pid,type,title,authors,mentors,source_title,published_date,url,doi,isbn,issn,eissn ffos:6695,dissertation,"The (Ab)Use of the Body in Contemporary Anglophone Dystopia","Pataki Šumiga, Jelena",,,,,,,, ffos:6712,thesis,"Mythology and Religion in the Works of William Butler Yeats, Seamus Heaney, and Andrew Hozier Byrne","Bungić, Jelena",,,,,,,, ffos:6416,thesis,"""The Haunting of Bly Manor"" as an Adaptation of Henry James's ""The Turn of the Screw""","Maligec, Nikolina",,,,,,,, ffos:6458,thesis,"Fashion as an Expression of Authenticity, Identity, and Heritage in the Novel Americanah","Kolar, Čarna-Senka",,,,,,,, ffos:6465,thesis,"The Role of Religion in Twentieth Century War Narratives","Delić, Leon",,,,,,,, ffos:6401,thesis,"Cultural Trauma and Collective Memory in Contemporary African American and Native American Fiction","Ćavar, Tomislava",,,,,,,, ffos:6655,thesis,"On the Road to Transcendence: The Beat Generation in Historical and Cultural Context","Knežević, Lovro",,,,,,,, ffos:6374,thesis,"The Myth of Motherhood in Sylvia Plath's Poems","Gržić, Josipa",,,,,,,, ffos:6447,thesis,"Love and Marriage in Ernest Hemingway's and John Cheever's Short Stories","Vulić, Danijela",,,,,,,, ffos:6468,thesis,"The Topic of Consumerism in Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho","Šarić, Danijela",,,,,,,, ffos:6020,thesis,"The White Presence and the Portrayal of White Characters in African American Slave Narratives","Krmar, Alen",,,,,,,, ffos:6067,thesis,"Environmental Justice in the Works of Linda Hogan","Sarić, Magdalena",,,,,,,, ffos:6129,thesis,"The Representation of Social and Class Injustice in S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders / Prikaz nejednakosti u društvu i društvenim slojevima u romanu Autsajderi S. E. Hinton","Borbaš, Katarina",,,,,,,, ffos:6163,thesis,"Interpretations of Life and Death: Sylvia Plath's ""Lady Lazarus"" and Edgar Allan Poe's ""Spirits of the Dead""","Janković, Lea",,,,,,,, ffos:6072,thesis,"Sexuality, Contraception, and Abortion in Medieval English Literature","Sršić, Petra",,,,,,,, ffos:6303,thesis,"The Symbol of the Female Ghost in Toni Morrison's Beloved","Bičvić, Antonija",,,,,,,, ffos:6046,thesis,"Women and Identity Search in Speculative Fiction","Najdert, Tihana",,,,,,,, ffos:6097,thesis,"Women Characters in the Works of Agatha Christie","Vukelić, Ana",,,,,,,, ffos:5770,thesis,"The Haunted House in E. A. Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and Shirley Jackson's Haunting of Hill House/Ukleta kuća u Padu kuće Usher E. A. Poea i Prokletstvu kuće Hill Shirley Jackson","Romić, Iva",,,,,,,, ffos:5790,thesis,"Escape and Endurance: An Analysis of Philosophical Elements in Tim O'Brien's Vietnam War Trilogy","Berbić, Tomislav",,,,,,,, ffos:5655,thesis,"Scripts and Counter-Scripts of Gender in Contemporary Feminist Dystopia","Špiranec, Karla",,,,,,,, ffos:5091,thesis,"The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Magical Realism and Children's Literature / Bajke barda Beedlea, magični realizam i dječja književnost","Zakić, Martina",,,,,,,, ffos:5243,thesis,"Social Trauma and the Question of Identity in Don Delillo's Falling Man","Laslavić, Lana",,,,,,,, ffos:5352,thesis,"Women and Class in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby","Šeda, Lorena",,,,,,,, ffos:5104,thesis,"The Concepts of Beauty and Love in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein","Svalina, Viktoria",,,,,,,, ffos:5423,thesis,"The Search for Reality in Philip K. Dick's VALIS and The Exegesis","Lončar, Dino",,,,,,,, ffos:5424,thesis,"Transforming