts. The first part contains a theoretical background on what is phraseology and phraseological units, as idiom is one of the types of phraseological units, and how are they...
English idioms of Scottish origin and their equivalents in Croatian
English idioms of Scottish origin and their equivalents in Croatian
Lidija Funtek
Phraseology is a field of study that investigates a set of linguistic units called phraseological units. These units are expressions which consist of at least two independent words. Such expressions can be idioms, proverbs or any phrase which may carry connotations and have an empathic or intensifying function in a text (Fiedler 2007: 23). Every language has its own idioms and proverbs which enrich it and give the language more colourful and personal note. Standard English language on its...
English multi-word verbs expressing the concept of PERSUASION, and their Croatian counterparts
English multi-word verbs expressing the concept of PERSUASION, and their Croatian counterparts
Ana Rajković
This paper provides a brief overview of the types of multi-word verbs in English language. The types of multi-word verbs are phrasal, prepositional, and phrasal-prepositional. The paper touches upon each of the types while specifically focusing on multi-word verbs expressing the concept of PERSUASION. The analysis of the verbs includes the classification of said verbs by type as well as their usage in sentences, their definitions and Croatian counterparts as well as possible translational...
English multi-word verbs with the particle OUT, and their Croatian counterparts
English multi-word verbs with the particle OUT, and their Croatian counterparts
Ivana Šplihal
This paper focuses on the multi-word verbs with the particle out not only by covering important theoretical aspects of those verbs, but also by analysing them, testing them and comparing them with their Croatian counterparts. The term ‘multi-word verb’ indicates a combination of a verb with either one or more particles – prepositions and adverbs and can be further narrowed down by saying it breaks down into phrasal, prepositional and phrasal prepositional verbs. A synecdoche...
English neologisms in social media: a linguistic analysis
English neologisms in social media: a linguistic analysis
Patricia Orolić
The internet has made it easier for new words and phrases to enter the language of communication. Neologisms are essential to a language because they keep it modern. The discussion and analysis of English neologisms from the social media platforms TikTok and Twitter are the main goals of this thesis. On social media platforms, abbreviations, clipping, compounding, blending, coinage, and semantic shift are the most frequently used word formation processes. The major motivation for using...
Engrish: English Influence on East Asian Languages
Engrish: English Influence on East Asian Languages
Ines Trusk
In this paper I will reflect on the influence English language has had on the Japanese language ever since it came into contact with it through the explanation of certain linguistic changes that occurred over time as the language found its way into the Japanese culture. I will also discuss its use and misuse in mass media and explain what the term Engrish encompasses, as well as introduce new terms related to Engrish and clarify some of the most common mistakes and prejudices people tend to...
Enkulturacija i oblikovanje identiteta djeteta rođenog u inozemstvu
Enkulturacija i oblikovanje identiteta djeteta rođenog u inozemstvu
Antea Babić
Enkulturacija je proces putem kojeg pojedinac usvaja kulturne vrijednosti, običaje, jezik i norme svoje društvene zajednice. Za taj proces nužno je posjedovanje interkulturalnih kompetencija, odnosno vještina, stavova i znanja koje su potrebne za uspješno komuniciranje s pripadnicima različitih kultura. Djeca koja su rođena u inozemstvu često teže pronalaze svoj etnički identitet zbog mnogih čimbenika koji utječu na njega, poput obitelji, škole, osobnih karakteristika i jezika....
Entehrte Mädchen in Werken des Sturm und Drangs am Beispiel von Heinrich Leopold Wagners Die Kindermörderin
Entehrte Mädchen in Werken des Sturm und Drangs am Beispiel von Heinrich Leopold Wagners Die Kindermörderin
Lucia Rajić
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Drama Die Kindermörderin von Heinrich Leopold Wagner. Das Ziel ist es, die Funktion des entehrten Mädchens Anhand von Evchen, der Hauptgestallt im Drama, zu erläutern. Zuerst wird der sozialgeschichtliche Kontext des Sturm und Drangs erklärt und die Lage der Frau im 18. Jahrhundert erläutert, um eventuelle Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem entehrten Mädchen aus dem Drama festzustellen. Im Hauptteil wird etwas über Wagners Leben und sein Schaffen...
