Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos benevolentnog i hostilnog seksizma, dimenzija privrženosti partneru (anksioznost i izbjegavanje), preferiranih idealnih karakteristika partnera te razine romantičnih kompetencija među pojedincima koji su trenutno u romantičnom odnosu. Osim toga, ispitati spolne razlike u tim konstruktima. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno N = 380 sudionika (155 muškog i 225 ženskog spola) u dobi izmeĎu 18 i 68 godina koji su minimalno šest mjeseci romantičnom odnosu. Sudionici su ispunjavali Inventar iskustva u bliskim vezama (Brennan i sur., 1998; prema Kamenov i Jelić, 2003), Inventar ambivalentnog seksizma (Glick i Fiske, 1996), Inventar ambivalentnosti prema muškarcima (Glick i Fiske, 1999), prilagoĎenu Kratku skalu ideala kod romantičnog partnera i u romantičnom odnosu (Fletcher, Simpson, Thomas i Giles, 1999), prilagoĎeni Upitnik željenih karakteristika kod partnera (Regan, Levin, Sprecher, Christopher i Gate, 2000), Inventar kompetencija u romantičnom odnosu (Faber, Chin, Wilburn i Shafaie, 2019) te Upitnik sociodemografskih karakteristika. Hijerarhijskom regresijskom analizom utvrđeno je kako su anksiozna privrženost partneru i preferencija statusa-resursa značajni pozitivni prediktori benevolentnog i hostilnog seksizma dok je zauzimanje različitih pozicija njihov negativan prediktor. Uz to, preferencija topline-pouzdanosti se pokazala negativnim prediktorom benevolentnog, a emocionalna regulacija negativnim prediktorom hostilnog seksizma. Nadalje, provedena je i ANOVA kojom su utvrđene spolne razlike u navedenim konstruktima. Konačno, obrazloženi su dobiveni rezultati, kao i ograničenja, te preporuke budućim istraživanjima. |
Abstract (english) | The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between benevolent and hostile sexism, dimensions of attachment to a partner (anxiety and avoidance), preferred ideal partner characteristics and the level of romantic competencies among individuals that are currently in a romantic relationship. In addition, to investigate the gender differences in these constructs. The study involved a total of N = 380 participants (155 males and 225 females) between the ages of 18 and 68 who were in a romantic relationship for at least six months. Participants completed The experiences in close relationship inventory (Brennan et al., 1998; according to Kamenov and Jelić, 2003), The ambivalent sexism inventory (Glick and Fiske, 1996),The ambivalence toward men inventory (Glick and Fiske, 1999), the adapted Short version of the partner and relationship ideal scale (Fletcher, Simpson, Thomas and Giles, 1999), the adapted Survey on traits desired in a partner (Regan, Levin, Sprecher, Christopher and Gate, 2000), The inventory of romantic relationship competence (Faber, Chin, Wilburn and Shafaie, 2019) and Sociodemographic characteristics questionnaire. Results from the hierarchical regression analysis indicated that attachment anxiety and status-resource preference were significant positive predictors of benevolent and hostile sexism, while perspective taking was their negative predictor. In addition, it was shown that the warmth-reliability preference is a negative predictor of benevolent and emotion regulation is a negative predictor of hostile sexism. Furthermore, an ANOVA was conducted to identify gender differences in the mentioned constructs. Finally, the results were discussed in terms of potential limitations and importance for future research. |