
Evolucijsko objašnjenje anksioznosti
Evolucijsko objašnjenje anksioznosti
Martina Tokić
Do kasnog 20. stoljeća evolucijska psihologija i evolucijski način razmišljanja nisu bili upotrebljavani u znanostima. Iz toga razloga danas još ne postoje jedinstvene teorije. Evolucijska psihologija je zapravo mješavina Darwinove teorije prirodne selekcije i kognitivne znanosti. Cilj evolucijske psihologije, tj. evolucijskog načina razmišljanja je da objasni današnje karakteristike, bilo fizičke, fiziološke ili psihološke, pronalazeći njihovu adaptacijsku vrijednost i svrhu kod...
Evolucijsko objašnjenje homoseksualnosti
Evolucijsko objašnjenje homoseksualnosti
Tatjana Ćorković
U Darwinovoj teoriji evolucije središnje mjesto zauzima prirodna selekcija, koja djeluje kao mehanizam koji objašnjava evolucijske promjene. Jedna od glavnih postavki teorije evolucije je da se adaptivne osobine prenose na potomstvo, dok obilježja koja smanjuju vjerojatnost preživljavanja i reprodukcije tijekom evolucije nestaju putem prirodnog odabira. Ukoliko je adaptivnost izražena reproduktivnim uspjehom, a homoseksualno ponašanje ne podrazumijeva reprodukciju, homoseksualnost bi...
Evolucijsko objašnjenje ubojstava
Evolucijsko objašnjenje ubojstava
Sanja Lukić
Istraživači koji se bave slučajevima ubojstava otkrili su da se određene vrste sukoba, karakteristike odnosa između žrtve i počinitelja i predmeti sukoba učestalo javljaju. Svake godine, desetci tisuća ljudi budu ubijeni u privatnim sukobima, izvan konteksta rata. Interakcije među muškarcima ponekad se razviju u žestoka nadmetanja za dominaciju, poštovanje i čast i eskaliraju do gubljenja života za slabijeg u sukobu. Žene koje traže autonomiju nastradaju od ruke svojih...
Evolution of Language
Evolution of Language
Kristijan Božić
The content of this paper will explore various ideas in the scope of linguistics in order to shed light on the evolution of language in general. The main focus of this paper is to argue for the role of language as a tool in human evolutionary history and to describe its evolution. Firstly, there will be an explanation and exploration of language and the notions connected to it: definition(s), ideas, and its role. Definitions by de Saussure, McWhorter, Sadowski and others will be cited....
Exploring Foreign Language Communication Apprehension among the English Language University Students in the English Language Classroom Setting
Exploring Foreign Language Communication Apprehension among the English Language University Students in the English Language Classroom Setting
Gabrijela Crnjak
This paper focuses on the phenomenon of communication apprehension in a foreign language classroom setting. It tries to investigate if there is a difference in the total level of communication apprehension between undergraduate and graduate students of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek. Furthermore, it tries to explore whether there is a relationship between different aspects of communication apprehension and the total level...
Exploring Intercultural Competence of High School EFL Learners
Exploring Intercultural Competence of High School EFL Learners
Eva Bošković
This diploma paper explores intercultural communicative competence of high school EFL learners, which is nowadays seen as a complex web of skills for communication on the basis of respect, acceptance and tolerance for others. Firstly, some theoretical background information is provided in order to set the framework for the experimental part of the paper. Therefore, culture for the purpose of EFL teaching and learning is defined, along with its importance for that area. How culture is...
Exploring some aspects of EFL learners' cultural competence
Exploring some aspects of EFL learners' cultural competence
Ružica Tokić
Intercultural competence is part of the curriculum and should be included in each lesson. It consists of attitudes, awareness and cultural knowledge. Each of these factors has an impact on learners' achievement. This research aimed at exploring the relationship between attitudes toward foreign language and foreign language culture, cultural awareness and language learning success. In particular, learners' cultural knowledge was measured in order to find out the level of learners' awareness...
Exploring the Eighth Primary School Graders' Attainment in English as a Foreign Language
Exploring the Eighth Primary School Graders' Attainment in English as a Foreign Language
Mia Leuštek
Language competence refers to knowledge of and ability to use language resources to form well-structured messages. Grammatical competence is one part of language competence. The eighth graders of Croatian primary schools are expected to have reached A2 level according to the Common European Framework (CEFR) and Croatian National Educational Standard (“Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard”) (HNOS) for this age group. The results of the study that attempted to investigate the eighth...
Exploring the Ideal and Ought to Second Language Self in English as a Foreign Language
Exploring the Ideal and Ought to Second Language Self in English as a Foreign Language
Ines Matušin
The present study deals with Dörnyei’s motivational system in learning English as a second language (L2). The paper consists of two parts. The first part concerns the L2 motivation and the motivational theories that have addressed it. Then, Gardner’s theory of motivation and integrative motive are described, which are followed by a review of its criticism. The more prominent part of this paper presents Dörnyei’s work, and the L2 system he proposed. Next, major motivational research...
Exploring the Relationship between Teaching and Learning Styles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Exploring the Relationship between Teaching and Learning Styles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Matea Modic
The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between learning styles of Croatian EFL learners and their teachers’ teaching styles. The first part of the paper brings the theoretical overview of both types of styles. The most popular division of learning and teaching styles is, according to sensory preferences, into visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, group, and individual. In the second part, the research on the relationship between learning and teaching styles of Croatian EFL...
Exploring the Relationship between Vocabulary Breadth and Rote Learning Strategies among High School EFL Learners
Exploring the Relationship between Vocabulary Breadth and Rote Learning Strategies among High School EFL Learners
Sara Iličić
One of the biggest challenges learners will face during foreign language learning is vocabulary. Vocabulary plays a crucial part in language use and insufficient vocabulary knowledge may lead to difficulties in language learning. Therefore, learners need to be acquainted with vocabulary learning strategies to help them overcome difficulties that come with vocabulary learning. This paper focuses on the research conducted at Valpovo High School. The aim was to explore the relationship...
Exploring the grammar of ads: a corpus-based study of grammar and meaning in discourse
Exploring the grammar of ads: a corpus-based study of grammar and meaning in discourse
Mario Gelešić
The purpose of this paper was to explore how various grammatical devices can be effectively used to fulfil the primary purposes of advertising language. Earlier studies have shown that advertising language can be characterised by vagueness and syntactic simplicity, the use of metaphorical language, lexical innovation and special uses of personal pronouns. In this paper, the focus was on product and non-product print advertisements, which were explored with the view of establishing...
