
Translating Neologisms and Proper Nouns in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series
Translating Neologisms and Proper Nouns in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series
Marcel Moser
This paper explores the strategies of translating neologisms and proper nouns present in Tajana Pavičević’s Croatian translation of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. Based on the relevant translation theory, the paper outlines the general procedures used by translators to deal with neologisms and proper nouns. Furthermore, it lays out some peculiarities of Martin’s writing and worldbuilding, taking note of the possible challenges posed to translators. The analysis...
Translating Newspaper Articles
Translating Newspaper Articles
Doroteja Marušić
Translation of news articles has played a vital role in distributing information on major events in international news arena. With the emergence of digital form of news articles, international news gains more popularity among readers all around the world. The roots of news translation go back to the 19th century, and this later gave rise to a development of news agencies and news organisations. However, the role of a translator was not only to convey the message from one language to another,...
Translating Proper Nouns: A Case Study of Tolkien's The Hobbit
Translating Proper Nouns: A Case Study of Tolkien's The Hobbit
Mihaela Šmehil
This study focuses on the complex process of translating proper nouns, particularly in the setting of fantasy fiction, utilising J.R.R. Tolkien's famed book, The Hobbit, as a case study. J.R.R. Tolkien, known for his rigorous worldbuilding and linguistic expertise, constructed the rich and fascinating world of The Hobbit. His invented proper nouns, such as Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and the Misty Mountains, are not just arbitrary designations, but important components of his fictitious world....
Translating References and Allusions in Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes"
Translating References and Allusions in Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes"
Jula Dakić
The aim of this thesis is to portray the complexity of translating references and allusions from first 8 issues of the graphic novel The Sandman written by Neil Gaiman. References and allusions that will be analysed are taken from translation by Tatjana Jambrišak and published by Fibra. This thesis primarily focuses on particular complexities of translating The Sandman and its various cultural references and allusions. The first part summarizes the maturation of comic books into graphic...
Translating Similes and Metaphors: A Case Study of Donna Tartt's A Secret History
Translating Similes and Metaphors: A Case Study of Donna Tartt's A Secret History
Lea Maras
Cilj je ovog rada istražiti različite strategije kojima se prevoditelji služe kada se suočavaju s poteškoćama koje poredbe i metafore predstavljaju unutar teksta te dati njihove primjere. S obzirom na višeznačnu prirodu prijevoda, strategije za prevođenje poredbi i metafora zapanjujuće su dobro razvijene. Strategije za prevođenje poredbi i metafora mogu se pronaći u raznim izvorima posvećenim ovoj temi. Stoga prevoditelji mogu odabrati koju strategiju žele koristiti. Ovaj se...
Translating Video Games: A Case Study of English and German Version of The Witcher 3
Translating Video Games: A Case Study of English and German Version of The Witcher 3
Tomislav Stojanović
Video games have become a big part of today’s entertainment industry. What started as a technological novelty in the 70s, has developed into something much more sophisticated. Today, most major video games have their own world – characters, locations, different societies, cultures, and so on. An entire world consisting of zeros and ones. Major video games, often called “TripleA” or “AAA” games, are translated and localized into different languages. Similar to translating other...
Translating a Musical: A Case Study of Translating The Phantom of the Opera into Croatian
Translating a Musical: A Case Study of Translating The Phantom of the Opera into Croatian
Laura Glück Radičević
Translating musicals is a very challenging work, because several constraints need to be taken into consideration. Music i.e. composer’s work is the main factor that needs to be respected and unaltered. Translators need to take a lot of factors into account while translating a musical, such as: to keep the same meaning as it is in the original, to make the lyrics singable, namely performable, but also to respect the rhymes as much as possible as well as rhythm. There have not been many...
Translating cultural capital from Croatian into English - Case study of 'Naš čovjek na terenu' by Robert Perišić and its translation into English
Translating cultural capital from Croatian into English - Case study of 'Naš čovjek na terenu' by Robert Perišić and its translation into English
Marinela Lovrić
Language and culture have always been interwoven and could not exist without each other. Language reflects the beliefs and values of a culture and is shaped by it at the same time. The most important bond in communicating between cultures is the translator. His/her task is to introduce the target audience to a different culture enriching his own. This paper gives a brief overview of the most influential translation studies theories, analyses the qualities of a good translation and the issue...
Translating culture-bound terms in simultaneous interpretation
Translating culture-bound terms in simultaneous interpretation
Tomislav Šimunić
This research paper will focus on listing, categorizing and analyzing certain culture-bound terms, and how they are interpreted into Croatian language from the simultaneous interpretations of English language students majoring in Translation and Interpretation. The students who participated in this research are graduates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, and were used as subjects for this research. Their first language is Croatian and their interpretations were from...
Translating culture-bound terms in subtitling
Translating culture-bound terms in subtitling
Renata Tot
The role of the translator or interpreter is extremely important during the process of transferring information from the source language to the target language. This so-called “mediator” must have good background knowledge of the language itself, but he or she also needs to be familiar with the culture, history, and all the other elements that are specific for a nation and their language. The theoretical part of this paper gives a short overview of the way certain scholars approach a...
Translating figurative language - case study of Alan Moore's "Watchmen"
Translating figurative language - case study of Alan Moore's "Watchmen"
Goran Hižman
This paper aims to illustrate the challenges of translating figurative language by using examples from the comic book Watchmen by Alan Moore and its Croatian translation by Darko Macan. Because Watchmen is a comic book, another aim of this paper is to show the added challenges comic books bring with themselves when it comes to producing a faithful translation. After a brief introduction, the paper describes the general intricacies of translating figurative language. It also lists several...
Translating for multilingual communities
Translating for multilingual communities
Dajana Jakovac
This paper summarizes the translation methods for multilingual communities. In today’s world of globalization, the translational scope of work increases as the interest in languages grows. The aim of the paper is to show the translation challenges when facing multilingual communities. The first part of the paper covers the definitions of multilingualism and terms related with the emphasis on the European Union, but with the comparison to institutions and countries outside of the EU. The...
