The Destruction of Southern Patriarchal Values in William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury
Petra Mađerek The Sound and the Fury is one of the most complex novels of William Faulkner and of Southern literature in general. The themes of the novel are numerous, yet the theme this BA paper is focused on the most is the death and destruction of the traditional South and its ideals. The destruction will be shown through the analysis of the novel’s main characters’ tragic fates. The concluding chapter of the paper brings a note of optimism for the survival of the traditional Southern ideals.
The Development of Figurative Competence of Students of English
Matej Adlešić Figurative competence refers to the ability to understand and interpret figurative speech – in other words, utterances such as metaphors and metonymy, which are cases in which we use certain words to express something different from what we literally said. These expressions serve as ways to say ordinary things in extraordinary ways, which have to be properly used by speakers (or writers) and properly decoded by listeners (or readers) in order to have the desired effect. As students get...
The Development of the Speaking Skill: a textbook analysis
Lada Dumančić This paper focuses on the development of the speaking skill in English as a foreign language in the elementary school. The research was done on the corpus of tasks compiled on the basis of the analysis of the “Dip In” textbooks and workbooks for English as a foreign language in primary school. The paper contains two main parts. The first part deals with the theoretical background related to the speaking skill and the second part describes the research regarding the speaking tasks in the...
The Digital Age of Feminism
Lucija Belošević Since the inception of the feminist movement, literature has been an invaluable tool in spreading its messages of equality and liberation, as well as immortalizing the observations and conclusions made by the women who have spearheaded the movement. Over the centuries, the works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, bell hooks and so many more have shaped feminist thought and the course of the movement at large. In the recent years, feminists have begun to find their...
The Distortion of the American Dream
Dubravka Dubravac The paper will deal with the distortion of values of the American Dream when put into practice. Firstly, it will trace back the origin of the term of the American Dream, and define its meaning. Secondly, it will evaluate the main tenets of the American Dream stressing the positive as well as the negative sides of concept. Thirdly, it will give an in depth analysis of the play Death of a Salesman written by Arthur Miller in relation to the distorted values of the American Dream. In the end,...
The Dominant Culture and the Identity of Post-Indian Warrior in Zitkala-Sa's Works
Marta Bezjak This paper explores the creation of the post-Indian warrior identity in Zitkala-Sas literary work American Indian Stories. It analyzes the work of the author and extracts the elements of post-Indian warrior of survivance identity from it. The paper puts the authors work into the context of survivance narratives by describing its features and by providing examples from the work. The post-Indian warrior of survivance identity is built on the resistance to the dominant culture and the new...
The Downfall of Mankind in H.G.Wells's "The Time Machine"
Jasmin Prišć Time travelling is a common theme of many writers and scientists. George Herbart Wells describes his vision of the future in his novel The Time Machine. The hero of the novel, Time Traveller, meets unusual creatures and starts to interact with them. Eloi and Morlocks resemble humans to a certain extent, but further inspection will show how significant the difference between them and today's people is. The hierarchy between the two races turns out to be more complicated than the Time...
The Dystopian Elements in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games
Andrea Nikoloso Suzanne Collins’s most popular work The Hunger Games, published in 2008, is the first novel in The Hunger Games trilogy. Although the entire trilogy contains the elements of dystopia, the first novel in the trilogy best explains how the dystopian universe that Suzanne Collins created works. The aim of this paper is to single out the dystopian elements in The Hunger Games and to explain how they work in the narrative space of the novel. The dystopian elements that are going to be discussed...
The Dystopian World of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games
Vlatko Macanić The paper analyzes general dystopian features and interprets them in Hunger Games trilogy. Although the trilogy is categorized as a young adult adventure fiction by default, it manages to successfully incorporate numerous features that are characteristic for the dystopian genre of literature. Considering that, the first chapter serves as an introduction to the dystopian world of Hunger Games and describes its basic structure. This chapter explores the roles of the society and its...
The Effect of Self-corrections on the Quality of the Translated Text
Nikolina Gajić The aim of this thesis was to test whether the amount of self-corrections would influence the quality of the translated text. Study was conducted on nine students of translation studies who translated texts of intermediate difficulty in keylogging software Translog II from English into Croatian. After self-corrections were categorised and counted, it was found that the most frequent types of self-corrections were word substitution and spelling, which are thought to be the result of...
The Elements of Contemporary Technological Dystopia in Dave Eggers' The Circle and TV Series Black Mirror
Jana Matuško With the increasing use and development of technology, the interest in technological dystopias is increasing as well. Literary and TV dystopias are used as cautionary tales for what may come in the future and a wake-up call for what is happening in the present. Dave Eggers’ The Circle is a novel about a technological company that has all the means to improve humanity but takes it too far and turns the society into a dystopian one with constant surveillance, tracking devices, mandatory...
The Elements of Fairy Tale and the Atypical Transformation of Protagonists in Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle
Tihana Najdert Works of modern times are no longer limited to one genre, but rather many are fusions of several genres. Diane Wynne Jones’s fantasy novel Howl’s Moving Castle is no exception to this occurrence, its plot structure bearing some evident similarities to that of a fairy tale. The first few pages of the novel reveal the magical land of Ingary whose inhabitants live amongst wizards, witches, and magical items, but also warn us about Sophie Hatter’s gloomy fate, her being the eldest of three...