The Relationship between Speaking Strategies and Willingness to Communicate in English and Hungarian as Foreign Languages
Tea Horvat This master's thesis explored the relationship between speaking strategies and willingness to communicate in English and Hungarian as foreign languages and the differences between the two languages. There were differences present in the use of speaking strategies: students of English use self-evaluating as well as synonyms and circumlocutions often, whereas students of Hungarian opt for the use of L1 (first language - Croatian), they are open to receiving help while speaking, and often...
The Representation of Serial Killers in the Media
Erna Majer Serial killers have always attracted people’s attention. The media is a key element in shaping human perception around serial killers and it often portrays them as monsters to capture the attention of the entire society. The media’s focus is on their lives and the heinous crimes they have committed, which leads to the creation of numerous stereotypes and distorted social perceptions about them. But the media portrayal can go in a completely different direction by romanticizing and...
The Representation of Women in the Army in Contemporary American War and Fantasy Literature
Valentina Markasović Love My Rifle More Than You by Kayla Williams and Shoot Like a Girl by Mary Jennings
Hegar represent two instances of the rising genre of women’s military memoirs. They offer
women’s views on the social constructs within the military, not only the nature, but also the
perception of which is considered to be highly masculine. In addition to the memoirs, a
conduit for women to engage in battles and express their experiences is the genre of fantasy.
The paper therefore compares and...
The Representation of the American Dream in John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath and John Ford's Film Adaptation
Zvonimir Obradović The goal of this paper is to show the similarities and the differences in the portrayal of the American Dream in John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath and John Ford’s film adaptation. The American Dream is the national creed that highlights ideas like freedom, individualism, and equality of opportunity as supreme. James Truslow Adams gives expression to this long-lasting idea that stems from the Puritans and is further influenced by the Founding Fathers, multitudes of entrepreneurs,...
The Representation of the Marginalized in Warsan Shire's Poetry
Matej Gabud As a writer of Somali descent raised in the United Kingdom, Warsan Shire intertwines poetic landscapes with concrete struggles she, her family members, and friends have experienced since the Civil War in Somalia began. Her 2022 debut poetry collection Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head tackles haunting and difficult topics such as the atrocities of war, migration and immigration, racism, gender-based violence, loss of identity, and alienation. The poems are simultaneously...
The Representations of Femme Fatale in Literature and Movies: a Feminist Phenomenon or a Sexual Object?
Tea Barić This paper analyses the femme fatale archetype and its representations in literature and movies. Its aim is to explore whether they represent feminist heroes who changed the traditional roles of women in society or whether they are stereotypical characters represented as male fantasies objectified into sex symbols based on the prejudices and injustices of patriarchal society. The femme fatale archetype is analysed in 1862 Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s novel Lady Audley’s Secret, 1940 Raymond...
The Role of Aesthetic Education in Early EFL Learning
Marina Lukačević Aesthetics is a philosophical discipline dealing with the sensory cognition of the truth realized as beauty. According to Kant, a beautiful work of art is created by a genius in the free use of her cognitive powers of imagination and understanding. The present study attempted to apply Kants aesthetic insights to FL vocabulary learning. A theoretical design of an aesthetic vocabulary strategy was offered and the additive effect of its application as opposed to imagery technique was tested in...
The Role of First Language in Learning English as a Foreign Language
Beata Šikloši The present paper examines the role of the mother tongue in learning English, more precisely, in acquiring the English article system. Comparing the results of two types of tests completed by Hungarian and Croatian learners of English some conclusions were made on whether the presence or absence of the article system in the students’ L1 has any effect on their success in acquiring the English articles. The role of the mother tongue was tested both at the receptive and the productive level.
The Role of Grammar Learning Strategies in EFL Achievement
Josipa Čabraja The term "grammar learning strategies" refers to the various approaches or techniques that learners use to acquire and internalize grammatical rules and structures of a language. This master’s thesis investigates the relationship between grammar learning strategies and learners' achievement in the context of two grammar schools located in Osijek and Slavonski Brod. The study employs a quantitative research approach, utilizing a questionnaire administered to learners in both schools. Data...
The Role of Religion in Twentieth Century War Narratives
Leon Delić From the earliest days of Christianity to today, battle, war, and warfare have had a longstanding and persistent alliance with religion. Throughout history, from the Battle of Rephidim in the Book of Exodus, and the Medieval Crusades, all the way to World War I, religion, or at least Christianity and war, have had an inseparable bond. Religion is key to understanding those wars – to comprehend why so many people participated in wars, and why they persisted in fighting during these wars....