Abstract | Analizom sadržaja odabranih časopisa za djecu i mladež nastalih u razdoblju Banske Hrvatske od 1864. do 1914. godine, cilj je doktorske disertacije istražiti i utvrditi njihovu ulogu u razvijanju odgojnih ideja i vrijednosti u hrvatskom pedagogijskom i kulturnom prostoru. U prvom dijelu disertacije razmatraju se teorijska polazišta važna za razumijevanje teme istraživanja. Pristupa se prikazu odgoja kao temeljnog pojma proučavanja pedagogijske znanosti. Odgoju se pristupa iz perspektive vrijednosne kategorije. Teorijski se objašnjava odgojna uloga oblika dječje književnosti u odgoju te prikazuje razvoj hrvatske dječje književnosti i učitelja kao pokretača. Obrazlaže se pojam časopisa za djecu i mlade i njihov razvoj na prostorima Hrvatske u istraživanom razdoblju. Rad u teorijskome dijelu završava pregledom povijesnih prilika na prostorima Hrvatske u vremenu od 1864. do 1914. godine i to iz perspektive društveno-političkih te prosvjetnih događanja. Istraživanje je utemeljeno na postavkama kvalitativno-hermeneutičkoga znanstvenog pristupa, a najzastupljenija je metoda analiza sadržaja pedagoške literature i dokumentacije uz detaljnu deskripciju. Uzorak analize sadržava 12 časopisa za djecu i mladež koji se tiskaju u razdoblju od 1864. do 1914. godine. Za potrebe istraživanja, posebno su osmišljeni protokoli analize kojima se sustavno i detaljno prepoznaju i izdvajaju odgojni ciljevi, značajniji nositelji odgojnih sadržaja, odgojna sredstva i metode te odgojni sadržaji i vrijednosti. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da časopisi svoje ciljeve sadržajno uokviruju u područjima intelektualnoga, moralnoga, vjerskoga i građanskoga odgoja. Analiza pokazuje da su pokretači, urednici i autori analiziranih tekstova učitelji. Pronađena su i opisana odgojna sredstava i metode korištene u prenošenju odgojnih ideja i vrijednosti prema djeci i mladima. Uvid u odabranu pedagošku periodiku potvrđuje da se djeci i mladima promovirao sadržaj u okvirima intelektualnoga, moralnoga, vjerskoga, ekološkoga, građanskoga, obiteljskoga, tjelesno-zdravstvenoga, radnoga i estetskoga odgoja. Odgojne vrijednosti pronađene i opisane unutar odabrane i analizirane pedagoške periodike svrstavamo u kategorije obilježja osobnosti, univerzalnih, religijskih, ekoloških, obiteljskih, nacionalnih i demokratskih vrijednosti. Ovim radom prikazano je pedagoško bogatstvo u sadržajima časopisa za djecu i mlade, a rezultati istraživanja pridonose kvalitetnijem i opsežnijem razumijevanju povijesti razvoja djetinjstva i mladenaštva te pedagogije na povijesnim prostorima Hrvatske. |
Abstract (english) | Analyzing the contents of the magazines for children and youth published from 1864 until 1914, this doctoral dissertation aims to study their role in developing educational ideas and values in the Croatian pedagogical and cultural area. Using available magazines for children and youth published in the Civil Croatia in the studied period, a qualitative content analysis was performed. The first studied year is 1864 because the first magazine for children and youth, entitled Bosiljak, was published then and the last studied year is 1914 when the First World War started. Upon introduction, a review of theoretical background relevant to the dissertation topic is provided in the first part. The theoretical part opens with a review of education (nurture) as an essential part of pedagogical sciences and its characteristics. The theoretical section elaborates on education (nurture) from the perspective of values. The term values is defined from the philosophical, psychological, sociological and anthropological perspective. The chapter is finished with defining the term values from the perspective of educational sciences. The role of children’s literature and its development in the Civil Croatia as well as the teachers’ roles are defined. Types and forms of children’s literature and their role in the education of children and youth are explained. The theoretical section continues with defining a magazine paying a special attention to a magazine for children and youth. A historical development of magazines for children and youth in the Civil Croatia in the period from 1864 until 1914 is provided. The theoretical section continues with defining a magazine with a special emphasis on a magazine for children and youth. A historical development of magazines for children and youth accompanied by a definition of children’s literature and its development in the Civil Croatia in the period from 1864 until 1914 are provided. Types and forms of children’s literature and their role in the education of children and youth are explained. The last part in the theoretical section is an overview of a historical situation in the Civil Croatia in the period from 1864 until 1914 from the social, political and educational perceptive. The content analysis of pedagogical literature and detailed description are used in the dissertation. The magazines for children and youth published in the period from 1864 until 1914 in the Civil Croatia are studied in the research. Applying the sampling method, 12 magazines for children and youth, 46 volumes, 584 numbers and 10,967 pages are examined. The research aims to study the educational role of magazines for children and youth published in the examined period and territory by elaborating on educational goals, listing the founders and educational ideas promoters, describing educational contents, means, methods and values. For the purpose of the dissertation, specialized protocols, pursuant to the research aim and tasks, are designed. There are five research protocols – one for each research task. The protocols are as follows: PAOC – Protocol for the analysis of educational aims; PANOS – Protocol for the analysis of educational ideas promoters; PAOSM – Protocol for the analysis of educational means and methods; PAOS – Protocol for the analysis of educational contents and PAOV – Protocol for the analysis of educational values. The research results confirm that the magazines’ contents are related to the fields of intellectual, moral, religious and civil education. By analyzing the contents, 1,298 educational ideas promoters are identified out of whom, there are 971 (75%) teachers, catechists and writers and 327 (25%) primary and secondary school students as well as some university students. The founders and editors of magazines for children and youth are teachers and catechists who, in addition to working in schools, promote the importance of education and publishing industry development as well as writing and publishing in the Croatian language. The educational means and methods used for promoting educational ideas and values to children and youth are identified and described. The identified educational means are songs, novels, riddles, educational articles, pictures, stories, anecdotes, proverbs, photographs, fables, crossword puzzles, mathematical homework assignments, fairytales, games and nursery rhymes. The most represented educational methods are examples, morals, advice, punishment, models, rewards and warnings. In the studied corpus, the contents can be categorized in the fields of intellectual, moral, religious, environmental, civil, family, physical, work and esthetic education. A total of 1,802 educational values are identified. The found and described educational values are categorized in the fields of personal, universal, religious, environmental, family, national and democratic values. The research results of the doctoral dissertation entitled “Educational role of magazines for children and youth in the Civil Croatia” accentuate the under-researched area in the history of Croatian pedagogy by analyzing the pedagogical documentation in the form of magazines for children and youth. The research contributes to a systematic analysis of educational role of magazines for children and youth in terms of developing educational thoughts and studying the history of childhood and juvenility in Croatia. |