Translation Strategies in the Dubbing of Children's Animated Movies: A Case Study of Frozen I and II
Valentina Nikolić This paper will explore the translation strategies used to translate the two musical fantasy animated movies, Frozen 1 and Frozen II from the original (English) language into the source language (Croatian). The paper begins with a brief introduction to the world of audiovisual translation, which lists its main modes, dubbing and subtitling. The brief overview of dubbing and subtitling, its advantages and disadvantages will be listed, as well as the process of dubbing and the quick overlook...
Translation of Conceptual Metaphor in George Orwell´s 1984 from English to Croatian
Dragana Zundanović Metaphors, and figurative language in general, have been a phenomenon studied by a great number of linguists, philosophers, and psychologists. The beginning of their exploration dates back to the time of Aristotle. Despite the popular belief that metaphors are a feature be-longing exclusively to poetry or rhetoric, cognitive linguistics and conceptual metaphor theory prove this idea to be wrong. Conceptual metaphors can be found in everyday communication. They are created on the basis of...
Translation of Humour and Satire in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde and Its Adaptation for the Theatre
Josipa Jambrešić Oscar Wilde was a famous 19th-century author and playwright. He was best known for his plays and satires. Even nowadays, his works and plays are translated into numerous languages. Translation is a process of transcending text from one language to another without losing the intended meaning. However, when it comes to translating humor and jokes, this is not always the easiest task. This is why this MA thesis deals with two different translations of Wilde’s play The Importance of Being...
Translation of Informal Language in the Croatian Subtitles of the TV Series The Wire and Oz
Arian Pandža This thesis aims to explore challenges and strategies involved in translating informal language in the Croatian subtitles of the TV series The Wire and Oz. In both TV series, informal language plays a powerful role in reflecting the realities of characters’ lives in their respective surroundings. The Croatian translators are faced with different linguistic and cultural challenges in the translation of such informal language. The research examines the translation methods used by the...
Translation of metaphor and metonymy in the Croatian subtitles of The Office
Marijan Gašparović Human communication is rooted deeply in metaphors, even though we may not notice it. In fact, it is rooted so deeply that it can even influence the way we think, not to mention the way we speak. This fact is one of many reasons why this master's thesis tries to help shed some light onto metaphorical expressions. To be more precise, it focuses on translating conceptual metaphors and phraseological expressions pertaining to metaphors in the English language into the Croatian language in form...
Transmedijske pripovjedne tehnike u mjuziklima
Ljiljana Milinković Tema ovog diplomskog rada je analiza tri mjuzikla (dva kazališna i jedan filmski) iz različitih razdoblja razvoja žanra: U šumi (1991) Jamesa Lapinea. Hamilton (2020) Thomasa Kaila. filmski Chicago (2002) Roba Marshalla. Cilj analize jest utvrditi i opisati narativne tehnike koje variraju ovisno o vrsti mjuzikla i o mediju. Budući da metodologija diplomskog rada počiva na načelima transmedijske naratologije, na početku će se ukratko prikazati razvoj transmedijske naratologije kao...
Transmission of Cultural Capital in Translation Realization of Forrest Gump by Winston Groom
Dubravka Dubravac The aim of this paper is to determine whether the Croatian translation of Forrest Gump by Božica Jakovlev is a domesticating or a foreignizing translation. This will be accomplished by identifying the culture-specific items (CSIs) in relation to potential source areas of CSIs and then analyzing the translation procedures for rendering CSIs which will lead to establishing whether the target text (TT) is a domesticating or a foreignizing translation. The paper focuses first on providing an...
Transparentno društvo i distopijski film
Andrea Rajković U ovom diplomskom radu dan je prikaz budućnosti kakvu predviđaju distopijski filmovi oslanjajući se na razvoj tehnologije i znanosti, te na njihovu moguću uporabu. Distopijski filmovi i njihova podjela vremenski se poklapaju s važnim događajima u ljudskoj povijesti. Ono što odlikuje te događaje jest mračno predviđanje budućnosti. Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata i uporabe atomske bombe, svijest o opasnostima znanosti izrodila je filmska ostvarenja koja znanost i znanstvenike prikazuju...
Traum als Ort kreativer Artikulation regressiver Wünsche in ausgewählten Erzählungen von E.T.A. Hoffmann
Katarina Filipović In dieser Diplomarbeit werden E.T.A. Hoffmanns Werke Nußknacker und Mausekönig sowie Der Sandmann aus der psychoanalytischen Perspektive untersucht. Die Träume der Hauptfiguren Marie und Nathanael aus den angeführten Werken werden als Ort der kreativen Artikulation von regressiven Wünschen psychoanalytisch erklärt und als Mediums des Unbewussten gedeutet. Als analytisches Instrumentarium wird die klassische Psychoanalyse von Freud, deren archetypische Ausrichtung von Jung sowie Lacans...
Trauma and Identity in African American Slave and Neo-slave Narratives
Nina Bassi The system of slavery had been present in the New World for many years and it left horrible consequences on people who managed to survive it. People needed to be extremely strong both physically and psychically to endure all the pain and pressure that white people put them through. White people could not accept that there existed people who were different from them and, because they were in majority, they gave themselves the right to abuse their power and to decide the fate and life of other...
Trauma u djetinjstvu i kasniji socio-emocionalni razvoj
Tea Pavlović Cilj ovog rada je prikazati posljedice traume u djetinjstvu na kasniji socio-emocionalni razvoj. Trauma je pojava koja se sastoji od traumatskog iskustva i reakcije na traumatsko iskustvo. Traumatsko iskustvo djeluje na različita područja života kao što su; tjelesno zdravlje, socijalni odnosi, pamćenje, emocije i kognicija, a definira se kao izrazito negativno percipiran događaj koji narušava sposobnost pojedinca za uspješno suočavanje sa stresorima. Reakcija na traumatsko iskustvo...
Traumlogik als poetische Struktur in ausgewählten literarischen Texten des 20. Jahrhunderts
Mia Zeko Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Traumlogik als poetische Struktur der ausgewählten literarischen Texte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zu diesem Zweck wurden vier literarische Werke des 20. Jahrhunderts ausgewählt. Der Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist Sigmund Freuds Werk Die Traumdeutung, das für die Werke in dieser Arbeit als Grundlage der Interpretation dient. Die repräsentativen Werke der Arbeit sind Kästners Ein gutes Mädchen träumt, Kafkas Eine kaiserliche Botschaft und Schnitzlers...