@article{ffos:6697, author = {{Runtić, Sanja}}, title = {{Relacijska topografija Puta prema Kišnoj planini N. Scotta Momadaya}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6401, author = {{Ćavar, Tomislava}}, title = {{Cultural Trauma and Collective Memory in Contemporary African American and Native American Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6459, author = {{Mrkalj, Mia}}, title = {{The Genre of Bildungsroman in Contemporary Anglophone Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6355, author = {{Anić, Tihana}}, title = {{Narrative Sovereignty in Contemporary African American and Indigenous Writing}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6447, author = {{Vulić, Danijela}}, title = {{Love and Marriage in Ernest Hemingway's and John Cheever's Short Stories}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6067, author = {{Sarić, Magdalena}}, title = {{Environmental Justice in the Works of Linda Hogan}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6161, author = {{Ivanković, Anton}}, title = {{Narrative Perspective in Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6234, author = {{Savanović, Sandra}}, title = {{The Animal Motif in Selected Works of Edgar Allan Poe}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5985, author = {{Benković, Ivan}}, title = {{The Question of Morality in the World of Warcraft}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:6188, author = {{Kvesić, Ana}}, title = {{The Gothic in the Neo-Slave Narrative}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5800, author = {{Tomakić, Izabela}}, title = {{The Evolution and Significance of American Culture and Its Impact on the Cultures of the World}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5770, author = {{Romić, Iva}}, title = {{The Haunted House in E. A. Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and Shirley Jackson's Haunting of Hill House/Ukleta kuća u Padu kuće Usher E. A. Poea i Prokletstvu kuće Hill Shirley Jackson}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5665, author = {{Vujić, Fabijan}}, title = {{Contesting the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5790, author = {{Berbić, Tomislav}}, title = {{Escape and Endurance: An Analysis of Philosophical Elements in Tim O'Brien's Vietnam War Trilogy}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5894, author = {{Matuško, Jana}}, title = {{The Elements of Contemporary Technological Dystopia in Dave Eggers' The Circle and TV Series Black Mirror}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5075, author = {{Maslak, Antonia}}, title = {{The Fantasy Literature Archetypes in the Harry Potter Series}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5414, author = {{Prtenjača, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Superhero Narratives in Post-9/11 Era}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5413, author = {{Marinović, Tajana}}, title = {{Re-Writing/Righting History Through Storytelling: Memory, Identity, and Trauma of Forced Child Removal in Contemporary Indigenous Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5415, author = {{Štefić, Andrea}}, title = {{The Attitude towards Women in Kerouac's Novel On the Road}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5392, author = {{Blažeković, Petra}}, title = {{The Portrayal of Female Characters in Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie and Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5408, author = {{Laban, Andrea}}, title = {{The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in Contemporary African American Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:5412, author = {{Begonja, Lucija}}, title = {{Challenging Gender Roles and Heteronormativity in Selected Works of Fantastic Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4751, author = {{Omeragić, Edin}}, title = {{Immersion and Worldbuilding in Videogames}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4744, author = {{Gavran, Ivana}}, title = {{Negotiating Otherness in Contemporary American Immigrant Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4679, author = {{Šestak, Tajana}}, title = {{"Up From the Past that's Rooted in Pain I rise:" Contemporary African-American Women Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4882, author = {{Kuna, Maja}}, title = {{Dominant Themes in African-American Women Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4713, author = {{Marinković, Dominik}}, title = {{Forging of the American Identity in the Works of Henry David Thoreau and Frederick Douglass}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4607, author = {{Lulić, Dina}}, title = {{From Subordination to Emancipation}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4119, author = {{Juzbašić, Ana}}, title = {{The Concept of Self-Reliance in Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4305, author = {{Sabo, Ivona}}, title = {{William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury as a Southern Gothic Fiction}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3986, author = {{Obradović, Zvonimir}}, title = {{Naturalist Elements and Social Critique in Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:4097, author = {{Tomakić, Izabela}}, title = {{The Beat Generation and the American Counterculture of the 1960s}}, } @phdthesis{ffos:2285, author = {{Puškar Mustafić, Nadira}}, title = {{Katarzični efekti suvremene auto/biografske američke drame}}, } @article{ffos:1972, author = {{Runtić, Sanja and Pejić, Luka}}, title = {{NO LOGO!: Visual sovereignty and the Washington Redsk*ns debate}}, } @article{ffos:2076, author = {{Runtić, Sanja}}, title = {{Wabigoon River Poems}}, } @phdthesis{ffos:387, author = {{Španić, Damir}}, title = {{Generacija beatnika i njihova recepcija u južnoslavenskim književnostima}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:205, author = {{Jelečević, Dario}}, title = {{Comics -The Mythology of Our Era}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1323, author = {{Režić, Suzana}}, title = {{Rewriting the Past in Postmodern Slave Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:182, author = {{Hajduković, Dunja}}, title = {{History of Gender Relations in American Society}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:187, author = {{Feješ, Marko}}, title = {{Three Perspectives of the Iraq War: Generation Kill (the novel and the HBO Series) and One Bullet Away}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:201, author = {{Zelenika, Jure}}, title = {{I am an American Soldier: Motivational Aspects of Soldiering in Gulf War Memoirs}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:200, author = {{Đumlija, Andrea}}, title = {{The Pedagogy of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Harry Potter novels}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:209, author = {{Hocenski, Tina}}, title = {{The Concept of the American Dream in S. Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby and A. Miller's Death of a Salesman}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:790, author = {{Vaci, Dajana}}, title = {{Identity, Society, and Gender in British and American Quest Romance}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:871, author = {{Kamenić, Nina}}, title = {{(De)Construction of Gender in the Novels of Louise Erdrich}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1271, author = {{Primorac, Ana}}, title = {{Love, Family and Women's Roles in Luise Erdrich's "Four Souls" and "The Antelope Wife"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1107, author = {{Mišić, Vladimir}}, title = {{Political, Religious and Feminist Aspects of Witchraft in Contemporary Women's Writing}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1472, author = {{Bajić, Iva}}, title = {{Significance of the Utopian Oasis in Aldous Huxley's Dystopian Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1487, author = {{Bence, Petra}}, title = {{Nordic and Germanic Myths and Legends in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1481, author = {{Bassi, Nina}}, title = {{Trauma and Identity in African American Slave and Neo-slave Narratives}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:195, author = {{Golemac, Andrea}}, title = {{Representation of Women in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Persuasion}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1220, author = {{Pataki, Jelena}}, title = {{Women in Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Novel versus Kenneth Branagh's Film}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1155, author = {{Horvat, Ivan}}, title = {{Behind the Scenes – American Modernist Drama in Its Historical and Cultural Context}}, } @article{ffos:1974, author = {{Runtić, Sanja}}, title = {{Reimagining the Frontier in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks}}, } @article{ffos:3726, author = {{Runtić, Sanja and Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna}}, title = {{Varalica uzvraća pogled: rekonceptualizacija drugog u djelima suvremenog indijanskog umjetnika Jamesa Lune}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1341, author = {{Radman, Ivica}}, title = {{Native American Stereotypes in Film and Popular Culture}}, } @phdthesis{ffos:1591, author = {{Poljak Rehlicki, Jasna}}, title = {{Od mita do ironije: lik vojnika u američkoj književnosti 20. i 21. stoljeća}}, } @article{ffos:1977, author = {{Runtić, Sanja and Aleksa Varga, Melita}}, title = {{Nova čitanja Joyceova Uliksa – književno-lingvistički pristup}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1464, author = {{Marić, Ivana}}, title = {{Late Nineteenth-Century American Society as