- Prgomet, AntonioThe evolution of English Slang: Contemporary Trends and Cultural Influences
- Marić, AntonioThe evolution of L2 learning through the media
- Magdić, MihaelaThe fantastic world of the untranslatable 'Alice in Wonderland'
- Jakovac, DajanaThe femme fatale motif in Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"
- Akmačić, FilipThe form and function of word play in sports sections of British tabloids
- Jurić, DraganaThe historical development of the English spelling system
- Lugarić, MarkoThe influence of Dutch on English
- Kapetanović, NatašaThe influence of Old Norse on English
- Petrović, BornaThe influence of Spanish on the lexicon of World Englishes
- Krajinović, NatašaThe neurobiological foundations of language
- Vaci, DajanaThe quest for wealth and happiness in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"
- Krišto, SnježanaThe relationship between extroversion/ introversion, perceptual learning styles and success in English as a foreign language