Idiomatische Redewendungen in Alfred Döblins Roman "Berlin Alexanderplatz" und ihre kroatischen Entsprechungen
Tereza Kopačević Phraseologie ist die Wissenschaft oder Lehre von den festen Wortverbindungen einer Sprache, die in System und Satz Funktion und Bedeutung einzelner Wörter (Lexeme) übernehmen können. Verbindungen von zwei oder mehr Monemen nennt Harald Burger "Ketten". Idiomatisch im weiteren Sinne sind Ketten, deren Gesamtbedeutung ohne Übertragung, aber nicht regulär zustande kommt. Idiome im engeren Sinne sind Ketten, deren Gesamtbedeutung in keiner Weise aus der freien Bedeutung der Moneme erklärt...
Idiomatische Redewendungen in Hermann Hesses Erzählung Unterm Rad und ihre kroatischen und englischen Entsprechungen
Miroslav Dikanović In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden genau 31 Phraseologismen aus dem Werk Unterm Rad, geschrieben von Hermann Hesse, analysiert. Zu den Phraseologismen werden jeweils ihre Entsprechungen in Kroatisch und Englisch genannt. Die Phraseologismen werden auf Grund ihrer morphosyntaktischen und lexikalischen Unterscheide und Gemeinsamkeiten in drei Kategorien aufgeteilt; semantische Unterschiede werden ebenfalls betont, falls es sie gibt. Die Kategorien wurden auf Grund der lexikalischen,...
Idiomatische Redewendungen in der Novelle Bahnwärter Thiel und ihre kroatischen Entsprechungen
Juro Ćulap In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden einige Phraseologismen in der novellistischen Studie Bahnwärter Thiel von Gerhard Hauptmann und deren kroatischen Übersetzung analysiert. Dabei werden morphosyntaktische und lexikalische Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede betont, weil semantisch gesehen keine Unterschiede gefunden wurden. Die Phraseologismen werden in der Analyse in fünf Gruppen, je nach der Art der kroatischen Entsprechung aufgeteilt. Am Ende werden die Resultate der Analyse angegeben und...
Idiomi sa životinjama u engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku
Iris Spajić This research is based on the analysis of phraseological units containing animals in the source language – English and in the target language – Croatian. There are three major parts of this research. The first part gives a theoretical background of phraseology in general and phraseological units as the focus of the research. In the second part, the source and the target of the research are presented, as well as the process of constructing the corpus. For this research, 13 dictionaries...
Idioms of Fashion and Clothing in English and Croatian
Josipa Jambrešić An idiom is “a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own” (Cambridge Dictionary). As such, idioms are crucial parts of any language as they enrich the vocabulary and increase the expressive possibilities. Since phraseology is an important part of any language, this research is based on the analysis of idioms of fashion and clothing in English and Croatian; English as the source language and Croatian as the...
Idioms of emotion in English and Croatian
Toni Jambrović The topic of this paper is idioms of emotion in English and Croatian. The English language is very rich in the use of idioms. Rosamund Moon (according to Strakšiene 2009:13) defines idiom as “an ambiguous term, used in conflicting ways, in lay or general use, idiom has two main meanings [...] First, idiom is a particular means of expressing something in language [...] which characterizes a person or group. Secondly (and much less commonly in English) an idiom is a particular lexical...
Idioms related to drinking in English and Croatian
Matej Vitković In this paper, a selection of idioms related to drinking in English and Croatian are analysed. The aim is to analyse the similarity of the domain in the two languages; that is, how many of the idioms are readily translatable (have their equivalents) in the other language. A partially exhaustive list was compiled from various dictionaries of idioms which serves as a corpus which is further analysed. Furthermore, some examples which are either of cultural and/or grammatical significance are...
Idioms with people's names in English and Croatian
Petar Botić This research is a contrastive analysis of phraseological units in English and Croatian which contains names of people. It is based on a corpus which consists of 29 selected PUs from a total of 12 dictionaries. It consists of a brief theoretical overview which explains what phraseology, phraseological units, as well as the crucial characteristics of PUs are. Besides that, it briefly discusses the techniques can be used in translating, as well as the problems which often occur thereby.
Igra i dječji razvoj
Antonia Uzelac Svakom djetetu širom svijeta je poznata igra, zabavna aktivnost u kojoj rado uživa. Igra je osnovni biološki nagon koji je toliko intenzivan da se djeca igraju bez obzira na to jesu li prisutne stvarne igračke, potiču li roditelji aktivno igranje te neovisno o vanjskim događajima.. U očima malog djeteta su trčanje, pretvaranje i gradnja zabavne aktivnosti. Danas djeca provode puno manje vremena u igri i fizičkoj aktivnosti, nego što su provodila djeca prije dva desetljeća....
Igra kao metodički postupak u poučavanju hrvatskoga jezika
Bernarda Brekalo Igra kao slobodna aktivnost prisutna je u svim domenama ljudskoga života, a unutar ovoga rada govorit će se o igri kao metodičkom postupku u poučavanju hrvatskoga jezika, s naglaskom na nastavu hrvatskog jezika i komunikacije. Cilj ovoga rada jest opisati igru kao metodički postupak na teorijskoj razini i razložiti igre koje se primjenjuju u nastavi hrvatskoga jezika na jezične i dramske igre, a zatim ispitati stvarnu primjenu igre kao metodičkog postupka poučavanja među...
Igra u odgoju i obrazovanju djece predškolske dobi
Maja Nebes U ovom su radu dane definicija te obilježja igre u skladu s temom rada. Igru se postavlja u institucionalni kontekst, odnosno u kontekst predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja u dječjem vrtiću. Igra se promatra kao zajednička aktivnost djece i odraslih, a ne samo djece međusobno. Razmatra se važnost učenja kroz igru, kao i potreba djece za samostalnom organizacijom slobodnog vremena za igru. Igra ima veliku ulogu u razvoju djeteta pa se razmatraju njezini odgojno-obrazovni potencijali,...