
The Use of Slang and Jargon in the TV Show Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Use of Slang and Jargon in the TV Show Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Iva Hanuljak
The TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine is rich in many examples of slang and police jargon due to its plot. Slang, as a type of informal speech, defines the personality traits of the characters, creates references that make the series widely recognized, contributes to its realism, and most significantly, creates humor. The humor of this series is based on three constituents: word play, characterization of characters, and publicly known references. Jargon, a type of formal speech used by specific...
The Use of Tenses in British and American English
The Use of Tenses in British and American English
Sara Steiner
American and British English are the best known and the most frequently used varieties of the English language. They differ in many aspects: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar. The starting point for this work was the difference in the use of Past Simple and Present Perfect with particular time adverbials (yet, since, just, never, recently) in these two varieties of English. Previous research showed that speakers of American English prefer Past Simple with the above mentioned time...
The Use of the Connector 'and' in EFL Learners' Texts
The Use of the Connector 'and' in EFL Learners' Texts
Katarina Karaula
Cohesion and coherence are realized through the use of lexical and grammatical structures that imply existing logico-semantic relationship in phrases and clauses. Halliday and Hasan (1976) distinguish between grammatical and lexical cohesion in a text. The focus of this research is on coordination and the conjunctive coordinator and. According to Quirk et al.’s (1985) classification, the coordinator and can establish various semantic relationships between clausal structures: addition,...
The Utopian Ideas in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mocking Bird
The Utopian Ideas in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mocking Bird
Kristijan Kola
“Man is by nature a political animal. He who is without a city through nature rather than chance is either a mean sort or superior to man” (9) is one of the most famous quotations by the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle. Aristotle implied that social behavior lies within human nature itself and that has been proven to be true ever since the first emergence of the Homo sapiens species that formed and lived in hunter-gatherer societies. Due to human’s tendency of...
The White Presence and the Portrayal of White Characters in African American Slave Narratives
The White Presence and the Portrayal of White Characters in African American Slave Narratives
Alen Krmar
The paper analyzes three slave narratives (The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave, Twelve Years a Slave, and The Incident in the Life of a Slave Girl) in order to explore the representation of white characters and white societies of nineteenth century America. The approach of black authors like Frederick Douglass, Solomon Northup, and Harriet Jacobs to the depiction of the oppressor is a complex collection of the white character’s appearance, morals, personality,...
The World of The Hunger Games
The World of The Hunger Games
Barbara Frey
The Hunger Games is a novel written by Suzanne Collins and published in 2008. The novel belongs to a trilogy with the same name The Hunger Games and due to its sudden popularity, based on the unusual setting, the names of the characters, the horrific theme and the frightening metaphorical similarity to today’s entertainment, all three novels have been adapted into movies in the past 5 years. This paper will focus on the unusual dystopian world of Panem by exploring some of twelve Districts...
The analysis of pretend play in American (pre-)school children, and its portrayal in movies
The analysis of pretend play in American (pre-)school children, and its portrayal in movies
Martina Kovačević
This paper examines pretend play, its characteristics and its importance. The defining is done by presenting criteria, suggested by Lorraine McCune-Nicolich, which need to be fulfilled in order to observe the play as a pretend play (e.g. pretending to be someone else, treating inanimate objects as animate, performing actions without necessary materials or by substituting them with others, etc). In the head section, the methods and strategies that pretend play consists of, according to Doris...
The concept of beauty in Shakespeare’s sonnets and Romantic poetry
The concept of beauty in Shakespeare’s sonnets and Romantic poetry
Martina Turković
Many poems about the beloved’s beauty have been produced during the periods of Renaissance and Romanticism in English literature. Shakespeare’s Sonnets 130 and 131 parody typical love poems. In his sonnets she shows a different kind of beauty. He shows his beloved as an imperfect lady. He finds his Dark lady beautiful although she has many flaws. In his poem “She Walks in Beauty” Byron represents both spiritual and physical beauty. He shows his beloved as a perfect woman....
The cultural and linguistic aspects of naming in fantasy video games
The cultural and linguistic aspects of naming in fantasy video games
Stjepan Topolovec
This paper is an exploration of names and name giving processes within fantasy video game worlds. Starting with some basic theory of onomastics and word formation, the paper will also take the sociolinguistic aspect of name giving into consideration by exploring the relationship between names and the society that perceives them. Taking a few notable fantasy video games into consideration, this paper will explain the origin, structure, and meaning behind several fantastic names within these...
The cultural impact of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
The cultural impact of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Tajana Marinović
Teaching English as a foreign language has quite a cultural impact in most of the countries where it is being taught. To understand the concept of cultural impact, one first needs to become aware of the cultural conceptualisations that are the basis for the connection between native language and culture. The spread of English as the main foreign language in the world cannot be controlled so teachers and learners need to learn how to live with English language as the part of their cultural...
The development of the English standard
The development of the English standard
Jasmin Kadrić
The object of this paper is to present a depiction of various political, educational and linguistic processes which led to the development of Standard English. From its inception with King Ælfred in the late ninth century, through the demise of the standard after the Norman Conquest followed by its subsequent rise from the ashes in the fifteenth century, the paper will present all the major changes that affected both the English Standard itself and the attitude of the English people toward...
The effects of reading on incidental vocabulary acquisition in EFL
The effects of reading on incidental vocabulary acquisition in EFL
Tomislav Vila
This research study examined the effects of extensive reading on incidental vocabulary acquisition in learning English as a foreign language. Several factors were considered when conducting the research: the participants’ age, the age they started to learn EFL, the final grade they received in English at the end of previous school year, as well as the overall reading habits of the participants and their perception of influence of reading on vocabulary acquisition. The research sample...
