
Hiperaktivnost u osnovnoškolske djece
Hiperaktivnost u osnovnoškolske djece
Vanesa Vranješ
U ovom se radu ističe kako je deficit pažnje/hiperaktivni poremećaj jedan od ozbiljnijih problema današnjice. Sve je veća zastupljenost ovog poremećaja u populaciji te se procjenjuje da iznosi 3% do 5%. Za dijagnosticiranje poremećaja najčešće se primjenjuju dvije klasifikacije: DSM-IV i MKB-10. Smetnje se javljaju na području motorike, govora, pažnje, percepcije, kognitivnih funkcija i emocionalno-socijalnom području. Prema različitim teorijama, uzroci se nalaze u...
Hipokrizija u "Pobijeljenim grobovima" Eugena Kumičića
Hipokrizija u "Pobijeljenim grobovima" Eugena Kumičića
Josipa Ćurković
Tema ovoga diplomskoga rada jest hipokrizija u romanu Pobijeljeni grobovi Eugena Kumičića. Poznat po pokušaju uvođenja poetike naturalizma u hrvatsku književnost čime je prouzrokovao dugogodišnju polemiku, Kumičić je zaslužan za pisanje o aktualnim društvenim problemima u 19. stoljeću. Cilj ovoga rada jest utvrditi uzroke i posljedice hipokrizije glavnoga lika Viktora Prokana. Osim povezanosti s Evanđeljem po Mateju, proučavanjem spomenutoga romana najvećim se uzrokom...
Historical background of the contact between Celtic languages and English
Historical background of the contact between Celtic languages and English
Mario Dominković
The main aim of this research is to present Celtic languages on the British Isles and their connection to contemporary English. It is evident that the English language has gone through different changes over the time. It has been shaped by many new words, brought with new inhabitants from different areas. The changes enriched the English language. The enrichment of the English language influenced its huge expansion, making it the second most frequently spoken language in the world, with...
Historical influence on the typology of English on the example of its lexis
Historical influence on the typology of English on the example of its lexis
Bonita Poslončec
The history of the English language is divided into four major periods – the Old English, the Middle English, the Early Modern English and the Modern English Period. During these four periods, the language underwent a change from the morphologically synthetic type of language to the mixed type – a combination of synthetic and analytic type. This is primarily seen in English grammar, but the aim of this work is to examine and explain how this change affected the lexis of English. As in...
Historical, Ideological and Cultural Background of Arthur Miller's ''The Crucible''
Historical, Ideological and Cultural Background of Arthur Miller's ''The Crucible''
Ivana Mikić
The paper explores the context of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible. It is an analysis of both fiction, the historical context of the American Fifties regarding political life, presidents, senators and members of political parties, the ideology of former politicians and the pursuit of the convicted Communist members, and finally the cultural impact and importance of the play. The fictional part includes the analysis of the characters and the story of Salem Witch Hunts in the seventeenth...
Historiografska fikcija na primjeru romana Az Jasne Horvat
Historiografska fikcija na primjeru romana Az Jasne Horvat
Ivana Buljubašić
Rad pokušava kontekstualno smjestiti roman povijesne tematike Az Jasne Horvat te ponuditi različita čitanja kroz književne modele i koncepcije koje nude novije književne teorije. Prema tome, Az će biti moguće okarakterizirati kao postmodernističku prozu, konceptualna prozu, lemsku prozu te eksperimentalnu prozu. Pokazat će se da konceptualna, lemska i eksperimentalna proza dijele značajke s postmodernističkom paradigmom te će se rad osvrnuti samo na one njihove značajke koje...
Historiografska fikcija u romanu Kaija Meyera "Dedalova kuća"
Historiografska fikcija u romanu Kaija Meyera "Dedalova kuća"
Nikolina Novokmet
Autori povijesnih romana današnjice svjesni su “hijata” povijesti i fikcije te žele, na osnovi njezine podložnosti različitim interpretacijama, naglasiti upravo tu neodređenost, nepouzdanost i varljivost povijesne građe. U radu se raspravlja o varijanti postmodernističke proze koja upravo kroz naraciju o povijesti radikalno preispituje vlastitu poziciju. Riječ je o historiografskoj metafikciji čiji termin je kritički legitimirala knjiga Linde Hutcheon Poetika postmodernizma:...
Historizität und Literarizität von Franz Grillparzers "König Ottokars Glück und Ende"
Historizität und Literarizität von Franz Grillparzers "König Ottokars Glück und Ende"
Doriana Balić
In dieser Arbeit werden die Historizität und die Literarität in Franz Grillparzers König Ottokars Glück und Ende untersucht. Es wird festgestellt, wie der Autor die historischen Ereignisse und Figuren in die Handlung des Dramas eingebaut und sie literarisch dargestellt hat. Es wird gezeigt, inwiefern der Autor die Ereignisse der Zeit, über die er schrieb, veränderte und welche Folgen es auf die Entwicklung der Handlung hat. Es wird veranschaulicht in welchen Situationen, die im...
History of Gender Relations in American Society
History of Gender Relations in American Society
Dunja Hajduković
This paper analyses and provides a historical overview of gender relations in American society from the creation of the United States to the present. Gender relations were economically and socially conditioned and influenced by major events, such as the Industrial Revolution, World War II, and major women’s movements – the Women’s Suffrage and Women’s Liberation Movement. During and after the Industrial Revolution, for many men the work place moved from home to the urban centres,...
History, Memory and Trauma in Contemporary Nigerian Novel
History, Memory and Trauma in Contemporary Nigerian Novel
Mirna Marić
This paper discusses history, memory and trauma of the Nigerian people that has influenced on and shaped the contemporary Nigerian novel. It analyzes the novels The Bride Price (1978) and Destination Biafra (1983) by Buchi Emecheta and Half of a Yellow Sun (2007) and Purple Hibiscus (2004) by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It discusses critical theories by Jane Bryce, Ann Adams, A.O.Amoko, Ziad Bentahar and Vivian Yenika-Agbaw on post-colonialism, the Nigerian nation, the Biafran War and the...
History, society and culture in James Welch's "Fools Crow"
History, society and culture in James Welch's "Fools Crow"
Tea Bartulović
Native American literature focuses on major themes and issues closely related to what people think embodies the foundation of Native American identity. It tries to accurately illustrate Native American history, culture, society by concentrating on the importance of some of their most valuable treasures like harmony and balance, nature, land, spirituality and oral storytelling. The primary purpose of this paper is to recreate the lifestyle of the Blackfeet tribe at the end of the nineteenth...
Hitler - kancelar Njemačke
Hitler - kancelar Njemačke
Sanja Bednaić
Adolf Hitler je bio njemački političar, vođa Nacionalsocijalističke njemačke radničke stranke poznate pod nazivom Nacistička stranka. Bio je odlikovani veteran Prvog svjetskog rata. Pridružio se DAP-u (Radnička stranka), 1919., a njezin je vođa postao 1921., od kada se stranka naziva NSDAP. Kancelarom je postao 1933. i brzo je Weimarsku Republiku pretvorio u Treći Reich, državu s jednostranačkim sustavom, s diktatorskom i autokratskom vlašću i idealima nacionalsocijalizma....
