Gonzo Journalism and the Work of Hunter S. Thompson as Literature
Zvonimir Prpić The importance of Frederick Douglass’s narratives lies in the mere necessity of their existence, as they were instruments which proved the importance of education and served as reminders that history should not repeat itself. For a slave, literacy and education were close to impossible, which is why Douglass is so significant. He came from an enslaved family, and, against all odds, not only learned how to read and write, but made himself the biggest African American Hero of his century....
Gospodarstvo Vukovara između dva svjetska rata s posebnim naglaskom na tvornicu obuće ''Bata''
Katarina Vukanović Vukovar je, uz Ilok, zadnji hrvatski grad na obali Dunava prema Srbiji te se od kraja Prvog svjetskog rata u njemu odvijaju događaji presudni za cijelu Hrvatsku. Izdvojen i izoliran od ostatka Hrvatske, te prisilno okrenut Beogradu, Vukovar u prvim poratnim godinama zapada u gospodarsku stagnaciju. Unatoč velikom broju obrtnika i nekim preživjelim industrijskim pogonima, te otvaranju novih, poljoprivreda je i dalje glavna gospodarska grana, a ona u prvom desetljeću poraća nazaduje zbog...
Gothic Elements in Stephen King’s The Shining
Mateja Ilišin The paper focuses on the origins of the Gothic genre and its evolution into the modern Gothic that is created by Stephen King. King uses the classic gothic elements and combines them with contemporary events in order to reformulate the genre and create a modernized version of Gothic. The motif of the haunted house, alongside its mysteries, represents the secrets of the protagonist’s mind and the psyche that is beyond rational control. The ancient prophecy is delivered through a scrapbook...
Gothic Elements in the poems of G. A. Bürger, J. W. von Goethe and E. A. Poe
Iva Romić This paper deals with Gothic elements as they appear in the ballads of Gottfried August Bürger, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Edgar Allan Poe. Although parts of different national literatures, these works exhibit similar themes and motifs which revolve around a woman who creates the suspenseful atmosphere in the ballads. Other elements common to the Gothic genre and to the American and European Romantic movement include strong emotions, such as fear, terror, and passion, as well as a...
Gothic Feminism in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
Nikolina Maligec The paper is concerned with the history of the Gothic as well as the most eminent elements which determine the Gothic as a literary genre. The chapter devoted to the Gothic starts with its beginnings and later focuses on the more recent parts of the Gothic history while paying special attention to the Victorian Gothic. Apart from the Gothic history, the paper also examines the history of feminism. The analysis is devoted to Emily Brontë’s classic novel, Wuthering Heights, which is...
Gotički elementi u Tajni Krvavog mosta Marije Jurić Zagorke
Ana-Marija Posavec U radu se raspravlja o gotičkom romanu i gotičkim elementima na predlošku Tajne Krvavog mosta Marije Jurić Zagorke. Rad se oslanja na članak Biljane Oklopčić, Plameni inkvizitori u kontekstu gotičkog romana u zborniku radova Neznana junakinja – nova čitanja Zagorke. Gotički će se elementi promatrati u okviru studija engleskih i njemačkih teoretičara koji su postavili temelje za analizu gotičkog romana i njegovih činitelja. Raspravljat će se i o Zagorkinom poznavanju...
Gotičko u pričama Maše Kolanović
Martina Prce U radu se obrađuje tema gotičke književnosti i analiziraju se elementi gotike u zbirci priča Poštovani kukci i druge jezive priče Maše Kolanović objavljene 2019. godine. U svojim je početcima, krajem 18. stoljeća, gotička književnost bila zaokupljena ukletim dvorcima, nadnaravnim događajima i likovima zlikovcima, dok se kasnije više okreće naglašavanju jakih emocija, vraćanju prošlosti te kritici društva. Shodno tome, gotički se žanr odlikuje uzvišenim stilom,...
Gottfried Kellers "Der grüne Heinrich" als Entwicklungsroman
Sabine Wengert Die Abschlussarbeit analysiert die Entwicklung des Protagonisten namens Heinrich Lee. Es werden seine Psyche und sein Verhalten gegenüber seiner Eltern, den Frauen und Künstlern betrachtet. Daraufhin wurde er von ihnen in Bereich der Kunst, Literatur, Philosophie, Religion und Liebe beeinflusst. Da sein Vater starb, konnte er seinem Sohn Heinrich nicht als männliches Vorbild dienen und somit musste seine Mutter diesen Teil der Erziehung übernehmen. Dadurch genoss er eine weiblichere...
Gottfried Kellers Novelle "Kleider machen Leute" und die gleichnamige Verfilmung von Helmut Kaeutner
Perica Vranjić In dem Film „Kleider machen Leute“, der 1940 entstanden ist, handelt es sich um eine filmische Adaption von der gleichnamigen Novelle von Gottfried Keller. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Verfilmung, die nach den Motiven von Kellers Novelle „Kleider machen Leute“ aus dem Jahr 1866 (Erstveröffentlichung des Buches 1874) entstanden ist. Die Uraufführung des Films „Kleider machen Leute“ war am 16. September 1940 in Konstanz und die Erstaufführung in Berlin am 23. Oktober 1940 im...
Gottfried Kellers Novelle "Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe" und Holger Barthels Verfilmung "In Liebe vereint"
Maja Jeleč Bei dem im Jahr 2002 erstmals ausgestrahlten Film „In Liebe vereint“ von Holger Barthel handelt es sich um die filmische Adaption der Novelle „Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe“ von Gottfried Keller. Gottfried Keller gilt als Meister der Novellendichtung und als einer der bedeutendsten Erzähler des bürgerlichen Realismus. Romeo und Julia sind wohl das bekannteste unglückliche, junge Liebespaar der Literaturgeschichte. Die Geschichte von ihnen kann man in vielen Büchern,...