The Hardships of Slavery and the Power of Education in Slave Narratives
Marko Kovačić Slave narrative is a narrative form depicting all the horrifying ordeals slaves had to go through and the impediments they had to overcome, both during their years of enslavement and after their emancipation. In this thesis, the severe hardships slaves had to endure will be described by providing examples from Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845), Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861), and Booker T....
The Idea of Womanhood in Contemporary American Literature
Marina Matić In the late 19th century Kate Chopin published The Awakening, a controversial novel that shed light on numerous social issues of the Victorian era and served as criticism of the harsh patriarchal ideology that measured a woman’s worth based on her biological ability to procreate. The author provided two different insights into the Victorian society through the character of Adele Ratignolle, a devoted mother and wife and Edna Pontellier, a radical feminist. The author re-examined the fixed...
The Identity Issue in The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises
Silvija Žalac Early twentieth century was the time of change, industrialization, urbanization, and
World War I, all of which changed the world forever. These significant events reflected upon
the United States as well as on the American spirit, the old values of the American Dream.
Postwar years, together with prohibition and immigration, were hard for the American
society. Authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway managed to describe
those years of change each in their own unique...
The Ideology of the Republic of Gilead in M. Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale"
Aleksandra Balenović This paper explores the ideology of the fictive Republic of Gilead in Margaret Atwood's seminal novel The Handmaid's Tale. The Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian theocracy, used violence to take over the United States of America, replaced their ideology with an ideology based on Gilead’s version of Christianity and misogyny, and then proceeded to use fear tactics to keep that ideology in place. This paper also explores the real life origins of Gileadean Christianity like the American...
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Translation Profession. A Case study of Microsoft Translator
Katarina Mandarić Artificial intelligence is commonly used in various fields and professions and has therefore impacted and reformed them. The fact that there is a tremendous impact on the translation profession is undisputable. Consequently, it is believed that artificial intelligence technology will eventually replace human translators. This thesis aims to show that artificial intelligence is rather an assistant to human translators than a threat. Based on artificial intelligence technology in the...
The Impact of Martin Luther King Jr. on Dealing with Racism Today
Sandra Jakšić Racism is a serious issue that has been troubling the American society for decades. While the civil rights movement resolved some racial problems such as putting an end to racial segregation, there are still numerous issues that were not resolved, and African Americans remain disadvantaged in many areas of the society from unequal housing to inferior education and health care. This paper strives to illuminate the role of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement and to...
The Impact of Slavery: Dealing with Experiences and Memories in "Beloved"
Melany Vincelj This paper analyzes Toni Morrison's Beloved in terms of the impact of slavery on the identity of the affected individuals and what does it take to move on and live a better life. The experienced trauma prevents characters in the novel to live a normal life and strive for something bigger and they learn that the only way of healing is confronting with the past and accepting it as a part of their personality, but not as a defining feature, but rather part of their background which should not...
The Impact of the Indian Culture on the Beatles
Karla Zapalac The Beatles are a globally famous band, who influenced numerous people with their music and style. As they influenced their fans, they were also the influenced by others. American artists such as Elvis, Chuck Berry and Buddie Holly and others inspired their style in the early days. Furthermore, India played an enormous role in their spiritual awakening and songwriting. The Beatles were in touch with the Indian culture from their early days due to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. They went to India and...
The Importance of Physical Appearance in Palacio's Novel Wonder
Nikolina Đogaš Social prejudices, bullying, family support, and self-acceptance are only some of the topics covered by R. J. Palacio’s novel Wonder and its movie adaptation. In today’s world people are constantly striving for perfection and anything that falls short is deemed often as undesirable and worthless. Unrealistic standards for external beauty dictated through the media are idealized by society and as a result inner beauty is far less valued. There is cruelty in this world aimed at people who...
The Importance of Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom
Helena Brdarić Teaching culture should be an essential part of teaching English as a foreign language because one of the main aims of teaching a foreign language is intercultural communicative competence (ICC). The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between language and culture and to determine to what extent culture is incorporated into the Croatian National Curriculum at the secondary school level and the EFL classroom. In order to ascertain the degree to which textbooks comply with the...
The Influence of English on German in the Field of Fashion
Lorena Tomac Throughout the past, languages have influenced each other, with Greek, Latin, and French playing the major role. Today, in the 21st century, English has been considered as the most influential language, particularly impacting German. Since English loanwords, which are also known as anglicisms, are spread across various domains such as fashion, this paper will demonstrate the influence that English has on German, in terms of vocabulary and its adaptation into German language system. This...