Mythologizing and Demythologizing of Rural life in the Poetry of Gray, Goldsmith, and Crabbe
Valentina Novoselac Rural life has been portrayed as idyllic for a long time in literature, while the reality of villagers’ life was concealed. The eighteenth century was a harsh period of time, especially for villages, due to the advancement in economy and industry, which made villagers’ life even harder. Thomas Gray, Oliver Goldsmith, and George Crabbe refused to create illusions about rural life in their poetry, so they described rural life as it was. Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country...
Mythology and Religion in the Works of William Butler Yeats, Seamus Heaney, and Andrew Hozier Byrne
Jelena Bungić s William Butler Yeats, Seamus Heaney, and Andrew Hozier Byrne skilfully use mythology and religion in their works to express their own roles in their country as voices of the people, voices of freedom and change, and to witness and capture political, cultural, religious, and personal change, growth and significance. All three poets are deeply influenced both by their Irish national identity and the complex and difficult Irish history, which can be seen in their poetry. The paper will show...
Myths and Stereotypes in Toni Morrison's "Beloved" and William Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury"
Gordana Antolović This paper analyses the myths, archetypes, and stereotypes that occur in two novels by two American Nobel Prize winners, Toni Morrison's Beloved and William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury. Both writers are well known for their mythical method they use to resurface undercurrent ideas of the misinterpreted and misrepresented history. The theory of myth and the phenomenon of stereotypes are looked into as guidelines. The analysis brings to light which myths, archetypes, and stereotypes can...
Märchen- und Sagenmotive in Grillparzers Dramen; ,,Das goldene Vlies", ,,Der Traum,ein Leben",
„Libussa" und ,,Weh dem,der lűgt"
Tanja Babić Franz Grillparzer zählt zu den bedeutendsten österreichischer Figuren der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein erstes Drama schrieb er mit nur 18 Jahren und nach dem Erfolg seines Stückes „Die Ahnfrau“ wurde er zum Dichter des Burgtheaters. Seine Dramen werden in drei Kategorien unterteil: Griechendramen („Sappho“), historische Dramen und Staatdramen („Ein Bruderzwist in Habsburg“) und Märchen und Mythendramen („Das goldene Vlies“, „Libussa“, „Weh dem, der lügt“...
Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung des CLILiG in Kroatien
Dario Jakšić Der CLILiG (Content Language Integrated Learning in German) ist ein neuer Ansatz, welcher seit einigen Jahren im modernen DaF-Unterricht immer mehr an Beliebtheit gewinnt. Im kroatischen Bildungssystem ist dieser Ansatz und seine Umsetzung den Deutschlehrern meist unbekannt Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den CLILiG vorzustellen, die Lage der deutschen Sprache und des CLILiG in Kroatien zu schildern und die Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung dieses Ansatzes im DaF-Unterricht an kroatischen Schulen...
Mündliche Fehlerkorrektur im fortgeschrittenen DaF-Unterricht
Olja Ničić In der Diplomarbeit zum Thema Mündliche Fehlerkorrektur bei Fortgeschrittenen im DaF-Unterricht wollte gezeigt werden, wie mündliche Fehlerkorrektur mit fortgeschrittenen Lernern durchgeführt wird. Die Arbeit ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil besteht aus theoretischen Grundlagen zum Thema der Untersuchung und im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird die Untersuchung zur mündlichen Fehlerkorrektur dargestellt: Untersuchungsfragen und Hypothesen, Untersuchungsdesign, Ergebnisse der...
NSK kao nacionalni bibliografski ured i hrvatska retrospektivna bibliografija: postignuća i perspektiva
Sanja Skaramuca Izrada nacionalne bibliografije, pa tako i retrospektivne bibliografije, jedna je od zakonskih obaveza Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice kao nacionalnog bibliografskog ureda. U hrvatsku retrospektivnu bibliografiju knjiga uvrštava se građa na temelju nacionalnog, teritorijalnog i jezičnog kriterija. Stručnjaci smatraju da je u objavljenoj Građi za hrvatsku retrospektivnu bibliografiju 1835-1940 obrađeno oko 70% građe. Cilj ovoga rada je analizom podataka iz godišnjih izvješća...
Nacionalna mreža digitalnih akademskih arhiva i repozitorija (DABAR)
Roberto Panić U radu je dan osvrt na Dabar - nacionalnu mrežu digitalnih arhiva i repozitorija koja je nastala kao rezultat suradnje institucija i pojedinaca unutar akademske zajednice u Republici Hrvatskoj. U skladu s tim, nakon kraćeg osvrta na pojam i ulogu digitalnog repozitorija u znanstvenoj komunikaciji, u radu se navode opće informacije o mreži repozitorija te analizira organizacijska struktura Dabra. U okviru prikaza programskog rješenja Islandore na kojem Dabar počiva, opisane su sve...
Nacionalno-domoljubno pjesništvo Petra Preradovića
Luka Dragić U radu se donosi uvid u pjesnički opus hrvatskoga književnika Petra Preradovića s naglaskom na nacionalno-domoljubnoj tematici koju je pjesnik kao jednu od najčešćih tema njegovao u godinama svojega književnoga djelovanja. Kao jednomu od ključnih hrvatskih romantičara prikazuje se njegova pjesnička uloga u središnjemu dijelu 19. stoljeća. Nadalje se analiziraju i interpretiraju pjesnikove najznačajnije nacionalno-domoljubne pjesme kroz motive i elemente kojima je tvorena svaka...