The Representations of Femme Fatale in Literature and Movies: a Feminist Phenomenon or a Sexual Object?
Tea Barić This paper analyses the femme fatale archetype and its representations in literature and movies. Its aim is to explore whether they represent feminist heroes who changed the traditional roles of women in society or whether they are stereotypical characters represented as male fantasies objectified into sex symbols based on the prejudices and injustices of patriarchal society. The femme fatale archetype is analysed in 1862 Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s novel Lady Audley’s Secret, 1940 Raymond...
The Role of Aesthetic Education in Early EFL Learning
Marina Lukačević Aesthetics is a philosophical discipline dealing with the sensory cognition of the truth realized as beauty. According to Kant, a beautiful work of art is created by a genius in the free use of her cognitive powers of imagination and understanding. The present study attempted to apply Kants aesthetic insights to FL vocabulary learning. A theoretical design of an aesthetic vocabulary strategy was offered and the additive effect of its application as opposed to imagery technique was tested in...
The Role of First Language in Learning English as a Foreign Language
Beata Šikloši The present paper examines the role of the mother tongue in learning English, more precisely, in acquiring the English article system. Comparing the results of two types of tests completed by Hungarian and Croatian learners of English some conclusions were made on whether the presence or absence of the article system in the students’ L1 has any effect on their success in acquiring the English articles. The role of the mother tongue was tested both at the receptive and the productive level.
The Role of Grammar Learning Strategies in EFL Achievement
Josipa Čabraja The term "grammar learning strategies" refers to the various approaches or techniques that learners use to acquire and internalize grammatical rules and structures of a language. This master’s thesis investigates the relationship between grammar learning strategies and learners' achievement in the context of two grammar schools located in Osijek and Slavonski Brod. The study employs a quantitative research approach, utilizing a questionnaire administered to learners in both schools. Data...
The Role of Religion in Twentieth Century War Narratives
Leon Delić From the earliest days of Christianity to today, battle, war, and warfare have had a longstanding and persistent alliance with religion. Throughout history, from the Battle of Rephidim in the Book of Exodus, and the Medieval Crusades, all the way to World War I, religion, or at least Christianity and war, have had an inseparable bond. Religion is key to understanding those wars – to comprehend why so many people participated in wars, and why they persisted in fighting during these wars....
The Role of Stay Abroad in Perception of Oral Proficiency and Willingness to Communicate
Mia Leko This master’s thesis investigated the effects of an international student exchange program “Work and Travel” (W&T) on students’ perceived oral proficiency and willingness to communicate in English. Three groups of respondents were chosen: students of the English language and literature who did not participate in the program, and two groups of students of other faculties, non-language majors, – one that participated in the program and one that did not. Statistically significant...
The Role of the Monarchy in the United Kingdom
Mateja Golek This paper examines the different roles of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Monarchy is one of the most well-known in the world and its influence is significant for the nation, the Commonwealth, and is recognized very favourably globally. The aim of the paper was to prove that along with the representative, religious and the constitutional role, the Sovereign plays a significant part in the Armed Forces, the Commonwealth and as the patron...
The Runic Script and its Characters in Old English and Middle English Texts
Monika Petrinec The aim of this work is, primarily, to introduce and describe the topic of the runes as found in the development of the English language. A true value of the runes lies actually in some of the preserved texts which were vastly created during the Old and Middle English period. According to historical evidence, the runes were used by various people since prehistoric times, but the traces were probably lost.
The early inscriptions chiselled into the stone or wood were the results of...
The Search for Reality in Philip K. Dick's VALIS and The Exegesis
Dino Lončar In his novels and stories, Philip K. Dick is preoccupied with the question: “What is real?” and at one point, his literary and biographical interests merge. Namely, on 2 March 1974, after a visit to the dentist due to which he was under the influence of sodium pentothal, Dick had a mystical encounter with what he calls VALIS: a higher and more rational mind that “invaded” his. This single experience was the spark which would lead Dick on a long and painful writing journey of over...
The Shaping of Identity in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter Novels and Veronica Roth's Divergent trilogy
Ana Šovagović In addition to being interesting and educational, Children's and Young Adult literature frequently also has a psychological and emotional role for their readers. When having problems or doubts in life, (young) people tend to escape their world by reading books and imagining themselves in another universe. In their novels, J. K. Rowling and Veronica Roth made up two fantasy worlds for the readers to escape to: the Harry Potter universe and the imaginary, dystopian post-war Chicago...