
(De)Construction of Gender in the Novels of Louise Erdrich
(De)Construction of Gender in the Novels of Louise Erdrich
Nina Kamenić
Louise Erdrich is an important contemporary Native American writer of mixed heritage, known for her peculiar narrative style that employs intratextuality and the use of multiple narrators, presenting the readers with narrative crossovers and the possibility to perceive her fictional world from a variety of perspectives. One of the prominent themes that Erdrich explores in her novels is the perception of femininity and fluid gender identity. Her novels Love Medicine (1984) and Tracks (1988)...
(Dis)ability in A Song of Ice and Fire: The Lion, the Wolf, and the Kraken
(Dis)ability in A Song of Ice and Fire: The Lion, the Wolf, and the Kraken
Dunja Dernej
George R. R. Martin is irrevocably one of the greatest fantasy novelists of all time, and his crown jewel is definitely A Song of Ice and Fire. The way he creates and develops his characters is considered to be a revolutionary novelty in literature. Men, women, rich, poor, middle-class, young, old, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, educated, uneducated, maesters, knights, ladies, women warriors, and so on – each has their own place within the Song. What this paper will focus on, however,...
(Ne)uslišana ljubav u hrvatskoj pastorali
(Ne)uslišana ljubav u hrvatskoj pastorali
Matea Zlomislić
U završnom radu pod naslovom (Ne)uslišana ljubav u hrvatskoj pastorali središnji su predmet bavljenja dvije pastorale iz 16. stoljeća. Uspoređuju se Tirena Marina Držića i Komedija I. Nikole Nalješkovića i to u odnosu na njihovu centralnu temu, a to je ljubav. Navedena će tema biti promatrana u kontekstu vremena u kojemu su djela nastala, bit će opisano razdoblje renesanse kao i književni rad dvojice interpretiranih autora. U radu će biti parafraziran i sadržaj obiju pastorala...
(Pra)slavenski supstrat obredno-običajne kulture Đakovštine
(Pra)slavenski supstrat obredno-običajne kulture Đakovštine
Katarina Šijaković
Iako se nalazi u drugom planu, stara vjera Slavena prisutna je u obredima i običajima koje moderni čovjek prihvaća i njeguje. Tema je ovoga rada utvrđivanje izravnih i neizravnih veza između (pra)slavenske podloge obreda i običaja i obredno-običajne kulture na području Đakovštine. Uz pomoć jezičnog i etnološkog/antropološkog materijala, interdisciplinarnim pristupom, u radu se predstavljaju prežitci praslavenske i staroslavenske predaje i običaja koji su kroz jezik...
A  Match or Mismatch between Teaching and Learning Styles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Primary School Level
A Match or Mismatch between Teaching and Learning Styles in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Primary School Level
Sabina Vukić
Language learning styles are the ways learners like to perceive and process new information, while teaching styles refer to the ways teachers like to organize and present that information to the students. There is a variety of teaching and learning styles, which resulted in a number of theories and classifications of the two. Many researchers have established that teaching and learning styles have an influence on the way teachers and learners behave in the classroom. This paper aims to...
A Comparative Study of Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Among Croatian Students Majoring in English and German
A Comparative Study of Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Among Croatian Students Majoring in English and German
Martina Pucelj
Writing in a foreign language is often perceived as tedious, complicated and anxietyprovoking. It should therefore not wonder that many researchers have investigated foreign language writing anxiety in order to gain insight into its effect on the student’s foreign language learning experience. The main aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the different types of foreign language writing anxiety among English and German majors in Croatia. The sample consisted of 207...
A Corpus Study of Partitive Expression – Uncountable Noun Collocations
A Corpus Study of Partitive Expression – Uncountable Noun Collocations
Anja Kolobarić
This research paper explores partitive expressions not only as devices that impose countable readings in uncountable nouns, but also as a means of directing the interpretive focus on different aspects of the uncountable entities denoted by nouns. This exploration was made possible through a close examination of specific grammar books, but also through a small-scale corpus study we have conducted. We first explain the theory behind uncountable nouns and partitive expressions, and then present...
A Critique of Society and Human Nature in The Importance of Being Earnest, The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
A Critique of Society and Human Nature in The Importance of Being Earnest, The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mirta Jakšić
This research paper attempts to demonstrate how authors use their literary works to pass on covert messages. Wilde, Marlowe, and Twain established themselves as skillful critics of the society they lived in. All three of them successfully satirized society and human nature in their writings. Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest is a brilliant comedy. He discloses the pretense of society and ridicules its social institutions. Wilde exposes the superficial indifference to true love...
A Dystopian Society in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale
A Dystopian Society in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale
Jelena Živić
Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian novel set in a totalitarian theocracy. This thesis analyzes dystopian elements in Atwood’s novel. It explores the Gileadan social hierarchy, emphasizing the imbalance between different social structures in the Republic of Gilead. It describes how the regime uses its power to limit one’s freedom, comparing the Atwood’s work with the classic slave narrative. Additionally, it explores the mechanics of fear in the novel, i.e....
A Gender's Apocalypse: a Comparison of Power Relations in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" and Naomi Alderman's "The Power"
A Gender's Apocalypse: a Comparison of Power Relations in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" and Naomi Alderman's "The Power"
Bruno Kulić
Combining dystopian with feminist fiction tends to lead to literature that feels current, yet evergreen because it deals with enduring human problems. The Handmaid’s Tale and The Power are complementary examples of feminist dystopian fiction that reveal contemporary concerns related to the issues of gender roles, abuse of power, and equality. This paper will use constructivist feminist notions to examine gender roles and relationships in these two texts.
A Study of Horror Elements in H. P. Lovecraft's Short Stories of the Cthulhu Mythos
A Study of Horror Elements in H. P. Lovecraft's Short Stories of the Cthulhu Mythos
Edin Omeragić
Howard Phillips Lovecraft is considered to be one of the most prominent innovators of the horror genre. By taking an analytical look at three short stories pertaining to his Cthulhu Mythos, namely The Call of Cthulhu, The Shadow over Innsmouth and The Dunwich Horror, one can easily see the lengths the author went to in order to facilitate the seemingly simple task of frightening his readership. By carefully rooting his stories in certain horror clichés and even Gothic traditions, as well as...
