
Women and Society in Literature of Georgian and Victorian England: A Case Study of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Women and Society in Literature of Georgian and Victorian England: A Case Study of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Ana Vukelić
Mary Wollstonecraft and her daughter Mary Shelley are arguably the most important female writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, while Wollstonecraft is one of the most significant contributors to the women’s rights movement, with some of her ideas expressed in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman being referenced in the modern-day laws about the rights of women. This paper will analyze the life and work of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley, focusing mostly on their most...
Women in Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Novel versus Kenneth Branagh's Film
Women in Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Novel versus Kenneth Branagh's Film
Jelena Pataki
This paper explores how Mary Shelley used the unprecedented motif of male procreation to both acurrately describe and harshly criticize the unfavourable position of women in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Inspired by Mary Wollstonecraft, her mother and also one the earliest feminist writers, Shelley depicts the inevitable negative outcomes of the strict gender division in the society. This meant that the public sphere of life was regarded as the male realm, while the private or...
Women’s literature in the 19th century
Women’s literature in the 19th century
Kathrin Majić Mazul
The paper discusses the impact of female authors in the nineteenth-century who used literature as a medium to incite changes in the unjust position of women in the society. The paper’s focus is on two women writers, Charlotte Brontë, whose novel Jane Eyre demonstrated the obstacles women had to overcome in order to gain independence and equality before entering marriage, and Kate Chopin, whose heroine in The Awakening experienced a shift in her attitude towards the role of a mother and a...
Word Order in Old English, Middle English and Present-Day English
Word Order in Old English, Middle English and Present-Day English
Ivana Ilić
As English language developed from the times of Old English (450-1100), into Middle English (1100-1500), and then to Modern English (1500-present), several grammatical and morphological changes followed the development of the language. The language advanced from the free word order in the Old English times to the fixed word order in the Modern English. Old English had the SOV pattern as the base word order with the SVO as the dominant order in main clauses. In the Middle English the...
Word formation creativity/productivity in the language of TV series and movies
Word formation creativity/productivity in the language of TV series and movies
Ivan Novak
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyse novel lexemes formed by various word formation processes, as featured in a selection of American TV series and movies. A variety of word-forming processes is explored, including affixal and non-affixal derivation, as well as more marginal word-formation processes like blending. They are discussed in the context of the distinction between word-formation productivity and creativity. Both terms are explained in the paper and exemplified with...
Word order in EFL learners’ written production
Word order in EFL learners’ written production
Stana Pavić
This paper explores word order in EFL learners’ written production. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into the word order errors Croatian EFL learners make in writing, to identify the types and sources of these errors, and to analyse their role in evaluation. The paper consists of two main parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part is concerned with the explanation of importance of word order in language, and language acquisition, the differences between English and...
World Englishes: Indian English
World Englishes: Indian English
Maja Grgić
Indian English is a diverse non-standard language variety that has existed in India since the nineteenth century. As a language of law and administration, it has gained importance among its speakers, especially those in higher education. By the end of the century, Indian English had established itself as a lingua franca through its consistent use in media and literature (the literary renaissance). Following this pattern, speakers of Indian English adapted to the demand of standard varieties...
Wortentlehnungen in deutschen Sportnachrichten
Wortentlehnungen in deutschen Sportnachrichten
Sara Rapp
Die bevorstehende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema Wortentlehnungen in deutschen Nachrichten. Das Thema bezieht sich auf den Bereich Sport, bzw. Fußball. Die gefundenen Beispiele werden genannt und mit Hilfe von ihrem Gebrauchskontext analysiert. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, mehrere Beispiele zu untersuchen und anhand von denselben eine umfangreiche Analyse durchzuführen. Zum Schluss zeigt die Untersuchung, dass manche Wortentlehnungen in deutschen Nachrichten unterschiedlichen Gebrauch haben...
Wortfolge in fnhd. Texten
Wortfolge in fnhd. Texten
Hrvoje Vlainić
In dieser Arbeit wird das Thema Wortfolge in der frühneudeutschen Sprache behandelt. Die frühneudeutsche Sprache wurde im 15. und 16. Jh in Deutschland gesprochen und geschrieben. Diese Arbeit wird zuerst einen geschictlichen Einblick in diese Zeit geben und danach auch die Evolution der deutschen Sprache durch die Jahrhunderte beschreiben. Weiterhin wird auch über die Syntax der frühneuhochdeutschen Sprache geschrieben, damit die Funktion der jeweiligen Satzelemente klar ist. Dies wird...
Writing Strategies in EFL Argumentative Essays
Writing Strategies in EFL Argumentative Essays
Ivana Šplihal
The purpose of this study was twofold: to determine which strategies students utilize in their essay writing and to find any distinctions in the use of writing strategies by skilled and less skilled student writers. The sample of the current study included eight Croatian EFL undergraduate students enrolled at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, J. J. Strossmayer University, Osijek. The data collected via think aloud protocols, semi-structured interviews and student essays was...
XML Schema jezici za opis strukture XML dokumenta
XML Schema jezici za opis strukture XML dokumenta
Marko Šoštarić
Svrha rada ogleda se u osvrtu na XML schema jezike koji se rabe za opis strukture XML dokumenta. U skladu sa svrhom ciljevi rada odnose se na prikaz DTD-ja i W3C XML Scheme, kao danas najupotrebljavanijih XML schema jezika, a zatim i ostalih, manje poznatih, ali također važnih XML schema jezika, kao što su RELAX NG i Schematron. U prvom dijelu rada govori se općenito o XML označiteljskom jeziku, povodu njegova nastanka, sintaksi i semantici. Zatim se pozornost posvećuje pojedinačnom...
XML imenski prostori
XML imenski prostori
Kristina Gagulić
Svrha ovog rada je prikazati i pojasniti koncept XML imenskih prostora te njihovu primjenu u računalnom okruženju. Sukladno svrsi rada, ciljevi su: prikazati povijest, sintaksu i strukturu XML-a; objasniti što su XML imenski prostori, prikazujući povijest njihova nastanka i razvoja te njihovu sintaksu; objasniti što je XML Schema; dati osvrt na aplikacijski profil; i naposljetku, prikazati primjere korištenja XML imenskih prostora i aplikacijskog profila. Rad detaljno prikazuje razloge...
