Nomadi s margine u Prosjacima i sinovima Ivana Raosa
Ivana Milas U romanu Ivana Raosa Prosjaci i sinovi pratimo sagu obitelji profesionalnih prosjaka te njihovih nasljednika torbara, galantara i krijumčara koji su djelovali krajem 19. stoljeća pa sve do polovice 20. stoljeća. Obitelj Špalatrin živjela je u malom selu u brdima Imotske krajine gdje je narod oduvijek živio u strahu od gladi, neimaštine i rata. To područje bilo je mjesto velikih povijesnih previranja i razaranja, a samo po sebi nije bilo povoljno za razvoj, niti je država ulagala u...
Nonverbal Communication in Interrogation: Deception and Decoding Signals
Mina Kovačić This paper discusses the indicators of deception observed during police interrogations. Through interrogation, law enforcement officers seek to uncover crucial details about the committed crime, yet guilty suspects attempt to conceal the truth, often oblivious to the fact that their nonverbal communication betrays them. While there may not be many signals that directly indicate deception, there are numerous indicators that demonstrate a person is experiencing stress and discomfort, which can...
Nonverbal Communication in the Family
Helena Štajdohar This paper tackles the issues of nonverbal communication in the nuclear and extended family. Communication as a process allows people to exchange information and messages verbally as well as nonverbally. The family as the primary social surrounding appears in various types and does not necessarily manifest in a stereotypical structure that includes two opposite-gender parents and their biological offspring. The aim of this paper is to discuss nonverbal communication between different family...
Nonverbal Communication: Animals and Humans
Josipa Čabraja Communication between individuals of the same species is one of the most crucial segments of any species’ existence. Communication can occur both verbally and nonverbally and, according to Birdwhistell (1970, as cited in Moore et al. 2014, p. 4)) and Philpott (1983, as cited in Moore et al. 2014, p. 4), 60 to 70% of human communication is nonverbal. Nonverbal communication in humans consists of several subcodes, like haptics, kinesics, proxemics, physical appearance, vocalics, and...
Nonverbal communication in the classroom/Neverbalna komunikacija u razredu
Anamarija Pacek When it comes to communication, language allows people to communicate with great precision as it represents an important tool of communication. However, it is not always the most important one and it is often said that how people act is more important than what they say. If our nonverbal communication is not aligned with the words we have spoken, our message will be misinterpreted. Majority of messages we exchange with people around us have a nonverbal component to them. We are often unaware...
Nordic and Germanic Myths and Legends in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
Petra Bence J. R. R. Tolkien was a highly creative person and a writer who was, using his knowledge and imagination, able to create a whole new world filled with moral lessons, interesting magical places and characters, and most importantly, constant battles between good and evil in which good always finds a way to win. Tolkien made up a very complex historical and mythological background for his novels, and that exactly gives his work a special value among his readers and critics. However, he did not...
Normansko osvajanje i vladavina u južnoj Italiji
Luka Vrhar Normani nastaju generacijskim procesom miješanja kulture domicilnog galo-rimskog i franačkog stanovništva prostora sjeverozapadne Franačke i doseljenih Vikinga koji dolaze u Normandiju u ranom 10. stoljeću predvođeni Rolonom. Iz Normandije u ranom 11. stoljeću odlaze skupine pustolova i hodočasnika, pogotovo mladi plemići bez mogućnosti nasljedstva. U južnoj Italiji zbog političke situacije i čestih ratova vide mogućnost zarade te postaju plaćenici koji su služili svim...
Normativni socijalni utjecaj na poremećaje hranjenja
Tihana Glas Ljudi su socijalna bića koja se mogu konformirati iz više razloga, a jedan od njih je zadovoljenje potrebe da budu prihvaćeni od drugih i da bi im se svidjeli. Pri tome se konformiraju socijalnim normama grupe, odnosno implicitnim ili eksplicitnim pravilima grupe o prihvatljivim ponašanjima, vrijednostima i vjerovanjima članova grupe. Ovaj tzv. normativni socijalni utjecaj ima važnu ulogu i u nastanku poremećaja hranjenja. Naime, suvremeno društvo ističe značenje vitkosti te ga...
Noun Modification Across Different Registers
Ana-Maria Antolović The present paper deals with the topic of noun modification across different registers. The paper first presents some general information on registers, noun phrases and their modification, and then focuses on how nouns are modified in specific registers in order to provide the reader with the necessary information to understand the research part of the paper. The aim of the paper is to determine whether there are differences in the structure of noun phrases across different registers,...
Nova vjerska povijest – na primjeru odnosa prema vješticama u Europi od 15. do 17. stoljeća
Maja Vonić Nova vjerska povijest pristup je proučavanju vjerske povijesti koji nastoji rekonstruirati svakodnevni život običnog kršćanina prošlih vremena. Budući da je u prošlosti bilo rašireno vjerovanje u postojanje ljudi s magičnim moćima, odnosno vjerovanje u vještice, to je postalo jednim od problemskih područja nove vjerske povijesti. Istražujući vjerovanje u vještice, samo definiranje pojma vještica i odnos prema vješticama, nova vjerska povijest nastoji upoznati mentalitet...
Novi kataložni pravilnik: KAM
Dominik Ivančić Ovaj rad bavi se analizom i značajem Pravilnika za opis i pristup građi u knjižnicama, arhivima i muzejima. Fokusirajući se na ključne aspekte organizacije informacija, rad istražuje ulogu Pravilnika u olakšavanju katalogizacije, opisa i pristupa građi korisnicima. Pravilnik za AKM (arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji) ustanove predstavlja temeljni dokument koji usmjerava procese organizacije građe i omogućava standardizirane metode opisivanja, što vodi efikasnom upravljanju informacijama...