Ecocriticism and Inclusivity - Literature and Audiovisual Media on the Example of Guillermo del Toro's Films","Medić, Ana",,,,,,,, ffos:5270,thesis,"A Very Old and Terrible Lie: The True Meaning of Courage in Tim O'Brien's Novels","Đujić, Robert",,,,,,,, ffos:5414,thesis,"Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Superhero Narratives in Post-9/11 Era","Prtenjača, Zvonimir",,,,,,,, ffos:5413,thesis,"Re-Writing/Righting History Through Storytelling: Memory, Identity, and Trauma of Forced Child Removal in Contemporary Indigenous Fiction","Marinović, Tajana",,,,,,,, ffos:5415,thesis,"The Attitude towards Women in Kerouac's Novel On the Road","Štefić, Andrea",,,,,,,, ffos:4979,thesis,"The Consequences of Slavery on the Former Slave Community in Toni Morrison's Beloved","Benaković, Luka",,,,,,,, ffos:4884,thesis,"Social Commentary and Critique in the Victorian Novel","Žigmundovac, Vinko",,,,,,,, ffos:4751,thesis,"Immersion and Worldbuilding in Videogames","Omeragić, Edin",,,,,,,, ffos:4744,thesis,"Negotiating Otherness in Contemporary American Immigrant Fiction","Gavran, Ivana",,,,,,,, ffos:4932,thesis,"Detective Archetypes in Anglophone Fiction","Ketović, Marko",,,,,,,, ffos:4930,thesis,"The Pursuit of Money in Contemporary American Fiction","Orlović, Jelena",,,,,,,, ffos:4679,thesis,"""Up From the Past that's Rooted in Pain I rise:"" Contemporary African-American Women Narratives","Šestak, Tajana",,,,,,,, ffos:4882,thesis,"Dominant Themes in African-American Women Literature","Kuna, Maja",,,,,,,, ffos:4804,thesis,"The Female Identity in the Play A Raisin in the Sun and the Novel Americanah","Marušić, Doroteja",,,,,,,, ffos:4790,thesis,"The Female Identity in Harry Potter Novels","Tišljar, Sara",,,,,,,, ffos:4620,thesis,"Conventions of Detective Fiction in Jo Nesbo's Crime Novels","Erceg, Dora",,,,,,,, ffos:4619,thesis,"The Representation of Women in the Army in Contemporary American War and Fantasy Literature","Markasović, Valentina",,,,,,,, ffos:4891,thesis,"""O Brother, Where Art Thou?"" as a Modern Odyssey","Pepić, Antonio",,,,,,,, ffos:4332,thesis,"The Child's Perspective in the Literature of the Marginalized","Maksimović, Andrea",,,,,,,, ffos:4331,thesis,"The Ideology of the Republic of Gilead in M. Atwood's ""The Handmaid's Tale""","Balenović, Aleksandra",,,,,,,, ffos:4347,thesis,"Telling a True War Story: Tim O'Brien's Vietnam War Novels","Marković, Matko",,,,,,,, ffos:4306,thesis,"The Issue of Identity in Chuck Palahniuk's Early Works","Bece, Barbara",,,,,,,, ffos:4302,thesis,"Women Characters in the Harry Potter Series/Ženski likovi u Harry Potter serijalu","Šustić, Filip",,,,,,,, ffos:4129,thesis,"The Concept of Fear and Coming of Age in Stephen King's Novel ""It""","Martinović, Nera",,,,,,,, ffos:3997,thesis,"War: The Combat between Power-Hungry Individuals in American War Literature","Brkić, Matea",,,,,,,, ffos:3957,thesis,"The Impact of Slavery: Dealing with Experiences and Memories in ""Beloved""","Vincelj, Melany",,,,,,,, ffos:3681,"journal article","Simbolika sablje u Yoshikawinom romanu Musashi","Lepeduš, Hrvoje; Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna",,,,,,,, ffos:4399,"journal article","The (Im)Possibility of Academic Integrity in John Williams’s ""Stoner""","Matek, Ljubica; Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna",,,,,,,, ffos:2584,thesis,"War: Glory or Doom of Humankind","Mađerek, Petra",,,,,,,, ffos:2525,thesis,"Campus demonstrations, protests and student activism","Šimunić, Sanela",,,,,,,, ffos:2464,thesis,"Dystopian Elements in Veronica