
Welsh English
Welsh English
Mia Mozer
English language belongs to Indo-European family of language. It is believed to have originated from Eastern Europe sometime around 3000 BC. After the migration of four Germanic tribes: Saxons, Angles, Jutes and Frisians, began the spread of English language. At that time, the first known inhabitants were Celts, and Celtic was the language spoken by the native inhabitants. Gradually, some Celtic speakers were driven into an area that is today known as Wales. It is the only place where Celtic...
White Supremacist Capitalist Ideology and Feminism in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Toni Morrison's Beloved
White Supremacist Capitalist Ideology and Feminism in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Toni Morrison's Beloved
Marija Marijanović
This paper explores the role of white supremacist capitalist ideology and feminism in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God and Toni Morrison’s Beloved. It analyzes the literary work of both authors and the reasons why they are deeply concerned with the consequences of slavery and its influence on the African American society. The elements of white supremacist capitalist ideology are the objectification through the control of visual imagery, naming and the suppression of...
Wie soll der Titel einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit lauten? Analyse der Titel in einer Online-Zeitschrift
Wie soll der Titel einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit lauten? Analyse der Titel in einer Online-Zeitschrift
Miriam Ljubić
Diese Abschlussarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Titeln in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Online-Zeitschrift Linguistik Online. In zwei Teilen dieser Arbeit werden Titel ausführlich behandelt. Der erste, theoretische Teil der Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Formulierungen und Formen von Titeln. Danach, im zweiten Teil der Abschlussarbeit, werden die quantitative und qualitative Analyse dargestellt. Die Arbeit analysiert nur deutsche Titel, die in der Zeitschrift...
William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury as a Southern Gothic Fiction
William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury as a Southern Gothic Fiction
Ivona Sabo
Published in 1929, The Sound and the Fury is one of the most perplexing novels written by William Faulkner. Dealing with many problems of the post-war Southern area of the United States, the novel is set in Faulkner’s fictional Yoknapatawpha County. Both the novel’s setting and themes point out that this masterpiece of Faulkner’s oeuvre is a prime example of literary (sub)genre known as Southern Gothic. The first chapter of the paper thus discusses the Gothic genre and the Southern...
William Penn i osnivanje Pennsylvanije
William Penn i osnivanje Pennsylvanije
Sara Jurišić
U ovom radu opisuje se život Williama Penna i osnivanje kolonije Pennsylvanije. Penn potječe iz utjecajne britanske obitelji koja je putem svojega vojno-političkoga djelovanja stekla veliko poštovanje kralja i naroda. Taj je iskoristio u svrhu dobivanja kraljevske povelje, kako bi osnovao novu koloniju. Bio je član vjerske organizacije Društva prijatelja, te je njegova vjera bila nit vodilja za većinu njegova političkog i književnog djelovanja, pa tako i motivacija za osnivanje...
William Shakespeare – a genius or a fraud
William Shakespeare – a genius or a fraud
Hana Stojanović
Since the beginning of time people have had the need to write about the things they are surrounded by. With time, writing stopped being just a way to make the time pass by and became a full-time job. In today’s world, William Shakespeare is considered to be the best writer in the history of humankind, leaving us with great comedies and tragedies, stories of love and hate. However, in the last century and a half the question of Shakespearean authorship has provoked suspicion among many...
Willingness to Commmunicate and Oral Proficiency in EFL
Willingness to Commmunicate and Oral Proficiency in EFL
Mirijam Filipović
This study examined the relationship between willingness to communicate (WTC), perceived communication competence (PCC) and oral language proficiency (OLP) in English as a foreign language. More precisely, the correlations between these variables were explored. Comparisons indicate that there are statistically significant positive correlations between willingness to communicate and oral language proficiency, and between perceived communication competence and oral language proficiency,...
Wilma Vukelichs "Spuren der Vergangenheit" als Autobiografie
Wilma Vukelichs "Spuren der Vergangenheit" als Autobiografie
Ivka Lukić
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die autobiografische Elemente in den Vukelichs Memoiren Spuren der Vergangenheit zu identifizieren. Die Begriffe Autobiografe und Memoiren werden oft synonymisch benutzt, sodass es schwer ist, eine klare Abgrenzung zu finden. Deswegen werden in dieser Arbeit die Unterschiede detailliert untersucht. Bevor aber die Analyse durgeführt werden kann, man soll zuerst eine konkrete Definition von beiden geben. Nachdem die Definitionen bekannt sind, soll festgestellt...
Winesburg, Ohio as a Bildungsroman
Winesburg, Ohio as a Bildungsroman
Gloria Benčina
Sherwood Anderson, in his short story collection Winesburg, Ohio, introduces the character of George Willard whose development and growth are intertwined in the stories. Even though the protagonist is not directly mentioned or involved in each one of the stories, they all have a significant role in the shaping of his character. This paper examines his journey from youth to adulthood by comparing the collection with a Bildungsroman and analyzing George’s development through the...
Winston Churchill i Drugi svjetski rat
Winston Churchill i Drugi svjetski rat
Petrica Aleksić
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill osoba je od iznimne važnosti za tijek Drugog svjetskog rata, pa i same povijesti. Počevši od godina neposredno prije rata upozoravao je na rastuću opasnost njemačkog ubrzanog naoružavanja, prvenstveno u obliku užurbane proizvodnje zrakoplovstva. Po početku rata povjerena mu je najviša politička dužnost – ona premijera.Velika Britanija se pod njegovim vodstvom u prvim godinama sukoba sama suprotstavljala moći njemačkog ratnog stroja....
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Analyse des Beitrags  "Grammatisches Wissen, Fremdsprachenunterricht und Lehrwerke" von Leonard Pon
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben: Analyse des Beitrags "Grammatisches Wissen, Fremdsprachenunterricht und Lehrwerke" von Leonard Pon
Barbara Fanton
Die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der wissenschaftlichen Ausdrucksweise, genauer gesagt, ihren Merkmalen und Regeln. Der theoretische Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, welche Elemente eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit beinhalten muss und welche Funktionen sie in der Arbeit ausüben. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt der wichtigste Teil der Arbeit bzw. die Analyse. Dieser Teil befasst sich mit der Analyse der im Hauptteil behandelten Elemente im Beitrag „Grammatisches Wissen,...
