Analiza tržišta rada informatičkih tvrtki kao potencionalnih posloprimatelja studenata informatologije
Iva Adžaga Nakon suočavanja s početkom gospodarske krize u državi, informatičke tvrtke u Hrvatskoj doživljavaju svoj uzlet okrećući se stranom tržištu gdje počinju ostvarivati veći dio svojih prihoda. Osobito se u kratkom razdoblju razvija osječko tržište informatičkih tvrtki zbog sve većeg broja tvrtki i zaposlenika na tom području koji uspješno posluju na stranom tržištu i međusobnom suradnjom usmjeravaju pažnju na razvitak domaćeg tržišta. Informatičke tvrtke su često u...
Analiza čimbenika za ostvarivanje kvalitetne osnovne škole
Željka Kopić Kvaliteta je u odgoju i obrazovanju složen pojam te nije moguće nabrojati sve čimbenike kvalitetnog odgoja i obrazovanja u osnovnim školama, stoga se u radu iznose temeljni čimbenici kvalitetne škole. Anketiranjem su ispitani čimbenici koji utječu na kvalitetno ostvarivanje osnovne škole. Anketirano je 160 učenika osnovnih škola, 34 nastavnika, 6 stručnih suradnika i 4 ravnatelja osnovnih škola. Utvrđeno je kako u današnjim osnovnim školama prevladavaju tradicionalni oblici,...
Analyse der Grammatikübungen in DaF-Lehrwerken für die Mittelschule
Ana Keglević Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Analyse von Grammatikübungen in DaF-Lehrwerken für die Mittelschule. Die Arbeit ist in vier große Abschnitte gegliedert. Den ersten Teil nimmt die Einführung ein, danach folgt die Theorie, die Beschreibung der Untersuchung bzw. der Analyse und das Schlusswort. Grammatik ist bei Lernern meist unbeliebt und gilt als schwer und langweilig. Da Lehrwerke eines der wichtigsten Utensilien im Fremdsprachenunterricht sind, Grammatik aber unumstritten eine wichtige...
Analyse der führenden maschinellen Übersetzungsplattformen
Tadej Grlić Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung der maschinellen Übersetzung und erläutert die grundlegende Terminologie. Außerdem werden die Unterschiede zwischen „maschineller“ und „computerunterstützter Übersetzung“ erwähnt und einzelne maschinelle Übersetzungsmodelle erläutert. Der Grund für den Einsatz maschineller Übersetzung und die Herausforderungen, die solche Systeme mit sich bringen, sind ebenfalls ein wichtiger Teil der Arbeit. Das Ziel ist es...
Analyse von Lesetexten in DaF-Lehrbüchern für die Grundschule
Anamarija Vučković Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der Analyse und dem Vergleich von Lesetexten aus fünfzehn Lehrbüchern für Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Wahlfach in der Grundschule. Texte aus drei Lehrbuchserien wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die kognitive Reife, den Schwierigkeitsgrad und den Sprachfortschritt der SchülerInnen analysiert, einschließlich Texttyp, Aussehen des Textes und Kohärenz. Anschließend wurden die thematischen Inhalte und Aufgaben für die SchülerInnen bei...
Analysis of Errors in Translating English-Croatian False Pairs
Doris Golubović Because of their existence in almost all languages, false pairs represent a hindrance even to trained interpreters and advanced learners, but especially to the ones who are not familiar with them. Therefore, they are an interesting and frequent topic of numerous articles and research papers. This paper presents an overview of errors which occur among students of English language when translating English-Croatian false pairs. Moreover, considering the existing research in this field, this...
Analysis of Metaphors and Metonymies in 'The 1975's Lyrics
Irena Iličević Metaphor and metonymy had been one of the main topics of cognitive linguistics since Lakoff and Johnson’s publication of Metaphors We Live By in 1980. As they had set the basis of understanding these two conceptual mechanisms, a new wave of interest arose, as poetic metaphor became more and more prominent in poetry, therefore music too. The traditional examples of conceptual metaphors and metonymy were now replaced with new and intriguing ones. This is becoming clear when listening to the...
Analysis of Morphological, Syntactic and Other Errors in Simultaneous Interpretation from English into Croatian
Aleksandra Živković The paper focuses on the morphological, syntactic and other errors (such as omissions, additions and substitutions) occurring in the simultaneous interpretations of English Language and Literature students majoring in Translation and Interpretation and searches for and analyses these types of errors in the context of their interpretations from English into Croatian. Students participating in the study, i.e. the subjects, are graduates of The Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek and their...
Analysis of Screen Translation of Slang
Jelena Mesić This paper focuses on the screen translation of slang. It attempts to define slang, and give an insight into various aspects of it. In order to fully understand the nature of slang and its background it is necessary to give a historic overview and to explain functions that slang has in a language. There are various reasons why people use slang, and those can be divided into personal or social. When it comes to translation, there are several methods used to help us solve translation problems....
Analysis of Teacher Feedback on EFL Learners' Written Production
Renata Štajner This paper explores the usage of several types of teacher written corrective feedback, as well as their relationship to different types of learner errors and grades. Is consists of two main parts: theoretical and research part. The theoretical part is concerned with the definition of written corrective feedback, writing in EFL classrooms and error correction related to feedback. Research in the field is also presented. The second part of the paper deals with research conducted on teacher...