Roth's Divergent Trilogy and Its Film Adaptations","Nedić, Igor",,,,,,,, ffos:2413,thesis,"The (Im)Possibility of Healing in Toni Morrison's Novels","Mautner, Nina",,,,,,,, ffos:2386,thesis,"The Identity Issue in The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises","Žalac, Silvija",,,,,,,, ffos:2458,thesis,"Breaking the Taboo: Slavery and Dehumanization in Adaptations of Emily Brontë's ""Wuthering Heights""","Periš, Lucija",,,,,,,, ffos:2476,thesis,"The Representations of Femme Fatale in Literature and Movies: a Feminist Phenomenon or a Sexual Object?","Barić, Tea",,,,,,,, ffos:1943,"journal article","Going Home: Narrating Maturity and Safety in Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun and Nick Hornby’s How to Be Good","Matek, Ljubica; Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna",,,,,,,, ffos:2447,thesis,"Odrastanje i motiv nadnaravnog u romanima ""Nigdjezemska"", ""Koralina"" i ""Ocean na kraju staze"" Neila Gaimana","Kompar, Marina",,,,,,,, ffos:716,thesis,"The Portrait of African-American Womanhood in Contemporary American Literature","Kovač Jurković, Marina",,,,,,,, ffos:667,thesis,"Fantasy Literature and Christianity: Morality in J. R. R. Tolkien's ""The Lord of the Rings"" and ""The Hobbit","Pavić, Sanja",,,,,,,, ffos:513,thesis,"Being a Woman in a Man's World: The Representation of Women in American War Narratives","Lazar, Alenka",,,,,,,, ffos:470,thesis,"Individualism vs. Conformism in the American Myth of War","Maksimović, Andrea",,,,,,,, ffos:380,thesis,"The Question of Intimacy in the novels ""Brave New World"" by Aldous Huxley and ""1984"" by George Orwell","Mišić, Tomislav",,,,,,,, ffos:267,thesis,"The Pursuit of the Almighty Dollar: Salesmen in American Drama and Cinema","Iličić, Mario",,,,,,,, ffos:166,thesis,"Christian Elements in Lord of the Rings and Beowulf","Dodig, Vedran",,,,,,,, ffos:182,thesis,"History of Gender Relations in American Society","Hajduković, Dunja",,,,,,,, ffos:187,thesis,"Three Perspectives of the Iraq War: Generation Kill (the novel and the HBO Series) and One Bullet Away","Feješ, Marko",,,,,,,, ffos:201,thesis,"I am an American Soldier: Motivational Aspects of Soldiering in Gulf War Memoirs","Zelenika, Jure",,,,,,,, ffos:200,thesis,"The Pedagogy of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Harry Potter novels","Đumlija, Andrea",,,,,,,, ffos:1963,"journal article","Us vs. Them: Cultural Encounters in Warzones through Reading American War Literature","Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna",,,,,,,, ffos:1950,"journal article","U čemu je kvaka? Problemi prevođenja vojnog nazivlja u Hellerovom romanu Kvaka-22","Poljak-Rehlicki, Jasna; Schmidt, Goran",,,,,,,, ffos:3727,"journal article","U čemu je kvaka? Problemi prevođenja vojnog nazivlja u Hellerovom romanu Kvaka-22","Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna; Schmidt, Goran",,,,,,,, ffos:195,thesis,"Representation of Women in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Persuasion","Golemac, Andrea",,,,,,,, ffos:3726,"journal article","Varalica uzvraća pogled: rekonceptualizacija drugog u djelima suvremenog indijanskog umjetnika Jamesa Lune","Runtić, Sanja; Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna",,,,,,,, ffos:1591,dissertation,"Od mita do ironije: lik vojnika u američkoj književnosti 20. i 21. stoljeća","Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna",,,,,,,, ffos:1704,thesis,"Fantasy Literature and Christianity: Morality in J. R. R. Tolkien's ""The Lord of the Rings"" and ""The Hobbit","Pavić, Sanja",,,,,,,,