
Serial Killer in Thomas Harris's Novels
Serial Killer in Thomas Harris's Novels
Jasmin Prišć
This paper analyses the character of a serial killer in Thomas Harris’s novels on the example of the cannibal serial killer Hannibal Lecter. The aim is to shed light on the personal characteristics of serial killers pointing to the conclusion that rather than being born as serial killers, they are made that way due to unfavourable circumstances, such as trauma. However, many serial killers suffer from some sort of psychological disorder and are proclaimed psychopaths or sociopaths, which...
Sexuality, Contraception, and Abortion in Medieval English Literature
Sexuality, Contraception, and Abortion in Medieval English Literature
Petra Sršić
During the medieval period, women’s lives were shaped by the Church and the patriarchal society. They had little control over their lives and had to conform to the rules and norms of acceptable behaviour. They were mostly subjected to male authority and had little agency or power. After describing the position of women in society and the medieval understanding of female sexuality, contraception, and abortion, this paper examines how female characters from three literary works use...
Shakespeare's Measure for Measure and Prostitution in Elizabethan England
Shakespeare's Measure for Measure and Prostitution in Elizabethan England
Ivona Šarić
In its own unique way, Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure portrays the harsh reality and the struggles of the prostitutes who were prosecuted by the same men with whom they had sex. Nevertheless, despite the fact that prostitutes had a hard time, women in general were not in a favourable situation. Their lives were dictated by men who decided their destiny as if they owned it. In the eyes of a man, a woman was neither smart enough nor capable of doing the same things that men did. Moreover,...
Shattered Personal and Social Hopes in English-American Society and Literature
Shattered Personal and Social Hopes in English-American Society and Literature
Dijana Kamenčak
Literature has always been influenced by social and individual changes. Works of Donne, Dickens and Fitzgerald are very good examples of this. They show how easily people lose hope and give up on their dreams. Their characters speak in the name of society of their time. Donne's poetry is full of emotions that change as his life changes. He writes about love, but at the same time about pain and dying. Dickens, on the other hand, writes about losing faith in humanity. Social changes of...
Sherlock Holmes - A Man out of Time. Translating Culture-Bound Terms in Subtitling: A Case of Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes - A Man out of Time. Translating Culture-Bound Terms in Subtitling: A Case of Sherlock
Lidija Funtek
Translation is not simply translating words from one language into another. Every translation, directly or indirectly, contains cultural references of both the source and the target language. In order to produce an acceptable translation, the translator must be aware of that fact and do his/her best to transfer the references from the source to the target language. Translating these cultural references can be difficult because cultures differ from one another and equivalents cannot always be...
Verica Gajšek
Povijesno gledano, konstrukt shizofrenije izniknuo je iz pionirskih napora Kraepelina i Bleulera. Shizofrenija je skupina psihotičnih poremećaja koji su karakterizirani poremećenim mišljenjem u kojem ideje nisu logički povezane, manjkavim percepcijama i pažnjom, bizarnim poremećajima motoričke aktivnosti te površnim ili neprimjerenim osjećajima. Simptomi shizofrenije dijele se na pozitivne (sumanute ideje, halucinacije, smeteni govor) i negativne (osjećajna otupjelost, avolicija,...
Shortening Strategies in Subtitling
Shortening Strategies in Subtitling
Sara Poturica
The constraints of subtitling are so common that subtitling is often being called „constrained translation‟. This thesis deals with the shortening strategies in subtitling, such as condensation, omission and decimation, which are not instructions but rather suggestions of way to go about reducing text without losing too much content. Shortening is not a necessary property of subtitling, it is just extremely common due to the constraints. The research question of the thesis is based on...
Shvaćanje patnje i sreće u buddhističkoj filozofiji
Shvaćanje patnje i sreće u buddhističkoj filozofiji
Jelena Bagić
U radu se razmatra na koji je način problem patnje i sreće shvaćen u buddhizmu putem temeljnog buddhističkog učenja o četiri plemenite istine. Četiri plemenite istine sveobuhvatno i precizno razmatraju patnju, njezine izvore i načine oslobađanja od nje. U radu se stoga prikazuju različita tumačenja četiri plemenite istine i problema patnje i sreće. Rad polazi od teze da je u buddhizmu sreća primarno shvaćena kao oslobođenost od patnje. Na tom se tragu proučava na koji je...
Shvaćanje patnje i sreće u buddhističkoj filozofiji
Shvaćanje patnje i sreće u buddhističkoj filozofiji
Andrea Paulić
Buddhizam je učenje o samoprobuđenju, o vlastitom naporu za postizanje višeg cilja – istinske i pročišćene sreće. Također, buddhizam se može shvatiti i kao duhovno osvještenje i ostvarenje mudrosti. Onaj tko se probudio, pronašao je mudrost u sebi. Mudrost se, u buddhističkoj filozofiji, ne proizvodi, ona se otkriva. Mudrost je prirodno uvijek prisutna u čovjeku, samo ju treba otkriti. Neznanje je jedini i pravi uzrok patnje i nezadovoljstva (Pali: dukkha). Buddhistička...
Sibilarizacija u hrvatskom jeziku
Sibilarizacija u hrvatskom jeziku
Tamara Maslarić
U radu se opisuju glasovne promjene prema normativnoj literaturi. Naglasak je na sibilarizaciji i odmake od norme koji se događaju s obzirom na njezino provođenje ili neprovođenje. S obzirom na to da se javljaju mnoge dvostrukosti prilikom sklonidbe imenica u dativu i lokativu jednine, istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovome radu usmjereno je na uporabu toponima kojima osnova završava na k, g i h. Objašnjava se što su toponimi te se istraživanjem analizira učestalost uporabe primjera...
Significance of the Utopian Oasis in Aldous Huxley's Dystopian Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984
Significance of the Utopian Oasis in Aldous Huxley's Dystopian Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984
Iva Bajić
This paper focuses on the importance of utopian elements in dystopian worlds of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984. It examines the time setting of the novels and the effect it has on the literary genre the novels belong to. The utopian elements of religion, family, nature, history and human sexuality are contrasted with the dystopian elements present in the novels. The utopian elements in the novels are present in secluded worlds without government’s oppression....
Silazni naglasci na nepočetnim slogovima
Silazni naglasci na nepočetnim slogovima
Matija Minarik
Rad donosi pregled jednog od odmaka od naglasne norme hrvatskoga jezika, silaznih naglasaka na nepočetnim slogovima riječi. Opisi se temelje na zapisima u četirima rječnicima hrvatskoga jezika, hrvatskim gramatikama, jezičnim savjetnicima te u znanstvenim radovima. Najprije je ukratko predstavljen naglasni sustav hrvatskoga jezika, a zatim su pobrojani najčešći odmaci od norme. U središtu su rada silazni naglasci na nepočetnim slogovima kao primjer odmaka od norme odnosno...
