
Fashion as an Expression of Authenticity, Identity, and Heritage in the Novel Americanah
Fashion as an Expression of Authenticity, Identity, and Heritage in the Novel Americanah
Čarna-Senka Kolar
The paper analyzes the way in which fashion affects people’s inner and outer world. More precisely, how people view others and themselves while considering the outer appearance of a person. Furthermore, it analyzes the important topics in Adichie’s novel Americanah (2013), and considers how these topics are connected to fashion, appearance, and the way characters present themselves. This is exemplified through the experiences of the main character, Ifemelu, while adapting to the new...
Faszination mit dem Bösen in Manns Erzählung "Mario und der Zauberer"
Faszination mit dem Bösen in Manns Erzählung "Mario und der Zauberer"
Mateja Cindrić
Das Thema dieser Abschlussarbeit ist die Faszination mit dem Bösen, wie sie exemplarisch in Thomas Manns Erzählung Mario und der Zauberer und in Nietzsches Schrift Also sprach Zarathustra dargestellt und bearbeitet wird. Die Ursachen und das Wirken des Bösen sind bis zu dem heutigen Tag schwer zu erklären. Die Faszination des Menschen mit dem Bösen geht meiner Meinung nach aus der Neugier und Attraktivität des Bösen hervor, was auch die Grundthese dieser Arbeit ist. Der...
Fatalna žena realizma na primjeru Flaubertove Emme Bovary
Fatalna žena realizma na primjeru Flaubertove Emme Bovary
Ivana Hodak
Ovaj završni rad pisan je u svrhu povezivanja stereotipizacije ženskoga lika nastale u razdoblju romantizma, a koja se nastavila u razdoblju realizma s romanom Gustava Flauberta Gospođa Bovary. Rad ukazuje na problem stvaranja dvaju polova ženskih likova što nije primjereno razdoblju realizma. Kako je poznato, cilj je realizma opisati stvarno stanje zbilje upotrebljavajući likove i teme iz svakodnevnoga života. Stoga, crno-bijela karakterizacija nije najbolje rješenje u oblikovanju...
Fatalna žena u Šenoinim, Tomićevim i Kovačićevim romanima
Fatalna žena u Šenoinim, Tomićevim i Kovačićevim romanima
Cassy Prskalo
Lik fatalne žene pojavljuje se u razdoblju romantizma te se od tada može pratiti postupna evolucija ovoga lika koji svoj potpuni procvat doživljava u razdoblju hrvatskoga realizma. Šenoa u svome romanu Zlatarevo zlato predstavlja prototip fatalne žene u obliku lika udovice Klare. Iako se Klara smatra prototipom fatalne žene u hrvatskoj književnosti, u njezinoj osobnosti nisu u potpunosti utjelovljene sve značajke femme fatale. Josip Eugen Tomić nastavlja Šenoinu tradiciju...
Federik Grisogono: renesansni filozof
Federik Grisogono: renesansni filozof
Hrvoje Potlimbrzović
Zadarski renesansni mislilac Federik Grisogono (1472–1538) završio je doktorski studij na padovanskom Sveučilištu, na kojem je potom predavao astrologiju i matematiku. Autor je spisā koji su objavljeni u dvama zbornicima. Prvi od tih zbornika sadrži tri spisa, a objavljen je u Veneciji 1507. godine pod naslovom Speculum astronomicum terminans intellectum humanum in omni scientia Federici Chrysogoni Jadertini (Astronomsko zrcalo koje omeđuje ljudski razum u svakoj znanosti Federika...
Female Characters and Setting in Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived in the Castle"
Female Characters and Setting in Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived in the Castle"
Lucija Begonja
We Have Always Lived in the Castle is Shirley Jackson’s last completed novel and, much like the majority of her other works, it features female characters suffering from mental disorders and the house which represents a place of both security and imprisonment. The main objective of this paper will be to analyze both of the protagonists and to explore the setting of Jackson’s novel. Constance and Mary Katherine (Merricat) Blackwood, two psychically unstable sisters, continue living...
Female Characters in Fantasy: Comparison of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
Female Characters in Fantasy: Comparison of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
Jasmina Gagulić
Two authors, J.R.R.Tolkien and Robert Jordan, wrote novels that belong to the same genre, the fantasy literature. What they have in common, besides the genre, are female characters. While in Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings there are only a few female characters, Jordans The Wheel of Time is bursting with women characters. This paper will compare three characters from each series, first introducing the general idea about women in both authors works, but before delving into analyses about women...
Female and Male Conversational Style
Female and Male Conversational Style
Rebecca Danko
Female and male conversational styles are influenced by a number of things such as their social roles, their ethnicity, patterns they acquired in the childhood and many more. Concerning their social roles and statuses, women are mainly connected to the domestic unit and are supposed to take care of it. Their status is typically more bound, and that is why some authors, like R. Lakoff, hypothesize that this is the reason for their being more careful when it comes to speech and behavior....
Feminism in Theory and Practice: Where Did It All Go Wrong?
Feminism in Theory and Practice: Where Did It All Go Wrong?
Katarina Šijaković
Feminist ideas date as far back as 1792, when Mary Wollstonecraft’s essay A Vindication on the Rights of Women was published. In her essay, Wollstonecraft advocates for a better education of women and she also criticizes the portrayal of women as being in the perpetual state of childhood promoted in works such as Rousseau’s Emile, or On Education (1762). Women’s suffrage movement began in the first half of the eighteenth century both in Britain and the USA. Feminism defies the...
Feminism in the Harry Potter Series
Feminism in the Harry Potter Series
Ana Kralj
J.K. Rowling is an author of the series of seven fantasy novels about Harry Potter. The series depicts the lives of three best friends and young wizards: Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and their fight against the evil wizard Voldemort. This paper analyzes the feminist characters in the Harry Potter series as well as anti-feminists in the novels. Some critics accuse J.K. Rowling of being anti-feminist because the main character in the series is a boy and, at first glance, it seems that the...
Feminism, Race, and Sexuality in the Twentieth Century Anglophone Literature
Feminism, Race, and Sexuality in the Twentieth Century Anglophone Literature
Tena Batković
In today’s world, the feminist movement is not just concerned with how gender affects one’s position in society. It rather wants to find out how gender, in relation to other social categories such as race and sexuality, affects one’s identity and shapes their experiences. In the twentieth century literature, many women writers have explored the question of identity in their works and connected it to the concepts of gender, race, and sexuality. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to...
Feminist Pedagogy in the Works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Feminist Pedagogy in the Works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Kristina Božić
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s works provide profound insights into the intersections of gender, race, class, sexuality, and cultural experiences. The author’s novels Americanah, Half of a Yellow Sun, and Purple Hibiscus tell the individual stories of unique characters while relating them to the struggles experienced by different people all around the world. As one of the most prominent feminist authors, Adichie presents strong female characters while focusing on the veiled realities of...
