
Textkohäsion und Personalpronomen in schriftlichen Produktionen kroatischer DaF-Lerner
Textkohäsion und Personalpronomen in schriftlichen Produktionen kroatischer DaF-Lerner
Ozana Nako
Diese Diplomarbeit behandelt die Frage, wie effektiv der Einsatz der Personalpronomina zur Herstellung der Kohäsion in den Aufsätzen kroatischer DaF-Lerner ist. Der erste Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der terminologischen Klärung. Es wird über die Theorie der Kohäsion und Kohäsionsmittel gesprochen. Darauf aufbauend wird im zweiten Teil die empirische Untersuchung der Personalpronomen in Bezug auf die Textkohäsion in schriftlichen Produktionen kroatischer DaF-Lerner vorgestellt. Zu...
Teškoće u razvoju kao tematika u književnosti za djecu i mlade
Teškoće u razvoju kao tematika u književnosti za djecu i mlade
Ivana Kurilj
Suvremeno društvo više nego ikada nastoji postati inkluzivno društvo u kojemu će najosjetljivije skupine ljudi biti prihvaćene te u kojemu će prevladavati ravnopravnost i jednakost među svima. Ipak, i dalje su razvidne posljedice konzumerizma i materijalizma, pri čemu djeca i mladi, nesvjesni toga, doživljavaju krizu vrijednosti i zanemaruju temeljne moralne vrijednosti. Sukladno s tim, ideja je stvaranja inkluzivnoga društva otežana, a diskriminacija je drugih i drugačijih i...
Teškoće čitanja, pisanja i računanja učenika s teškoćama u razvoju
Teškoće čitanja, pisanja i računanja učenika s teškoćama u razvoju
Sanja Kardaš
Cilj istraživanja je ispitati koliko se nastavnici i profesori smatraju kompetentnima za rad s učenicima s disleksijom, disgrafijom i diskalkulijom. Teorijski je dio rada usmjeren na prikaz dosadašnjih spoznaja i stavova o poremećajima u čitanju, pisanju i računanju a empirijski na kompetentnost nastavnika, u kojim područjima se smatraju najkompetentnijima za rad s učenicima s poteškoćama u čitanju, pisanju i računanju te za koja područja smatraju da postoji prostora za...
The (Im)Possibility of Healing in Toni Morrison's Novels
The (Im)Possibility of Healing in Toni Morrison's Novels
Nina Mautner
This paper uses Frankl’s logotherapy for the analysis of Toni Morrison’s novels and their protagonists in The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, Beloved, and A Mercy. The different traumatic events make Morrison’s novels suitable for logotherapeutic reading and analysis. Morrison’s way of presenting slavery and identity issues are in accordance to Frankl’s presentation of oppressed prisoners in concentration camps and introducing the ultimate meaning in the most difficult situations. The...
The African American Women's Search for Identity in Southern Literature
The African American Women's Search for Identity in Southern Literature
Tomislava Ćavar
The identity of African American women presents a specific intersection between race and gender, vulnerability and perseverance. This paper follows its development through Southern literature – how it was nearly decimated during slavery, built from ground up after its abolition, and how it continues to change and develop through many challenges and adversities up to the present day. It focuses on the depiction of female African American characters in five works of Southern literature:...
The American Dream and the American Family
The American Dream and the American Family
Katarina Bajer
This paper will focus on the impact of the American Dream on the American family with a particular emphasis on the period of the Roaring Twenties. By using Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby as a representative novel of the period the aim is to show that family background has a significant impact not only on how individuals pursue the American Dream but also the extent to which they achieve or fail in their endeavors. The diversity of the family backgrounds of the main characters...
The American Dream and the Consumer Culture in Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie
The American Dream and the Consumer Culture in Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie
Sandra Hlaban
This paper examines the notion of what the American Dream and its consumer culture has meant to individuals throughout the history of the development of American society. As to fully understand the reasons of the creation of this notion, this study takes a closer look at the first American colonies in the light of their religious beliefs. The paper explains the principles that the Dream is built on as well as the virtues that reflect on modern society. Furthermore, the study makes evident...
The American Dream from the Immigrants' Perspective
The American Dream from the Immigrants' Perspective
Sandra Dadić
The aim of this paper is to explore the American Dream viewed from the immigrant’s perspective. Various definitions of the American Dream are presented as well as the Dream’s origins with a particular focus on the meaning of the American Dream for the immigrants. The paper highlights the four waves of American immigration by explaining who, why and when came to the Unites States, and what were their expectations. Immigrants have commonly viewed the United States as the country that...
The American Dream in the Media
The American Dream in the Media
Filip Akmačić
Many African Americans in the United States today have a negative view of the country’s racial progress. Despite their significant contributions in the settling and development of the country African Americans still have not achieved equal citizen’s rights as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. The present study has shown that through decades of hardships and inequality, African Americans have not been given an equal opportunity to...
The Animal Motif in Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Animal Motif in Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Sandra Savanović
This paper analyzes the animal motif in Edgar Allan Poe’s selected works. It focuses on three animal motifs in four of Poe’s works – the short stories “The Black Cat,” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” and “Hop-Frog,” and the poem “The Raven.” The paper argues that the three animal motifs, the black cat, the raven, and the orangutan, personify certain elements of the human nature – feelings, emotions, human constructs, phenomena of the human society, and the stages of...
The Archetype of the Western Cowboy Outlaw in Red Dead Redemption 2
The Archetype of the Western Cowboy Outlaw in Red Dead Redemption 2
Hana Šprem
The Western genre’s presence in books and films is substantial, but in recent years it can be found increasingly in video games as well. The most popular Western video game currently is Red Dead Redemption 2, released in 2018. This thesis focuses on Red Dead Redemption 2 and its protagonist Arthur Morgan. The aim of the thesis is to analyze Arthur Morgan through the Western cowboy outlaw and the Western hero archetype using John G. Cawelti’s The Six-Gun Mystique, Northrop Frye’s...
The Attitude towards Women in Kerouac's Novel On the Road
The Attitude towards Women in Kerouac's Novel On the Road
Andrea Štefić
The paper will discuss the Beat Generation, its historical background, aesthetics of writing, key figures of the movement, and their most prominent works, with special emphasis on features and publication of the novel On the Road. The thesis will also discuss the position of women throughout history and then explicitly analyze the attitudes of men towards women in Jack Kerouac’s novel On the Road. It will debate the perspective, behavior, and language used to describe and talk about women...
