Gender and Education
Nikolina Dolić This paper explores gender and education in Croatia and the United States. It aims to call attention to the feminization of the teaching profession with a particular emphasis on the major reasons that have led to this occurrence. The paper focuses on the traditional gender stereotypes which have impacted the teaching profession through their gender bias and have led to the feminization of the teaching profession. The gender discrimination is evident in the teaching hierarchy, the pay gap and...
Gender as a Variable of Identity in the Fan Culture
Lucija Giener The goal of this paper is to describe and explore how and in what depth gender is a part of identity in fan culture, what, if any, are some gender differences in fandoms, how much identity and fan culture are actually connected, and what are some good and bad aspects of that. It is written based on previous scholarly research, and backed up by my personal experience combined with critical thinking during years of online presence. The general hypothesis assumes and compares differences...
Gender inequality in English-speaking film industry
Karla Zorko My Bachelor’s Thesis investigates the position of women in today’s film industry. What has been discovered is that many directors constantly put women in the same scenes and situations, as if those are the only ones they are able to do. My goal here is to use the Bechdel test (it is explained in Section 2) on a few movies that I have chosen, and see whether they pass the Bechdel test or not. I will also use the research done by Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media to determine...
Gender inequality in the music industry
Laura Glück Radičević Gender inequality in the music industry still imposes a great problem for today’s society. The industry is mostly male biased in every possible area whether we think of singers, bands, classical musicians, producers, record owners, or simply journalists or a worker in a music shop. This inequality goes back to the time when humans realised they are biologically different as it was represented in the Bible with Adam and Eve. The ideology says that males should be the ones who make all the...
Gender markers and gender marking with personal dual gender nouns: a corpus study
Marta Javorček This paper is mainly concerned with the grammatical category of gender in the English language. More particularly, it explores gender markers and gender marking along with personal dual gender nouns. It starts with the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon, in which we define gender as a grammatical category of nouns with a three-way distinction between masculine, feminine and neuter, based on the properties of the noun and its referents. We then continue with examining personal masculine...
Gender of nouns denoting higher and lower animals
O rodu engleskih imenica koje označavaju životinje
Katarina Kovačić The purpose of this research paper is to provide the analysis of the gender of nouns denoting higher and lower animals in the English language focusing on linguistic and other factors. There are three major parts of this research paper. The first part provides theoretical information about gender and systems of gender assignment in different languages focusing on the animal nouns. The first part also displays a map with the representation of values for each of the systems. The second part...
Gender roles in reading stories in EFL textbooks
Dolores Kostić The present study examines gender roles in reading stories in EFL textbooks. The theoretical part covers the debate on gender roles and as well as a brief overview of previous research on gender representation in textbooks. The paper also discusses the necessity to represent each gender equally. The experimental part revealed that male characters are more frequently represented in reading stories and that mostly famous people are presented.
Gender, Genre, and Writing Style in Formal Written Texts
Sara Steiner Language and gender are two things that cannot be separated easily. In the last couple decades, sociolinguists began to study the connection between those two. They came to the conclusion that gender plays an important role in the way people use language later in their lives. As a result, we have many different approaches, among which the dominance and the difference approach are the best known. These two approaches describe tendencies in male and female use of language. The characteristics...
Gendered Language / Rodno osjetljiv jezik
Maja Marciuš This paper examines the relationship between sex, gender and language as prevalent ideas in linguistics that started mainly in 20th century. It deals with understanding the particularities of the gender and sex on the grammatical level and how favouring one gender over another through language and grammar has a real-life consequence for women in society that range from the private to the professional sphere. It recognises that language shapes the perception of reality through evoking of...
Generacijske razlike u povezanosti religioznosti i moralne permisivnosti
Lucijana Ćurković Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje u kojoj je mjeri religioznost povezana s odobravanjem antisocijalnog ponašanja te postoje li u tom smislu dobne razlike među ljudima. Polazi se od ideje da religioznost smanjuje moralnu permisivnost jer sve religije uključuju zabranu antisocijalnog ponašanja. Međutim, ovakav utjecaj možda nije isti na ljude različite dobi, odnosno možda je utjecaj moralnih normi koje prenosi religija različit u ovisnosti o generaciji i fazi životnog ciklusa. Religija,...