
Gender markers and gender marking with personal dual gender nouns: a corpus study
Gender markers and gender marking with personal dual gender nouns: a corpus study
Marta Javorček
This paper is mainly concerned with the grammatical category of gender in the English language. More particularly, it explores gender markers and gender marking along with personal dual gender nouns. It starts with the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon, in which we define gender as a grammatical category of nouns with a three-way distinction between masculine, feminine and neuter, based on the properties of the noun and its referents. We then continue with examining personal masculine...
Gender of nouns denoting higher and lower animals
O rodu engleskih imenica koje označavaju životinje
Gender of nouns denoting higher and lower animals O rodu engleskih imenica koje označavaju životinje
Katarina Kovačić
The purpose of this research paper is to provide the analysis of the gender of nouns denoting higher and lower animals in the English language focusing on linguistic and other factors. There are three major parts of this research paper. The first part provides theoretical information about gender and systems of gender assignment in different languages focusing on the animal nouns. The first part also displays a map with the representation of values for each of the systems. The second part...
Gender roles in reading stories in EFL textbooks
Gender roles in reading stories in EFL textbooks
Dolores Kostić
The present study examines gender roles in reading stories in EFL textbooks. The theoretical part covers the debate on gender roles and as well as a brief overview of previous research on gender representation in textbooks. The paper also discusses the necessity to represent each gender equally. The experimental part revealed that male characters are more frequently represented in reading stories and that mostly famous people are presented.
Gender, Genre, and Writing Style in Formal Written Texts
Gender, Genre, and Writing Style in Formal Written Texts
Sara Steiner
Language and gender are two things that cannot be separated easily. In the last couple decades, sociolinguists began to study the connection between those two. They came to the conclusion that gender plays an important role in the way people use language later in their lives. As a result, we have many different approaches, among which the dominance and the difference approach are the best known. These two approaches describe tendencies in male and female use of language. The characteristics...
Genetski algoritmi
Genetski algoritmi
Iva Magušić-Dumančić
Cilj rada je dati pregled algoritama te pobliže pojasniti genetske algoritme, njihov razvoj i strukturu te prikazati njihovu primjenu. Ukratko se govori o povijesnom razvoju algoritama, od Euklidovog algoritma do programskih jezika. Definira se i objašnjava sam pojam „algoritam“, izvode ključni pojmovi i neka njegova svojstva te navode primjeri istoga. Danas su algoritmi usko vezani uz računalnu inteligenciju, koja se smatra granom umjetne inteligencije. Znanstvenici su uvidjeli...
Genitiv u hrvatskome jeziku i njegovi prijevodni ekvivalenti u mađarskome jeziku
Genitiv u hrvatskome jeziku i njegovi prijevodni ekvivalenti u mađarskome jeziku
Barbara Majdenić
Tema je ovog rada adnominalni prijedložni genitiv u hrvatskome jeziku i načini na koje se on prevodi u mađarski jezik. Na temelju analiziranog korpusa genitivna se podznačenja svrstavaju u nekoliko skupina gdje se objašnjavaju njihove morfološke i sintaktičke implikacije. Slijedeći načela kognitivne lingvistike i lokalističke teorije padeža, govori se i o vezi dimenzionalnih (prostornih i vremenskih) i nedimenzionalnih (apstraktnih) značenja adnominalnih prijedložno-padežnih...
Genitiv u mađarskom i hrvatskom jeziku
Genitiv u mađarskom i hrvatskom jeziku
Ana Šakić
U ovome se radu istražuje genitiv, odnosno njegovo posvojno značenje u mađarskome i hrvatskome jeziku. U radu se analiziraju i uspoređuju padežni sustavi dvaju jezika te načini izricanja posvojnosti u obama jezicima. Cilj je ovoga rada rasvijetliti pitanje (ne)postojanja genitiva u mađarskome jeziku te usporediti genitiv sa značenjem posvojnosti u mađarskom i hrvatskom jeziku.
Genitivni prijedložni izrazi u jeziku medija
Genitivni prijedložni izrazi u jeziku medija
Anita Rutnik
Ovaj rad opisuje prijedložne izraze, i to one prijedložne izraze koji stoje uz genitiv, drugi po redu padež u hrvatskom jeziku. Opisuju se različiti prijedlozi koji dolaze s genitivom, a najviše značenja ima genitiv koji dolazi uz sljedeće prijedloge: od, do, iz, s(a), oko, kod i preko. S genitivom dolaze i prijedlozi: ispred, iza, izvan, unutar, iznad, ispod, prije, uoči, podno, povrh, nakraj, krajem, potkraj, blizu, kraj, pored, nadohvat, uzduž, širom, bez, osim. Genitiv s...
Genuserwerb bei kroatischen DaF-Lernenden
Genuserwerb bei kroatischen DaF-Lernenden
Romana Babić
Die vorliegende Arbeit zum Thema Genuserwerb bei kroatischen DaF-Lernenden ist in vier Abschnitte gegliedert. Zu Beginn wird das Thema mit eigenen Worten eingeleitet, danach folgen die theoretischen Grundlagen, die Analyse und das Schlusswort. Es werden sowohl das deutsche als auch das kroatische Genussystem zusammengefasst und miteinander verglichen. Darauf folgt die Beschreibung des Instruments, der Probanden und des Analyserasters. Das Korpus setzt sich aus 60 schriftlichen Texten der...
George Orwell's Animal Farm: From Utopia to Dystopia
George Orwell's Animal Farm: From Utopia to Dystopia
Ida Relotić
George Orwell's Animal Farm is an example of dystopian literature, a genre he is so famous for. As many other pieces of dystopian literature, his novella is also influenced by the teachings of Karl Marx and the creation of socialism. The novella also represents a satire on the Russian Revolution. This paper aims to show how a dystopia arises from what initially seems a noble idea for creating an ideally just (utopian) society. The original idea of a utopian society was born out of Old...
