
The evolution of English Slang: Contemporary Trends and Cultural Influences
The evolution of English Slang: Contemporary Trends and Cultural Influences
Antonio Prgomet
English slang has greatly evolved over the years, and with each day, new words are introduced into everyday speech. The definition of slang is rather hard to give due to the polysemous nature of this part of speech. However, most linguists will agree that it belongs to the informal part of speech reserved for everyday interpersonal communication, not in the formal register. It is a social factor that connects people with one another, creates social bonds, and serves as a way of evaluating...
The evolution of L2 learning through the media
The evolution of L2 learning through the media
Antonio Marić
This paper explores the evolution of second-language acquisition and, more specifically, the way the modern media have changed the process of acquiring a foreign language. The paper first provides a brief theoretical background of the biological and social aspects that are the prerequisites and play a key role in language learning. The main part of the paper presents the different media that have been used to aid in foreign language learning, and in part foreign language teaching,...
The fantastic world of the untranslatable 'Alice in Wonderland'
The fantastic world of the untranslatable 'Alice in Wonderland'
Mihaela Magdić
The aim of this thesis is to discuss the importance of the fields of children's literature and children’s literature translation and how Alice in Wonderland as a novel translated into almost two hundred languages has impacted and improved the status of those two fields. The thesis is structurally divided into three main sections – the first part will discuss the children’s literature as an established academic field, while the second part will deal with the translation of children’s...
The femme fatale motif in Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"
The femme fatale motif in Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"
Dajana Jakovac
Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie (1900) is a story of a climbing femme fatale. It is a depiction of how the main character struggles to finally gain something. While she finds a way of doing it, the question that arises is the morality of her choice. The novel was written in the nineteenth century when women started demanding the change and pursuing their own dreams rather than just being at home raising children. Sister Carrie is a perfect example of a young woman starting her life and...
The form and function of word play in sports sections of British tabloids
The form and function of word play in sports sections of British tabloids
Filip Akmačić
When talking about humorous language, the notion of wordplay often comes to mind. A broad definition would be the act of manipulating formal and semantic aspects of lexical units to create playful connections between the form and meaning of words. One such type of wordplay can be seen in the journalistic discourse, particularly in tabloid journalism. When reading those (sub)headlines, questions may arise; such as: how wordplay works in this particular discourse and how it influences or...
The historical development of the English spelling system
The historical development of the English spelling system
Dragana Jurić
The English language is a complex system and it is difficult to know what to expect, when a language develops a worldwide presence to the extent that English has. The history of English is a fascinating system of its own. The sound, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary – every aspect of the language has a rich history of development, influenced by other languages during its journey towards standardization. This paper focuses on one aspect – the spelling. Its development will be traced...
The influence of Dutch on English
The influence of Dutch on English
Marko Lugarić
The role of the Dutch language in the shaping and influencing of both the modern British and American English language cannot be denied. From as far as a thousand years ago, the contact through trade, war, industry, science and art between the Netherlands and England, and the later contact and influence of Dutch settlers and colonies on the American continent, are not only an important part of history, but an important part of linguistics as well, helping to understand how the modern English...
The influence of Old Norse on English
The influence of Old Norse on English
Nataša Kapetanović
English vocabulary and grammar have been changed and reshaped by several foreign influences through their contact with the English people. Different invaders caused a great difference in the northern and southern English dialect. Due to the contact between various invaders and the natives, these dialects exhibit differences in phonology, morphology, vocabulary and syntax. Norse invasions have influenced the English language, especially the northern part, while the southern part has been...
The influence of Spanish on the lexicon of World Englishes
The influence of Spanish on the lexicon of World Englishes
Borna Petrović
The spread of the English language across the globe is a result of the formation of various varieties of English, otherwise known as World Englishes. These varieties are modelled under the constant influence of a plethora of factors, including the historical, cultural, socio-economic and linguistic influences of the regions in which a particular variety of English is spoken. One of the factors that has left a noticeable mark on English is the Spanish language. Being the second most spoken...
The neurobiological foundations of language
The neurobiological foundations of language
Nataša Krajinović
Language is a unique human cognitive ability that allows us to communicate ideas and thoughts, and in no other species do we find a communication system which is that complex. This complexity is represented in the arrangement of the brain’s language processing areas. Even though the left hemisphere, especially the two main centers called Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area, dominates when it comes to language comprehension and expression, many other regions of the brain contribute to the...
The quest for wealth and happiness in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"
The quest for wealth and happiness in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"
Dajana Vaci
In his novel The Great Gatsby (1925) F. Scott Fitzgerald places a great emphasis on the characters’ social status, and the corresponding level of power or weakness it denotes in society. Moreover, the author highlights the issue of the characters’ never-ending quest for wealth, which is seen as the only basis of their lives. At the beginning of the novel, we are introduced to the character of Nick Carraway, the narrator, who comes to East Egg in search for a better job. Nick represents a...
The relationship between extroversion/ introversion, perceptual learning styles and success in English as a foreign language
The relationship between extroversion/ introversion, perceptual learning styles and success in English as a foreign language
Snježana Krišto
The most often mentioned individual differences affecting success in foreign language learning are: age, intelligence, motivation, language aptitude, knowledge of other languages, learning strategies, learning styles and personality. In this paper personality and learning styles will be described, but the main focus will be extroversion and introversion, perceptual learning styles, their main characteristics and their relationship with language learning success. A number of studies have been...
