Abstract | Cilj je ovog rada ispitati fenomenologiju i istražiti etiologiju problema u ponašanju adolescenata uključenih u institucionalni tretman i adolescenata u općoj populaciji srednjoškolaca u okviru rizično-zaštitnih podsustava ekološkog modela, koji utječu na razvoj, odgoj, obrazovanje i socijalizaciju mladih. U teorijskom dijelu rada opisane su karakteristike adolescencije kao životnog razdoblja i objašnjena je fenomenologija problema u ponašanju adolescenata iz perspektive socijalne pedagogije, gdje su pritom problemi u ponašanju definirani kao središnji pojam koji obuhvaća tri skupine ponašanja: rizična ponašanja, teškoće u ponašanju te poremećaje u ponašanju. Problemi u ponašanju kategorizirani su kao internalizirani i eksternalizirani oblici problema u ponašanju te je objašnjena etiologija problema u ponašanju kroz biološke, psihološke, sociološke i biopsihosocijalne pristupe istraživanju ponašanja mladih. U radu je korištena Bronfenbrennerova teorija ekološkog modela u odgoju i socijalizaciji mladih prema kojoj je najvažnije sagledati i uzeti u obzir kombinaciju individualnih karakteristika pojedinca te intenzitet utjecaja društva i okoline. Prema Bronfenbrennerovom modelu ljudskog razvoja opisani su rizični i zaštitni čimbenici u odgoju i socijalizaciji mladih na svim razinama društvenog ekosustava. U empirijskom dijelu rada analizirani su podatci prikupljeni na uzorku od 455 ispitanika, adolescenata iz opće populacije i adolescenata koji su na području Republike Hrvatske korisnici institucionalnog tretmana – centara za pružanje usluga u zajednici te odgojnih zavoda u Požegi i Turopolju. Prikupljeni podatci uneseni su i obrađeni primjenom statističkog programa za računalnu obradu podataka (SPSS, verzija 26.0), postupcima deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike: t-test za nezavisne uzorke, Mann Whitney test, Kruskal Wallis H test uz post hoc usporedbu, Spearman Rho korelacijska analiza i hijerarhijska regresijska analiza. Rezultatima istraživanja utvrđene su značajne razlike na svim razinama društvenog ekosustava i u problemima u ponašanju s obzirom na sociodemografska obilježja ispitanika. Utvrđena je značajna pozitivna povezanost između problema u ponašanju i niže samoprocjene kvalitete obiteljskih odnosa, između problema u ponašanju i niže samoprocjene kvalitete provođenja slobodnog vremena te značajna povezanost internaliziranih i eksternaliziranih oblika problema u ponašanju. Dobiveni su značajni prediktori problema u ponašanju, među kojima se od sociodemografskih varijabli kao primarni prediktor pokazao školski uspjeh, a od varijabli društvenog ekosustava primarni prediktori su čimbenici iz razine mikrosustava (obitelj, škola, vršnjaci) te makrosustava (vrijednosti). Od varijabli internaliziranih i eksternaliziranih oblika problema u ponašanju kao primarni prediktori ističu se samoprocjena problema lijenosti te samoprocjena problema ovisnosti. Rezultati rada doprinose razumijevanju etiologije i fenomenologije problema u ponašanju kod adolescenata, obogaćujući znanstveni i stručni sadržaj novim saznanjima, a upućuju na višestruke zaštitne i rizične čimbenike višestrukih indikatora problema u ponašanju. Dobiveni rezultati rada mogu doprinijeti spoznajama socijalne pedagogije u boljem razumijevanju zaštitnih i rizičnih čimbenika u odgoju i socijalizaciji mladih. Mogu biti korisni u kreiranju metoda intervencija za rad s mladima i mogu se primijeniti u unapređenju kvalitete odgoja i sustava obrazovanja, socijalne skrbi, obiteljskih centara te penalnih sustava. Djelatnicima u odgojno-obrazovnim sustavima rezultati ovog rada mogu pomoći u pravovremenoj identifikaciji mladih u riziku, a dobivene informacije mogu im koristiti u osmišljavanju i planiranju preventivnih odgojno-obrazovnih strategija i programa vezanih za probleme u ponašanju mladih. Također, dobiveni podatci mogu doprinijeti planiranju strategija vezanih za unaprjeđenje nastavnog procesa, razvoj odgojnih kompetencija nastavnika, roditelja i studenata svih nastavničkih smjerova te oblikovanju školskih kurikuluma. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to examine the phenomenology and investigate the etiology of behavioral problems of adolescents involved in institutional treatment and adolescents in the general population of high school students within the framework of the risk-protective subsystems of the ecological model, which affect development, upbringing, education and socialization. In the theoretical part of the work, the characteristics of adolescence as a period of life are described and the phenomenology of adolescent behavioral problems is explained from the perspective of social pedagogy, where behavioral problems are defined as a central concept that includes three groups of behaviors: risky behaviors, behavioral difficulties, and behavioral disorders. Behavioral problems are categorized as internalized and externalized forms of behavioral problems, and the etiology of behavioral problems is explained through biological, psychological, sociological and biopsychosocial approaches to the research of youth behavior. The paper uses Bronfenbrenner's theory of the ecological model in the upbringing and socialization of young people, according to which it is most important to look at and take into account the combination of the person's individual characteristics and the intensity of the influence of society and the environment. According to Bronfenbrenner's model of human development, risk and protective factors in the upbringing and socialization of young people at all levels of the social ecosystem are presented. In the empirical part of the work, data collected from a sample of 455 respondents, adolescents from the general population and adolescents who are beneficiaries of institutional treatment in the Republic of Croatia - community service centers and educational institutes in Požega and Turopolj were analyzed. The collected data were entered and processed using a statistical program for computer data processing (SPSS, version 26.0), descriptive and inferential statistics procedures - t-test for independent samples, Mann Whitney test, Kruskal Wallis H test with post hoc comparison, Spearman Rho correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The results of the research revealed significant differences at all levels of the social ecosystem and in behavioral problems with regard to the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents. A significant positive correlation was found between behavioral problems and lower self-assessment of the quality of family relationships. Also, a significant positive correlation was found between behavior problems and lower self-assessment of the quality of spending free time. A significant connection between internalized and externalized behavioral problems was also established. Significant predictors of behavioral problems were obtained, among which school success was the primary predictor of the sociodemographic variables, and factors from the microsystem (family, school, peers) and macrosystem (values) were the primary predictors of the social ecosystem variables. Of the variables of internalized and externalized forms of behavioral problems, the primary predictors were the self-assessment of the problem of laziness and the self-assessment of the problem of addiction. The results of the work contribute to the understanding of the etiology and phenomenology of behavioral problems in adolescents, enriching the scientific and professional content with new knowledge, and point to multiple protective and risk factors of multiple indicators of behavioral problems. The obtained work results can contribute to the knowledge of social pedagogy in a better understanding of protective and risk factors in the upbringing and socialization of young people. They can be useful in creating intervention methods for working with young people and can be applied in improving the quality of education systems, social welfare, family centers and penal systems. The results of this work can help employees in educational systems in the timely identification of young people at risk, and the information obtained can help them design and plan preventive educational strategies and programs related to problems in the behavior of young people. Also, the obtained data can contribute to the planning of strategies related to the improvement of the teaching process, the development of the educational competencies of teachers, parents and students of all teaching majors, and the design of school curricula. |