
J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" as a Bildungsroman
J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" as a Bildungsroman
Ena Šveger
For many, fantasy books represent a form of escapism. They offer their audience abundant fictional worlds to get lost in and intricate characters one may identify themselves with. As opposed to adult audiences, the fantasy genre is popular among children and young adults. Some of the benefits observed in providing children with fantasy books is that they offer children a way of seeing the world differently, and making direct connections between fictional scenarios and their reality....
J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman
J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman
Ante Jurišić
Going through changes can at times be difficult to handle, especially for young people who are about to reach the adult years of their lives. In the years following their adolescence, they lose the sense of security they had for so long, and they rapidly have to adapt to the new way of life, which is filled with responsibility for themselves and those around them. During that time, they are not confident about their ability to adjust to those changes, so it is important for them to know that...
Jack the Ripper: A Look at the Mental Health of the Notorious Serial Killer
Jack the Ripper: A Look at the Mental Health of the Notorious Serial Killer
Dominik Šalković
Despite occurring a long time ago, the murders committed by Jack the Ripper still generate a lot of discussion and are still in the public eye. The mind of a serial killer is fascinating because it is beyond reason and logic that one can seem perfectly normal one moment and be a complete monster the next. The reason why it is important to determine what effect deteriorating mental health had on Jack the Ripper is because it would enable experts to understand the killer’s actions and the...
Jagoda Truhelka
Jagoda Truhelka
Ivana Jurišić
Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati Jagodu Truhelku s jedne strane kao ženu u koju je utkana ljubav prema djeci i svom cjeloživotnom učiteljskom pozivu, kao osobu koja se bori za ženska prava u vremenima kada to nije bilo lako, te s druge strane kao književnicu koja svojim oštrim perom ostavlja prekrasne tragove u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti.
Jaki karakteri: Shakespeareov Hamlet i Eshilov Prometej
Jaki karakteri: Shakespeareov Hamlet i Eshilov Prometej
Anja Koščak
Eshilov Okovani Prometej i Shakespeareov Hamlet tragedije su koje su još uvijek aktualne i tema su brojnih analiza i interpretacija. Razlog tomu svakako su i jaki karakteri glavnih likova, Hamleta i Prometeja. Svrha je ovoga rada opisati neka od sredstava i postupaka pri izgradnji tih dvaju jakih karaktera. Tematika Okovanog Prometeja temelji se na mitu o Prometeju i nastala je u samim početcima nastanka tragedije, dok se tematika Hamleta temelji na uvijek aktualnim društvenim sukobima. S...
Jakob lažljivac - usporedba između romana i njegovih dvaju istoimenih filmskih ekranizacija
 / Jakob der Luegner - ein Vergleich zwischen dem Roman und dessen zwei gleichnamigen Verfilmungen
Jakob lažljivac - usporedba između romana i njegovih dvaju istoimenih filmskih ekranizacija / Jakob der Luegner - ein Vergleich zwischen dem Roman und dessen zwei gleichnamigen Verfilmungen
Katarina Ivanković
Jurek Becker ist einer der bekanntesten DDR- Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautoren. Seine Werke, die man der Trümmerliteratur zuordnen kann, haben ihn bekannt gemacht. Er schrieb zuerst ein Drehbuch mit dem Titel „Jakob der Lügner.“ Danach schrieb er es in den gleichnamigen Roman um und später entstand wieder eine zweite Drehbuchfassung, die Frank Bayer schließlich 1974 das erste Mal verfilmte. Im selben Jahr war die Premiereausstrahlung im DDR Fernsehen und im Jahr darauf kam der Film...
Jamaican English
Jamaican English
Anita Udovičić
Jamaican English, one of the World Englishes, is a variety of English spoken in Jamaica. Jamaican Standard English resembles parts of both British English and American English dialects, along with many aspects of Irish intonation, but typically, it uses the same spelling as found in British English. Also, there is Jamaican Patois/Patwah or Creole which is not “Broken English”, but it is actually a combination of English, French, Various West African Languages, Spanish and many others....
James Krüss' Roman "Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen" (1962) im Vergleich mit der gleichnamigen Verfilmung von Andreas Dresen aus dem Jahr 2017
James Krüss' Roman "Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen" (1962) im Vergleich mit der gleichnamigen Verfilmung von Andreas Dresen aus dem Jahr 2017
Andrea Rupa
In dieser Diplomarbeit ist von der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und von der Literaturverfilmung die Rede. Es geht um den Kinderroman Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen und die gleichnamige Verfilmung. Der Roman wurde von James Krüss verfasst, in den 90er Jahren wurde eine gleichnamige Serie gedreht und 2017 kam ein Film, der auch denselben Namen trägt, heraus. Hier wird ein Vergleich zwischen Roman und Film gezeigt. Beide spielen in den 1920er Jahren und sind mit einer Dosis...
Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey" as a Parody of the Gothic Novel
Jane Austen's "Northanger Abbey" as a Parody of the Gothic Novel
Aleksandra Balenović
Northanger Abbey is the first complete novel of the famous English author Jane Austen. Originally titled Susan, the novel was written in late 1700s and published in 1818. This novel is widely regarded as a parody of the Gothic novel. Jane Austen uses clichés of the Gothic novel to make her readers laugh and show how irrational they actually are. Her heroine, Catherine Morland, is an ordinary young girl that has very little in common with a typical heroine of the Gothic novel. She is so...
Jane Austen's Work as Popular Culture Phenomenon
Jane Austen's Work as Popular Culture Phenomenon
Ana Bartolović
Jane Austen is considered to be one of the most brilliant British writers. Although she wrote only six novels, they are all highly praised and very popular. They are so popular that today one can find numerous film adaptations and fan fiction novels based on them. The first chapter deals with Austen, her life, family, relationships, and work. The second chapter is about her six novels, arranged here in the order in which they were published: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice,...
Janko Borislavić vs. Ivica Kičmanović
Janko Borislavić vs. Ivica Kičmanović
Ida Uzunić
Janko Borislavić i U registraturi dva su romana nastala u razdoblju realizma iz pera dvaju najpoznatijih autora Ksavera Šandora Gjalskog i Ante Kovačića. Hrvatski realizam, nastao u specifičnim političkim i društvenim prilikama, nosi posebna obilježja, ali nasljeđuje i obilježja prošlih razdoblja. Djelo U registraturi prati put Ivice Kičmanovića, siromašnog studenta koji se nalazi na razmeđu sela i grada, a roman Janko Borislavić prikazuje intelektualca koji nastoji pronaći...
Japan u razdoblju Sengoku
Japan u razdoblju Sengoku
Karlo Kimer
Razdoblje Sengoku je povijesno razdoblje Japana koje je trajalo od početka Oninskog rata 1467. do proglašenja Tokugawe Ieyasua šogunom 1603. godine. Razdoblje je obilježeno neprekidnim međusobnim ratovima feudalaca za stjecanjem zemlje i bogatstva. Uzroci velike decentralizacije zemlje i autonomije feudalaca mogu se pronaći u prijašnjim razdobljima tijekom vladavine Kamakure (1185.-1333.) i Ashikaga šogunata (1336.-1573.). Kamakura šogunat postavio je civilne upravitelje provincija...
