Corinne Hofmanns „Die weiße Massai“ und die gleichnamige Verfilmung von Hermine Huntgeburth
Nada Perić Corinne Hofmann, eine junge Schweizerin wollte in Kenia eigentlich nur einen Strandurlaub mit ihrem Freund machen. Doch das Schicksal entschied anders. Ganz unerwartet findet sie in diesem Land ihre große Liebe, für die sie alles aufgibt und in ihr geliebtes Afrika zieht.
Jahre später schreibt Hofmann ihre Lebensgeschichte auf. Das Buch wird zum Bestseller.
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Corinne Hofmanns Buch „Die weiße Massai“ und der gleichnamigen Verfilmung von...
Cornelia Funkes Tintenwelt-Trilogie und Iain Softleys Verfilmung des ersten Bandes "Tintenherz"
Lena Hadžiomerović Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den drei Büchern Tintenherz, Tintenblut und Tintentod, die die Tintenwelt-Trilogie der deutschen Autorin Cornelia Funke ausmachen, und dessen Verfilmung Tintenherz des englischen Regisseurs Iain Softley. Die Methoden der Filmanalyse werden am Anfang erwähnt. Es handelt sich um die Methoden der Komparatistik und des strukturalistischen Zugriffs auf sowohl die literarische Vorlage als auch deren Adaption. Daraufhin folgt die Buch- und Filmanalyse....
Critical Discourse Analysis of Online News Headlines in English Reporting on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Matej Pranjić This paper studies the degree of congruence between the headlines and text bodies in The Guardian and the Daily Mail reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic. The hypothesis is that The Guardian should be less sensationalist, less politically and negatively biased than the Daily Mail, as well as scoring a higher degree of congruence. The research is based on the framework provided by the approach of Critical Discourse Analysis. The paper first outlines the theoretical preliminaries necessary for...
Critical Discourse Analysis of the titles in online newspaper sources
Matej Pranjić This paper presents a short review of Critical Discourse Analysis and presents some general findings about the language of online news headlines. The paper first summarizes the theoretical and methodological elements of Critical Discourse Analysis as an approach to the study of language in use. Then it follows with a section on news and media discourse, and briefly details aspects of newspaper discourse and the specifics of news discourse in an online environment. The research in the paper...
Critical Evaluation of the Helen Doron Early English Method
Dora Rolj Kovačević This diploma paper describes and critically evaluates the features of the Helen Doron English method (HDEE). The HDEE method is a unique method for teaching babies, toddlers, and children English by using mother tongue approach to language learning, combined with the onset of education very early in the childhood. In the theoretical part of the paper, the development of the method and its characteristics are described and fitted into a framework of the traditional English language teaching...
Critique of American Power Structures in Joseph Heller's Catch-22
Nina Begić This paper analyses the power structures in Joseph Heller's Catch-22. The analysis takes a detailed look at the relationships between the characters that belong to a hierarchical military system, such as the relationships between Colonel Cathcart and Yossarian. The paper explores the distribution of power and the consequences of it being primarily in the hands of the superiors whose orders were treated as laws that could not and should not be questioned. Heller criticizes the system because...
Crkveno ustrojstvo hrvatskih zemalja u razvijenom srednjem vijeku
Valentina Pranjić Prilike u hrvatskim zemljama u to doba bile su zamršene. Ona je tad bila pod vlašću Ugarske, a njeni kraljevi nisu se naročito brinuli o ovim krajevima. Političke prilike najbolje su se odrazile na crkvenom ustrojstvu, koje je često bilo predmet igara moći. Imati vlast nad Crkvom u nekom području značilo je kontrolirati život tog kraja u duhovnom i gospodarskom smislu. U razvijenom srednjem vijeku hrvatske zemlje bile su razjedinjene pa tako nisu bile ni pod jedinstvenom crkvenom...
Crkveno-državni odnosi u Jugoslaviji s osvrtom na krčkog biskupa Josipa Srebrnića
Loredana Fabijanić U radu je prikazan odnos između Katoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj i državne vlasti za vrijeme komunističke Jugoslavije. Zbog temeljnih razlika u svjetonazorima, komunistička vlast vršila je represiju nad Katoličkom crkvom koja je bila jedina oporba u vrijeme nepostojanja višestranačkog sustava. Svoju borbu protiv Katoličke crkve vlast je vodila, između ostalog, donošenjem zakona koji krše slobode i prava Crkve, raznim zabranama i osnivanjem Staleških svećeničkih udruženja kojima...
Crna smrt u srednjovjekovnoj Europi
Marin Vukovac Kuga je zarazna bolest koja je poznata ljudskom rodu još on antičkih vremena te se nastavila pojavljivati skroz do vremena suvremenog čovjeka. Najveća epidemija kuge u povijesti naziva se Crna smrt, koja je Europom i ostatkom tada poznatog svijeta harala 40-tih godina 14. stoljeća. Postotak smrtnosti od te najveće epidemije kuge bio je izrazito velik te je na određenim područjima iznosio i do 70 posto. Razvoj kuge potječe iz srednje Azije te se od tamo Crna smrt proširila po...
Cultural Trauma and Collective Memory in Contemporary African American and Native American Fiction
Tomislava Ćavar Although the novels Beloved (1987) by Toni Morrison and Tracks (1988) by Louise Erdrich belong to two distinct literary traditions – the African American and the Native American, respectively – both of them highlight the themes of memory and trauma and convey the experience of disenfranchisement and victimization of the subaltern. This paper analyzes and compares the two novels in regards to their depiction of the cultural trauma and the collective memory of their respective communities....
Cvelferistika pjesama i priča Marijana Ivacića Matkova
Vlatka Krčelić Šestoknjižje Cvelferica uvodi u hrvatsku književnost književnike s područja Cvelferije i njihova književna ostvarenja. Iako su svojim opsegom široka i obuhvatila su već mnogo književnih radova, običaja i doživljaja cvelferskog stanovništva, uspio im je promaknuti jedan Cvelfer, književnik i arhitekt Marijan Ivacić-Matkov. Ovaj Drenovčanin i avanturist, 1936. godine izdaje svoje dvije pripovijetke u Narodnom kalendaru Čiče Grge Grgina iz Grginaca. Piše ih pod pseudonimom...