
Gebrauch der Muttersprache im DaF-Unterricht aus der Perspektive von Lernenden
Gebrauch der Muttersprache im DaF-Unterricht aus der Perspektive von Lernenden
Marija Emanović
In dieser Arbeit wird die Forschung zum Thema des Gebrauchs der Muttersprache im DaF-Unterricht aus der Perspektive der Lernenden dargestellt. Das Instrument, das für diese Forschung benutzt wurde, ist ein Fragebogen, der in Anlehnung an Mirna Erks (2017) Fragebogen aus der Forschung „English language instructors´ beliefs about the role of L1 in English language developement and formal instruction in Croatia“ erstellt wurde. Die Umfrage wurde online durchgeführt. Das Ziel der...
Gebrauch des Konjunktivs im deutschen journalistischen Diskurs
Gebrauch des Konjunktivs im deutschen journalistischen Diskurs
Katarina Dragić
In meiner Bachelorarbeit beschäftige ich mich mit dem Thema der Verwendung des Konjunktivs im journalistischen Diskurs. Die Arbeit ist in einen theoretisch und einen praktischen Teil geteilt. Im zweiten Kapitel (im theoretischen Teil) werde ich auf die Bildung und die allgemeine Verwendung des Konjunktivs näher eingehen. Um den Themenbereich der Arbeit etwas einzugrenzen, werde ich meine Untersuchung im dritten Kapitel auf bestimmte Themenbereiche beziehen. Das zu untersuchende Korpus...
Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Ausgestaltung der Hauptgestalten in Kafkas  "Verwandlung" und "Prozess"
Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in der Ausgestaltung der Hauptgestalten in Kafkas "Verwandlung" und "Prozess"
Kristina Poč
Den Gegenstand dieser Arbeit bildet die Analyse der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden in der Ausgestaltung der Hauptfiguren in Franz Kafkas Werken Die Verwandlung und Der Prozeß. Einführend werden Informationen über den Autor, sein Leben und Werk angegeben. Da der Autor zur Zeiten des Expressionismus nach der Jahrhundertwende wirkte, wird auch diese Strömung erklärt. Anschließend werden die Inhalte der Erzählung und des Romans als einleitender Kontext in die Analyse der kafkaesken...
Gender Differences in the Perception and Linguistic Description of Physical Appearance
Gender Differences in the Perception and Linguistic Description of Physical Appearance
Matea Šoša
Physical appearance has always played a major role in the perception of other people. The very appearance of a person affects the image people can create about them. In addition to the various stereotypes that may arise solely from one's appearance, the linguistic description of the same is also of great importance. This paper analyses the influence of gender in the realm of perceiving, but also describing one’s physical appearance. It introduces examples of several studies which showcase...
Gender Representation in Elementary School EFL Textbooks
Gender Representation in Elementary School EFL Textbooks
Ines Bilić
The present study deals with gender representation in English as a foreign language (EFL) textbooks used in elementary schools in Croatia. It emphasizes the importance of gender representation in textbooks and stresses the need for more studies in this field. Textbooks are a key component of language learning and should motivate and encourage the learners, therefore it is important that both genders are equally represented. This paper draws a comparison between the textbook series Way to go...
Gender Stereotypes and Their (Non-)Verbal Reflections in Modern-Day Advertising on Social Media
Gender Stereotypes and Their (Non-)Verbal Reflections in Modern-Day Advertising on Social Media
Sandra Jakšić
Gender stereotyping in advertising is one of the areas of advertising that has attracted the most academic interest and has remained timely and relevant due to the evolution of gender roles in society. This challenged traditional structures of gender hierarchy and raised ethical concerns about the representation of different genders in the media. The literature on gender stereotypes and contemporary social media advertising forms the foundation of this paper. The major aim of this paper is...
Gender Stereotypes in Television Commercials for Household Items
Gender Stereotypes in Television Commercials for Household Items
Antonio Marić
This paper studies the depiction of genders through stereotypes in television commercials, more specifically, to what extent and how gender stereotypes are presented in modern day television advertising. In the first part of the paper, a brief theoretical background and history of television advertising is provided, along with a list of frequently used advertising appeals and gender specific roles in a nuclear family household and how each of them is targeted by advertisers. The second part...
Gender Stereotyping in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire
Gender Stereotyping in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire
Mihaela Magdić
A Streetcar Named Desire is a 1947 play written by the American writer Tennessee Williams. The play received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in the year of 1948. It is often regarded as one of the best plays of the 20th century and one of the best plays of Tennessee Williams. A Streetcar Named Desire is a critique of post-war American society that put a huge amount of restrictions on women’s lives. It criticizes the way women were treated during those years. In the first chapter, the...
Gender and Education
Gender and Education
Nikolina Dolić
This paper explores gender and education in Croatia and the United States. It aims to call attention to the feminization of the teaching profession with a particular emphasis on the major reasons that have led to this occurrence. The paper focuses on the traditional gender stereotypes which have impacted the teaching profession through their gender bias and have led to the feminization of the teaching profession. The gender discrimination is evident in the teaching hierarchy, the pay gap and...
Gender inequality in English-speaking film industry
Gender inequality in English-speaking film industry
Karla Zorko
My Bachelor’s Thesis investigates the position of women in today’s film industry. What has been discovered is that many directors constantly put women in the same scenes and situations, as if those are the only ones they are able to do. My goal here is to use the Bechdel test (it is explained in Section 2) on a few movies that I have chosen, and see whether they pass the Bechdel test or not. I will also use the research done by Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media to determine...
Gender inequality in the music industry
Gender inequality in the music industry
Laura Glück Radičević
Gender inequality in the music industry still imposes a great problem for today’s society. The industry is mostly male biased in every possible area whether we think of singers, bands, classical musicians, producers, record owners, or simply journalists or a worker in a music shop. This inequality goes back to the time when humans realised they are biologically different as it was represented in the Bible with Adam and Eve. The ideology says that males should be the ones who make all the...