Reflected in Edith Wharton's "The House of Mirth"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1465, author = {{Marić, Mirna}}, title = {{History, Memory and Trauma in Contemporary Nigerian Novel}}, } @phdthesis{ffos:1581, author = {{Matek, Ljubica}}, title = {{The Family in Contemporary English Language Fiction 1980-2008}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3194, author = {{Kovač Jurković, Marina}}, title = {{Ernest Hemingway and the Lost Generation}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1664, author = {{Vranić, Tjaša}}, title = {{Subversive and Affirmative Women Characters in American Drama of the 20th Century}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1463, author = {{Marijanović, Vesna}}, title = {{The Influence of Society, Gender and Psychology on Women Characters in the Works of Kate Chopin, Charlotte P. Gilman and Erica Jong}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1705, author = {{Prokeš, Mirela}}, title = {{Portrayal of American society in Jack Kerouac's "On the Road"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1867, author = {{Jakovac, Dajana}}, title = {{The femme fatale motif in Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1710, author = {{Vaci, Dajana}}, title = {{The quest for wealth and happiness in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1894, author = {{Kordić, Ivan}}, title = {{Dystopian novels: A warning or an instruction manual}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1702, author = {{Mudrovčić, Tihana}}, title = {{Magical Realism in Contemporary American Ethnic Writing}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1778, author = {{Bartolović, Ana}}, title = {{Jane Austen's Work as Popular Culture Phenomenon}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:1534, author = {{Matić, Marina}}, title = {{The Idea of Womanhood in Contemporary American Literature}}, } @phdthesis{ffos:1773, author = {{Zlomislić, Jadranka}}, title = {{The Politics of Higher Education and American Academic Fiction 1950-1980}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2946, author = {{Janković, Dijana}}, title = {{The Flood Myth in Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Renaissance Literature}}, } @article{ffos:1978, author = {{Runtić, Sanja and Bartulović, Tea}}, title = {{The Book as a “Contact Zone” - Textualizing Orality in James Welch’s Fools Crow}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:2704, author = {{Kovač, Tihana}}, title = {{Woman's Question in Contemporary British and American Female Literature as Represented by Doris Lessing's "The Golden Notebook" and Alice Walker's "The Color Purple"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3071, author = {{Ježabek, Tanja}}, title = {{Major Themes and Symbolism in J.D.Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" and "Franny and Zooey"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3562, author = {{Primorac, Ana}}, title = {{Transcedentalism in American Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3667, author = {{Fabijanac, Maja}}, title = {{The Awakening of the "New Woman" in Nineteenth-Century American Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3106, author = {{Kamenčak, Dijana}}, title = {{Dehumanized society in Brave new world and 1984}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3589, author = {{Bartulović, Tea}}, title = {{History, society and culture in James Welch's "Fools Crow"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3139, author = {{Bede, Lana}}, title = {{Tragic Heroes in English and American Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3296, author = {{Jakšić, Mirta}}, title = {{A Critique of Society and Human Nature in The Importance of Being Earnest, The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3292, author = {{Horvat, Ivan}}, title = {{Artistic Inspiration and Its Importance for the Reader’s Perception of a Work of Literature}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3293, author = {{Hrgović, Nina}}, title = {{Conceptualization of Aestheticism and Duality of Human Nature in Wilde’s "The Importance of Being Earnest", Marlowe’s "The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus" and Poe’s "The Cask of Amontillado"}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3311, author = {{Mikić, Ivana}}, title = {{Historical, Ideological and Cultural Background of Arthur Miller's ''The Crucible''}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3298, author = {{Jukić, Anita}}, title = {{Edgar Allan Poe's Gothic Stories}}, } @mastersthesis{ffos:3319, author = {{Mudrovčić, Tihana}}, title = {{Magical Realism in Contemporary Native American Novel}}, } @article{ffos:1973, author = {{Runtić, Sanja}}, title = {{Remapping the Boundaries: The Novelistic Landscape of Leslie Marmon Silko's Storyteller}}, }