
Firenca - prijestolnica talijanske renesanse
Firenca - prijestolnica talijanske renesanse
Siniša Tot
Firenca je jedan od najstarijih gradova na Apeninskom poluotoku. Glavni je grad pokrajine Toskane u Italiji. Svoj najveći razvoj Firenca doživljava u razdoblju renesanse. Renesansa se najprije razvila u Firenci u 14. stoljeću. Polovicom 15. stoljeća se počela širiti po ostalim gradovima Apeninskog poluotoka, a sredinom 16. stoljeća i izvan Italije po cijeloj Europi. Razdoblje renesanse u Firenci naziva se rana renesansa, a širenje po ostalim gradovima Italije i Europe je veći dio...
Fizički prostor knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku: stanje i očekivanja
Fizički prostor knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku: stanje i očekivanja
Luka Marijanović
Cilj diplomskog rada je dati pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su vezana uz ponašanje korisnika pri korištenju prostorija visokoškolskih knjižnica te provesti slično istraživanje u prostorijama knjižnice Filozofskog fakulteta u Osijeku. Većina dosada provedenih istraživanja u prostorima visokoškolskih knjižnica pokazala su kako prosječna zauzetost prostorija uvelike ovisi o uređenju prostora i opremi same knjižnice. Primjerice, istraživanja unutar visokoškolske...
Flappers in Modernist Novels
Flappers in Modernist Novels
Dorotea Drnasin
A flapper was a new type of woman in the early twentieth century in the United States. Sexually freer than the previous generations of American women, they were driven by the need to challenge social norms of the time set for women. Their courage and persistence in changing the woman’s status inspired many authors, including the most famous representatives of American modernist literature – F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and William Faulkner. All three authors have incorporated...
Flora i fauna u Habdelićevu rječniku
Flora i fauna u Habdelićevu rječniku
Bojana Stećuk
Ovaj rad donosi istraživanje rječnika Jurja Habdelića iz 1670. Dictionar ili Reči slovenske i to dijela njegova rječničkog blaga koje se odnosi na biljni i životinjski svijet. Prikazuje isusovca Habdelića koji je pod utjecajem svoga reda ipak unio u svoja djela i dašak svjetovnoga. Flora i fauna su zasigurno bile dijelom svakodnevnog života te pokazuju koliko ga je Habdelić poznavao.
Folklorni motivi u Ribanju i ribarskom prigovaranju Petra Hektorovića
Folklorni motivi u Ribanju i ribarskom prigovaranju Petra Hektorovića
Valentina Sabolić
Cilj je ovog seminarskog rada prikazati narodne i folklorne elemente koji se pojavljuju u djelu Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje. Djelo je bogato opisom materijalne kulturne baštine, a u njemu su sadržane i pjesme koje pripadaju hrvatskoj usmenoj književnosti. Bugarštice, počasnice, baladeskna pjesma, brojne pouke i mudre izreke te zagonetke djelu daju narodni duh. U radu je prikazan sav biljni inventar te reprezentativna pučka jela renesanse. Osim narodnih elemenata, rad prikazuje...
Folklorno pjesništvo
Folklorno pjesništvo
Karla Kolak
U ovome radu istražuje se što je folklor, folkloristika i folklorno pjesništvo. Folklor je književno stvaralaštvo koje je nastalo na temeljima usmene književnosti. Ono što čini folklor posebnim upravo je njegova sklonost promjenama koja nastaje zbog usmenog prenošenja. Folklor ima puno definicija no niti jedna ne može obuhvatiti folklor u cijelosti te zbog toga postoje poteškoće u definiranju folklora. Folklor se razvija paralelno sa književnošću te je zato bitno spomenuti...
Food idioms in English and their equivalents in Croatian
Food idioms in English and their equivalents in Croatian
Sabina Vukić
This research is an analysis of phraseological units which contain food in the English language and their equivalents in Croatian. The research consists of three major parts. The first part focuses on the theoretical background of phraseology and phraseological units. The second part consists of the explanation of methodology used in order to construct the corpus. The third part consists of an analysis of 28 phraseological units from the corpus which was constructed with the use of 14...
Fordítástechnikai műveletek a magyar és horvát reklámfordítások példáján
Fordítástechnikai műveletek a magyar és horvát reklámfordítások példáján
Ante Katić
A szakdolgozatban olyan fordításitechnikai műveleteket dolgozom fel, amelyek globáliscégek reklámkampányában és marketingjében fordulhatnak elő. A korpusz alapja a dm múlticég reklámkampányában és marketing anyagából választott példái (termékleírás, termék megnevezése, szlogenek, tippek, ajánlatok, szolgáltatások és más) összehasonlítása magyar, horvát és német nyelven, valamint a fordításitechnikai műveletek alkalmazása a hivatalos magyar, horvát...
Foreign Language Learners' Perception of Classroom Practice
Foreign Language Learners' Perception of Classroom Practice
Elena Džojić
The concept learners’ perception has already been analyzed in order to better understand other related concepts like anxiety or motivation, but the role of the teacher, as seen through the eyes of learners, is an area that is in need of more research. The present research deals with the perception of the teachers’ classroom practice. The main focus is on how learners experience teachers' actions and practice and if there are any differences between the English and German classes. The...
Foreign Language Listening Anxiety: The Relationship between Listening Anxiety and Success in Learning English as a Foreign Language
Foreign Language Listening Anxiety: The Relationship between Listening Anxiety and Success in Learning English as a Foreign Language
Lana Bede
Anxiety in general is a very complex psychological state which has been researched many times due to the fact that it is constantly present in all areas of people’s lives and that it influences them in many ways. As in every other area, anxiety is present in second language acquisition too. Although some researchers claim that anxiety can have a positive influence on language acquisition since it keeps learners alert and, it is the negative aspect that is constantly investigated by...
Foreign Language Writing Anxiety: A Comparative Study of English and German language
Foreign Language Writing Anxiety: A Comparative Study of English and German language
Sanja Vukelić
Anxiety is a rich research area. We differentiate between several types of anxiety such as foreign language anxiety, test anxiety, communication anxiety and more. Anxiety is also an area where opinions tend to collide. Some people believe that anxiety inhibits learners’ performance, while others believe that learners use anxiety as an excuse for not being prepared. This research dealt with a certain type of anxiety, that is foreign language writing anxiety. Students tend to develop this...
Forensic linguistics
Forensic linguistics
Vinko Žigmundovac
Forensic linguistics is a branch of applied linguistics that uses various linguistic methods in forensic context, usually in legal practice. The phrase was first used in 1960s by a linguist Jan Svartvik, who used its methods to study the statements in the case of a man falsely accused for murdering his wife and child. Since then, it has become quite common to use forensic linguistics in court of law. It is used in contract disputes, product liability, child sexual abuse interviews, perjury,...
