
E-marketing u nakladništvu: stavovi i percepcije stanovništva
E-marketing u nakladništvu: stavovi i percepcije stanovništva
Margarita Magjer
Rad ima za cilj istražiti koliko je stanovništvo Osječko – baranjske županije upoznato sa e – marketingom unutar nakladništva, koliko koriste internet u svrhu zadovoljavanja svojih potreba za nakladničkim proizvodima te na koji način percipiraju e – marketing. Informacijsko – komunikacijske tehnologije donose novi način poslovanja organizacija i razvija se novi marketing, nazvan e – marketing. Mnoge tvrtke, među njima i nakladničke kuće, prepoznaju važnost e –...
E-udžbenici u osnovnim i srednjim školama u Hrvatskoj
E-udžbenici u osnovnim i srednjim školama u Hrvatskoj
Nataša Akmačić
Udžbenik je intelektualna i kulturna tvorevina koja predstavlja pojedino društvo. Namijenjen je učenicima i njihovim učiteljima kako bi pomagao u prenošenju znanja. Koncept udžbenika mijenjao se tijekom godina no svrha je ostala ista. Tako se iz tradicionalnog tiskanog udžbenika uz pomoć tehnologije razvila ideja e-udžbenika. Elektronički udžbenik polako dobiva na popularnosti, kako u svijetu tako i u Hrvatskoj. Iako se u Hrvatskoj to odvija na nekoj manjoj razini zbog problema...
E-učenje mladih u zemljama u razvoju
E-učenje mladih u zemljama u razvoju
Ivona Krkač
U radu se govori o važnosti e-učenja i razvoja informacijskog okruženja za zemlje u razvoju. Ako pojedinac želi napredovati, promišljati i razvijati vlastite ideje potrebno mu je osigurati pristup različitim političkim, društvenim i znanstvenim informacijama, ali i omogućiti otvoreno izražavanje uvjerenja, misli i stavova. U radu se ističe problematika sadašnjeg i prošlog stanja e-učenja mladih u zemljama u razvoju, te se pokušava odgovoriti na koji način će se zemlje u...
EFL Learners Attitudes Towards Various English Accents
EFL Learners Attitudes Towards Various English Accents
Iskra Mandarić
This study focuses on EFL learners attitudes towards various English accents because of its importance not just for foreign language learning but also foreign language teaching. The participants are university students, high school students and elementary school students. The results present four important aspects regarding the learners attitudes their attitudes towards speaking with a non-native English accent, pronunciation improvement, teachers accents and also towards some easily...
EFL Learners' Beliefs about Grammar Learning
EFL Learners' Beliefs about Grammar Learning
Nina Hrgović
The paper is an attempt to investigate high school students' beliefs about English language grammar. The first part o the paper is a theoretical overview of learners' beliefs and attitudes and its importance for second language acquisition. It also explores previous research done in the area of learners' beliefs about grammar. The second part is a presentation of research whose aim was to investigate learners' beliefs about grammar, the connection between their beliefs and perception of...
EFL learners' perception of pronunciation instruction
EFL learners' perception of pronunciation instruction
Domagoj Talan
This research study examined the effects of contemporary English as a Foreign language (EFL) teaching on student’s attitudes towards how they’re being taught pronunciation. The research included 145 high school learners from grammar school in Županja, Croatia. The participants were first recorded reading a small text which contained selected phonemes and lexical units, and were then given a questionnaire to fill out. The questionnaire included questions about their age, gender, final...
EFL teachers' attitudes towards vocabulary learning strategies
EFL teachers' attitudes towards vocabulary learning strategies
Marko Feješ
Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) were defined by Catalan (as cited in Vasu & Dhanavel, 2016) as knowledge about the mechanisms used in order to learn vocabulary as well as steps or actions taken by students to find the meaning of unknown words, retain them in long-term memory, recall them at will and use them in oral or written mode. Employing those strategies enables language learners to become more proficient language users and to feel more secure when learning vocabulary. Using...
Edgar Allan Poe's Chevalier Auguste Dupin: Usage of Ratiocination in Fictional Crime Solving
Edgar Allan Poe's Chevalier Auguste Dupin: Usage of Ratiocination in Fictional Crime Solving
Helena Marković
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous American authors of all time. He is best known for works which are a part of the dark romanticism genre. However, his genius did not stop there; Poe is also generally considered as the inventor of detective fiction. Poe’s influence on detective fiction writers is so large that his fictional detective became the prototype for many later ones; most notably Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie’s Hercules Poirot. The character...
Edgar Allan Poe's Gothic Stories
Edgar Allan Poe's Gothic Stories
Anita Jukić
Poe’s stories “Ligeia” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” exemplify the most important features of the gothic genre. In both stories the setting is on a desolate place, in a gothic building, and we know from the beginning of the stories that something horrible will happen. In “Ligeia” it is a gloomy abbey “in one of the wildest and least frequented portions of fair England” (Poe 56) and in “The Fall of the House of Usher” it is a melancholic mansion in a “dreary...
Education in the Harry Potter Series
Education in the Harry Potter Series
Karolina Juretić
The Harry Potter series is, among other things, a story of an educational institution. The aim of this paper is to analyze the education system presented in the series and whether such a system would be deemed acceptable in real life. Teaching and learning activities are a frequent occurrence in the series, which is a mandatory feature of a school narrative. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is just one out of eleven long-established wizarding schools worldwide. Located in Scotland,...
Educational System in Harry Potter Novels
Educational System in Harry Potter Novels
Tea Raič
J.K. Rowling has started her Harry Potter book series with the first book titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone which was published in 1997. After that she has published six other Harry Potter novels, all of which have become best-sellers. The books gained an incredible amount of attention from both children and adults, which has led to numerous book awards, book translations and adaptations, with the first movie being released in 2001. The novels focus on the adventures and...
Edukacija korisnika o zaštiti knjižnične građe
Edukacija korisnika o zaštiti knjižnične građe
Zrinka Šimunić
Tema ovog rada je edukacija korisnika o zaštiti knjižnične građe, a obrađena je na sljedeći način. Nakon uvodnog dijela opisana su fizikalna, kemijska i mehanička oštećenja knjižnične građe te njihovi uzročnici. Pri završetku opisivanja svakog od uzročnika navedena su znanja koja bi korisnici knjižnične građe trebali imati kako bi svakodnevno mogli pridonositi njezinoj zaštiti. Drugi dio rada odnosi se na načine i oblike edukacije koje knjižnice provode o zaštiti...
