
Cetinska kulturna skupina
Cetinska kulturna skupina
Mario Damjanović
Veliki trag u ranom brončanom dobu na jadranskoj obali ostavila je cetinska kultura. Za nju se bez sumnje može reći da je najznačajnija tekovina ranog brončanog doba na području istočnoga Jadrana. Najveći broj nalazišta ove kulture koncentriran je u Dalmaciji i u srednjodalmatinskom zaleđu, te se taj prostor može s pravom smatrati njenom primarnom teritorijom. Otkrivanje i proučavanje cetinske kulture na tom njenom primarnom prostoru vezani su za ime Ivana Marovića, neumornog...
Challenges and Strategies of Translating Tourism Discourse Texts from Croatian into English
Challenges and Strategies of Translating Tourism Discourse Texts from Croatian into English
Ana Juzbašić
The focus of this thesis are translations from Croatian into English in the field of tourism, the industry of great importance for the Croatian economy. The aim is to examine what type of linguistic features prevail in tourism discourse texts, whether the processes of internationalisation or transcreation are used in the translation work and what level of English is used in the texts. The research consists of the analysis of various types of tourism discourse texts on several websites. The...
Challenges of Scientific and Technical Translation as Exemplified by Translating a Mechanical Engineering Research Paper
Challenges of Scientific and Technical Translation as Exemplified by Translating a Mechanical Engineering Research Paper
Lea Božić
This master's thesis covers the translation theory regarding the scientific and technical translation and examines its practices on a real-life example of academic writing. This thesis discusses translation theory/ies regarding translation in general, but it increases its focus later on scientific and technical translation with an aim to contextualise the means of translating scientific and technical texts. In regards to scientific and technical translation, it is important to look at the...
Challenging Gender Roles and Heteronormativity in Selected Works of Fantastic Literature
Challenging Gender Roles and Heteronormativity in Selected Works of Fantastic Literature
Lucija Begonja
This thesis looks into the questions of gender roles and gender performativity. It analyzes the representation of gender and how traditional performativity is being treated and/or challenged in the following works of fantastic literature: Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House, Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness and Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers series. The...
Change Is the Only Constant
Change Is the Only Constant
Maja Grgić
There is a wide range of theoretical and semantic definitions of the term folklore, but generally it can be defined as a set of traditional beliefs that are transmitted orally in a given culture. As such, folklore plays a crucial role in preserving cultural and social identity. As part of a wider meaning-making system, it has gained importance among people who engage in practices that ensure its continuous existence. Historically, folkloristics has utilized communal practice as an essential...
Charles Bukowski i beat kultura
Charles Bukowski i beat kultura
Mihaela Živković
Temeljni je predmet ovoga završnog rada lik i djelo američkoga pisca Charlesa Bukowskog, njegovi suvremenici, samoprozvana beat generacija američkog književnog realizma, odnosno njegova (ne)pripadnost toj skupini književnika. Rad je peterodijelno komponiran (1. Uvod, 2. Američko književni realizam, 3. Charles Bukowski: biografija i bibliografija, 4. Književna kritika, 5. Zaključak) s popisom korištenih izvora i literature. Rad iznosi podatke o životu i književnom djelovanju...
Christian Elements in Lord of the Rings and Beowulf
Christian Elements in Lord of the Rings and Beowulf
Vedran Dodig
Although they are very different in many aspects, Beowulf and The Lord of the Rings are two famous works influenced by the same subject – the Christianity. They both have Christ-like characters. The hero Beowulf is more a combination of Christ’s characteristics and certain traits of the Old Testament saviours. In The Lord of the Rings there is no true Christ figure, but there are three main characters that shadow the life and teachings of Jesus. One can also observe a certain type of...
Christiane F.: Prosatext „Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo“ und die gleichnamige Verfilmung von Ulrich Edel
Christiane F.: Prosatext „Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo“ und die gleichnamige Verfilmung von Ulrich Edel
Nina Ćosić
In dieser Diplomarbeit wird der Prosatext „Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo“ von Christiane, Kai Hermann und Horst Rieck mit der Verfilmung von dem Regisseur Ulrich Edel verglichen. Der Prosatext entstand 1978 durch ein Interview mit Christiane F. und die erste Aufführung des Films war 1980/81. In dem Prosatext geht es um die drogenabhängige Christiane F. Es wird ihr Leben dargestellt und was sie alles wegen der Drogensucht erlebt hat. Das Buch wurde zur Pflichtlektüre in den Schulen. Es...
Christie's Silent Killers: Class Inequality and Gender Issues in Interwar Britain
Christie's Silent Killers: Class Inequality and Gender Issues in Interwar Britain
Ivona Šarić
Aside from cleverly crafted murder mysteries, Christie’s novels – The Murder at the Vicarage and The Mysterious Affair at Styles – offer an insight into the by First-World-War affected society of interwar Britain. Despite being set in one of the most tempestuous periods in human history, the literature of that time avoids addressing the problems arising between the two world wars directly. Instead, it offers a short escape from the everyday turmoil by placing the reader in a comfort of...
Cibalae – VIinkovci prije Vinkovaca
Cibalae – VIinkovci prije Vinkovaca
Martina Čorak
Vinkovci, nekadašnje rimske Cibalae, značajan su arheološki lokalitet. Temelji grada čuvaju tragove pretpovijesti od neolitika (starčevačke i sopotske kulture) preko brončanoga doba (vinkovačka kultura), pa preko razdoblja doseljavanja Panona sa svojim mnogobrojnim plemenima do rimskih vremena, kada je na području središta grada, gdje su danas u Vinkovcima hotel i tržnica, podignuti zidovi rimske utvrde Cibalae. Oduvijek važno raskrižje putova naselje Cibalae za vrijeme cara...
Cijena knjižničnih usluga
Cijena knjižničnih usluga
Lovro Bogdanović
U ovom se radu cijena knjižničnih usluga razmatra s različitih aspekata, prvo kao važan čimbenik u ostvarivanju dodatnih prihoda knjižnice, kao sredstvo za postizanje financijske održivosti te kao dio marketing miksa. U tom se smislu u radu polazi od važnosti knjižnice kao informacijskog i komunikacijskog središta društva te njenog utjecaja na razvoj društva i kulture. Za kvalitetan rad knjižnice nužna je financijska održivost. Knjižnice se financiraju od strane osnivača...
Ciljne orijentacije i obrazovni ishodi
Ciljne orijentacije i obrazovni ishodi
Veronika Kirin
U današnjem svijetu informacija i brzog napredovanja znanosti i tehnologije sve se češće traži od čovjeka da se angažira u cjeloživotno obrazovanje. No problem se javlja, kada učenik ne može napredovati odnosno ne postiže dobre rezultate te gubi motivaciju i razvija averziju prema školi. Da bi učenik mogao adaptivno regulirati svoje učenje on mora biti dovoljno motiviran, vrlo popularna perspektiva koja pokušava objasniti razlike u motivaciji unutar obrazovanja je perspektiva...
