
The Downfall of Mankind in H.G.Wells's "The Time Machine"
The Downfall of Mankind in H.G.Wells's "The Time Machine"
Jasmin Prišć
Time travelling is a common theme of many writers and scientists. George Herbart Wells describes his vision of the future in his novel The Time Machine. The hero of the novel, Time Traveller, meets unusual creatures and starts to interact with them. Eloi and Morlocks resemble humans to a certain extent, but further inspection will show how significant the difference between them and today's people is. The hierarchy between the two races turns out to be more complicated than the Time...
The Dystopian Elements in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games
The Dystopian Elements in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games
Andrea Nikoloso
Suzanne Collins’s most popular work The Hunger Games, published in 2008, is the first novel in The Hunger Games trilogy. Although the entire trilogy contains the elements of dystopia, the first novel in the trilogy best explains how the dystopian universe that Suzanne Collins created works. The aim of this paper is to single out the dystopian elements in The Hunger Games and to explain how they work in the narrative space of the novel. The dystopian elements that are going to be discussed...
The Dystopian World of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games
The Dystopian World of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games
Vlatko Macanić
The paper analyzes general dystopian features and interprets them in Hunger Games trilogy. Although the trilogy is categorized as a young adult adventure fiction by default, it manages to successfully incorporate numerous features that are characteristic for the dystopian genre of literature. Considering that, the first chapter serves as an introduction to the dystopian world of Hunger Games and describes its basic structure. This chapter explores the roles of the society and its...
The Effect of Self-corrections on the Quality of the Translated Text
The Effect of Self-corrections on the Quality of the Translated Text
Nikolina Gajić
The aim of this thesis was to test whether the amount of self-corrections would influence the quality of the translated text. Study was conducted on nine students of translation studies who translated texts of intermediate difficulty in keylogging software Translog II from English into Croatian. After self-corrections were categorised and counted, it was found that the most frequent types of self-corrections were word substitution and spelling, which are thought to be the result of...
The Elements of Contemporary Technological Dystopia in Dave Eggers' The Circle and TV Series Black Mirror
The Elements of Contemporary Technological Dystopia in Dave Eggers' The Circle and TV Series Black Mirror
Jana Matuško
With the increasing use and development of technology, the interest in technological dystopias is increasing as well. Literary and TV dystopias are used as cautionary tales for what may come in the future and a wake-up call for what is happening in the present. Dave Eggers’ The Circle is a novel about a technological company that has all the means to improve humanity but takes it too far and turns the society into a dystopian one with constant surveillance, tracking devices, mandatory...
The Elements of Fairy Tale and the Atypical Transformation of Protagonists in Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle
The Elements of Fairy Tale and the Atypical Transformation of Protagonists in Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle
Tihana Najdert
Works of modern times are no longer limited to one genre, but rather many are fusions of several genres. Diane Wynne Jones’s fantasy novel Howl’s Moving Castle is no exception to this occurrence, its plot structure bearing some evident similarities to that of a fairy tale. The first few pages of the novel reveal the magical land of Ingary whose inhabitants live amongst wizards, witches, and magical items, but also warn us about Sophie Hatter’s gloomy fate, her being the eldest of three...
The Elements of Quest Myth in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
The Elements of Quest Myth in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Gordana Antolović
In this paper the analysis is made to trace the stages of quest myth defined by Joseph Campbell. Originally there are seventeen stages, while in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness are found eleven of these stages. They are the following: the call to adventure, supernatural aid, the crossing of the first threshold, the belly of the whale, the meeting of the goddess, the ultimate boon, refusal of return, magic flight, the crossing of the return threshold, master of the two worlds and freedom...
The English Disease: The British Influence on the Development of European Hooliganism
The English Disease: The British Influence on the Development of European Hooliganism
Tomislav Stojanović
A growing phenomenon of troublesome hooligans who worship the game of football has evolved from a safety hazard to an organized group with its own hierarchy. English firms and hooligans were the first to massively influence fans all over the European continent and spread the infamous “English disease.” Going to a football match and letting off steam soon became the number one activity for young men who were still finding their place in the post-war world. These, now sophisticated...
The English Pronunciation Teaching: EFL Learners' and Teachers' Perspective
The English Pronunciation Teaching: EFL Learners' and Teachers' Perspective
Ana Rajković
This study focuses on EFL learners’ and teachers’ perspectives of, pronunciation teaching, but also of pronunciation and accent in general, because of their importance and connection with pronunciation teaching in foreign language. The participants in the study were high school learners and teachers from Grammar school in Vinkovci, Croatia. The results have shown that the learners are keen on perfecting their pronunciation to sound as native-like as possible, but that they also do not...
The Evolution and Significance of American Culture and Its Impact on the Cultures of the World
The Evolution and Significance of American Culture and Its Impact on the Cultures of the World
Izabela Tomakić
This paper explores the development of the United States from the colonial period to the present, with a particular emphasis on its reputation as the land of opportunity and global superpower. The bright side of America based on the promises of the founding principles and basic traditional values has been the source of unsurpassed national pride and admiration by much of the world. However, the dark side of America has dimmed the beacon of democracy which has been overshadowed by instances...
The Fall of Icarus in Modern Literature
The Fall of Icarus in Modern Literature
Ana Stipić
In its original form The Story of Daedalus and Icarus is a synonym for people who are too ambitious and therefore they end up losing everything. The lesson is that we should be moderate in every situation. Bruegel gives a different perspective by connecting the fall with human ignorance and thus he inspires modern poets to write about the painting. Auden uses many metaphors and, inspired by the fall, he depicts the fall of humankind. Williams with his brief but effective poem gives a...
The Fallen Angels in Milton's Paradise Lost
The Fallen Angels in Milton's Paradise Lost
Biljana Ježik
Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by the seventeenth-century poet John Milton, in which the poet symbolically describes the fall of man beginning with the fall of the angels. This paper focuses only on Book 1 of Miltons Paradise Lost in order to describe how the fallen angels are depicted in the poem, and what they represent today. Many of the angels that rebelled against God have throughout the history of mankind established their own religions where they are worshiped by Non-Christian...
