- Korać, ZrinkaThe Contribution of Grunge to Social Change
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- Paradžiković, MarioThe Degeneration of the Imperial Truth into Religious Dogma in Warhammer 40.000
- Nikolašević, HelenaThe Depiction of Women Characters in John Green's Novels/Prikaz ženskih likova u romanima Johna Greena
- Mavretić, ZrinkaThe Depiction of Women Characters in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire
- Mađerek, PetraThe Destruction of Southern Patriarchal Values in William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury
- Adlešić, MatejThe Development of Figurative Competence of Students of English
- Dumančić, LadaThe Development of the Speaking Skill: a textbook analysis
- Belošević, LucijaThe Digital Age of Feminism
- Dubravac, DubravkaThe Distortion of the American Dream
- Bezjak, MartaThe Dominant Culture and the Identity of Post-Indian Warrior in Zitkala-Sa's Works
- Prišć, JasminThe Downfall of Mankind in H.G.Wells's "The Time Machine"