Symbolism of Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" and its Relation to the Beat Generation
Mia Hocenski In 1957 Jack Kerouac, a 35 year old American novelist, published a novel called On the Road that signaled a beginning of a new movement in American literature, which was soon recognized as the Beat Generation. The Beat Generation was a group of American post-WWII writers who became prominent by freely writing about experimentation with drugs, sexuality, Eastern religion, conformity of the 1950s, uncensored self-expression, and individual freedom. The best examples of the Beat literature are...
Synonymous Nouns and Metonymy in English Dictionaries
Manda Gavrić The most common and most easily understood definition of metonymy is that of
metonymy as the use of a word or phrase, when one refers to something using the name of
something else that it is closely related to. Most metonymic senses are widely known and
therefore included in a dictionary, but it is not always easy to recognise it from the dictionary
entry. This paper focuses on the lexicographic representation of metonymic senses of 13 selected
words and the defining vocabulary used in...
Tablets in the EFL Classroom: Students' and Teachers' Attitudes
Iva Stipanović The use of technology, in particularly mobile devices, is widely becoming an important part of education, including foreign language teaching and learning. The main purpose of the study was to investigate students’ as well as teachers’ attitudes towards tablets in EFL. In overall, the results revealed that students and teachers at the primary and secondary educational level have positive attitudes towards tablets and are in favour of their use in EFL. Significant difference was found in...
Tabu teme u zbirci Cvjetovi zla Charlesa Baudelairea
Marija Šokčević U ovomu radu istražuju se tabui i stigmatizirane teme u zbirci poezije Cvjetovi zla Charlesa Baudelairea. Povod za istraživanje leži u činjenici da je zbirka bila osuđena u vrijeme objave zbog nedoličnog sadržaja. Pretpostavka na kojoj je rad utemeljen jest da je uporabom tabua i stigmatiziranih tema Baudelaire nastojao ukazati na propast francuskog društva koje karakterizira gubitak moralnih vrijednosti i sklonost destrukciji. Interpretacijom se dolazi do zaključka da je Baudelaire...
Tamna strana rada: Mobbing - zlostavljanje na radnom mjestu
Ivana Miličević Svrha je ovoga rada prikazati i onu tamniju, u velikom broju slučajeva, izostavljenu stranu poslovanja, u prvom redu prouzrokovanu pojačanim stresom svijeta u kojem živimo. Odnosno, prikazati mobing kao oblik kontraproduktivnoga radnoga ponašanja koji šteti ne samo pojedincu i organizaciji, već i širokoj mreži odnosa socijalnoga sustava. Mobing ima relativno kratku povijest, no unatoč tome, brojnim se definicijama pokušalo dati detaljniji opis i razumijevanje njegovoga postanka....
Teacher's Strategies for Asking Questions in EFL classroom
Martina Kovačević The first part of this paper brings the theoretical overview of the classroom questions, their role in the (EFL) classrooms, the typical question-answer pattern, and finally the definitions and classifications of teachers’ questioning strategies. The second part reports on the research of the strategies that teachers of English as a foreign language in two Croatian high schools use, and how they are used. The results show that the teachers successfully choose questioning strategies to lead...
Teaching Abroad
Dina Bilić This paper is based on the self-reflective study of teaching English as a foreign language to very young learners in Spain. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part of the paper, relevant theoretical knowledge related to the topic is presented. In the practical part of the paper the results of the research were presented. The research was based on the analysis of the kept teaching journal during a period of six weeks, while teaching English language to...
Teaching English Using Table-top Role-playing Games
Josip Farkaš This paper focuses on finding out whether table-top role-playing games have a positive effect on the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) when used to teach English as a Foreign Language, as well as any possible difference between the results of the experiment between male and female learners. After examining the theoretical background of role play and its
use in English Language Teaching and explaining what table-top role-play is and how else it can be used aside...
Teaching English through songs
Maja Hrastović This paper focuses on finding out what are the main considerations that should be taken into account when deciding about teaching English as a Foreign Language through songs and suggesting possible guidelines for teachers. It takes into consideration the criteria for the selection of songs and appropriate tasks. It also emphasizes the importance of getting to know the students´ habits and preferences, as well as points out the usefulness of feedback in the form of students´ opinions on...